Guillottine is a simple guillottine problem solver.
Written in Object Pascal language (objfpc), to compile the source code FPC (min. 3.0.0RC) and Lazarus (svn) are required.
- Basic GUI
- Save the picture of the solution
- SimpleSolver
- More or less based on: url (however the current solver couldn't find the layout presented in Figure 4.)
- With some basic heuristics
- Supports rotatable pieces
- Supports multiple spaces (sheets)
- Save list of pieces/spaces to csv file
- Implement better solver algorithms? (article)
- Support for more solvers
- E.g. solvers with multicore CPU support, etc.
- Solvers as separate binaries / dlls?
- Translations
- Result display improvements:
- Other (preferably vector) formats (good fpc pdf package?)
- Legend / scale
- Store and display best non-solution (e.g. with highest area coverage)
MIT License