This adapter for WebThings Gateway allows to use awesome zigbee2mqtt project to support lots of zigbee devices, even on a cheap cc2531
usb stick zigbee dongle.
This addon uses the "exposes" feature of Zigbee2MQTT, so in theory it supports all the devices that Zigbee2MQTT supports. You can find the list of supported devices here:
This addon is able to 'generically' handle Zigbee devices, so there is no need to manually add support for new devices anymore. However, while this is done automatically, in some rare cases it may be worthwhile to have this addon support a device more specifically. For those cases the devices.js
file may be used. You can add specific devices to it like this:
'lumi.sensor_magnet': {
name: 'Xiaomi Magnet Contact Sensor',
'@type': ['BinarySensor'],
properties: {
battery: {
type: 'integer',
unit: 'percent',
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
readOnly: true,
linkquality: {
type: 'integer',
readOnly: true,
contact: {
type: 'boolean',
'@type': 'BooleanProperty',
readOnly: true,
You can install this addon by simply selecting it in the WebThings Gateway. After adding it, it will need 30 minutes to fully install itself. Please give it some time.
Alternatively, you can install it manually:
Download the addon
git clone ~/.webthings/addons/zigbee2mqtt-adapter
Go to the addon folder
cd ~/.webthings/addons/zigbee2mqtt-adapter
Get the addon to download the software it depends on
npm install
Optional: combine the now complete software into a package
npm pack
Then, reboot the WebThings gateway.
"Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port" means that something else is using your USB stick. Make sure you disable the other Zigbee addon.
"Cannot find module". We're not sure what causes this yet, but make sure you give the addon at least 30 minutes to install itself.
If you want to fully uninstall the addon:
- remove the addon in the interface
- run this command using the Seashell addon:
rm -rf ~/.webthings/data/zigbee2mqtt-adapter
- reboot
Before a manual installation you may want to update NPM, the package manager for NodeJS
npm install -g npm