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❗ Please note this project is deprecated, please see Kaltura Player for Android.

Build Status

Player SDK Native Android

Note: A new version of the Kaltura Player SDK (V3) will be available for beta very soon. The new SDK is fully native and introduces significant performance improvements.

If you are planning to begin a new project based on the SDK, you may want to wait for the new version.

The Kaltura player-sdk-native component enables embedding the kaltura player into native environments. This enables full HTML5 player platform, without limitations of HTML5 video tag API in Android platforms. Currently for Android this enables:

  • Inline playback with HTML controls ( disable controls during ads etc. )
  • Widevine DRM support
  • AutoPlay
  • Volume Control
  • Full feature set for themes and plugins
  • HLS Playback

For a full list of native embed advantages see native controls table within the player toolkit basic usage guide.

The Kaltura player-sdk-native component can be embedded into both native apps, and hybrid native apps ( via standard dynamic embed syntax )

Future support will include:

  • PlayReady DRM
  • Multiple stream playback
  • Offline viewing

Architecture Overview

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Quick Start Guide

1. git clone to the same folder of your app.
2. Add reference to PlayerSDK module from your project:

#####Select settings.gradle and add:

include ':googlemediaframework'
project(':googlemediaframework').projectDir=new File('../player-sdk-native-android/googlemediaframework')

include ':playerSDK'
project(':playerSDK').projectDir=new File('../player-sdk-native-android/playerSDK')

#####Right click on your app folder ->Open Module Settings.

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#####Select Dependencies tab -> click on the + button and choos the playerSDK module: alt text

Now, you are linked to the playerSDK by reference. Be sure that you cloned the playerSDK to the same folder of your project.

Make sure that you cloned the player-sdk-native-android project to the same folder of your project, if you prefer to clone it else where, you should update the settings.gradle.

API Overview

###Loading Kaltura player into Fragment - OVP:

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Inflate the layout for this fragment
        if(mFragmentView == null) {
            mFragmentView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_fullscreen, container, false);

        mPlayerView = (PlayerViewController) mFragmentView.findViewById(;

        KPPlayerConfig config = new  KPPlayerConfig("", "26698911", "1831271");
        mPlayerView.initWithConfiguration(config);        mPlayerView.addEventListener(new KPEventListener() {
            public void onKPlayerStateChanged(PlayerViewController playerViewController, KPlayerState state) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", state.toString());

            public void onKPlayerPlayheadUpdate(PlayerViewController playerViewController, float currentTime) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", Float.toString(currentTime));

            public void onKPlayerFullScreenToggeled(PlayerViewController playerViewController, boolean isFullscreen) {
                Log.d("KPlayer toggeled", Boolean.toString(isFullscreen));
        return mFragmentView;

###Loading Kaltura player into Fragment - OTT:

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Inflate the layout for this fragment
        if(mFragmentView == null) {
            mFragmentView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_fullscreen, container, false);

        mPlayerView = (PlayerViewController) mFragmentView.findViewById(;
        KPPlayerConfig config = null;
        try {
              config = KPPlayerConfig.fromJSONObject(new JSONObject(getConfigJson("123","456","tvpapi_000")));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

        mPlayerView.initWithConfiguration(config);        mPlayerView.addEventListener(new KPEventListener() {
            public void onKPlayerStateChanged(PlayerViewController playerViewController, KPlayerState state) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", state.toString());

            public void onKPlayerPlayheadUpdate(PlayerViewController playerViewController, float currentTime) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", Float.toString(currentTime));

            public void onKPlayerFullScreenToggeled(PlayerViewController playerViewController, boolean isFullscreen) {
                Log.d("KPlayer toggeled", Boolean.toString(isFullscreen));
        return mFragmentView;

    public String getConfigJson(String mediaID, String uiConfID, String tvpApi) {
     String json = "{\n" +
             "  \"base\": {\n" +
             "    \"server\": \"\",\n" +
             "    \"partnerId\": \"\",\n" +
             "    \"uiConfId\": \"" + uiConfID + "\",\n" +
             "    \"entryId\": \"" + mediaID + "\"\n" +
             "  },\n" +
             "  \"extra\": {\n" +
             "    \"controlBarContainer.hover\": true,\n" +
             "    \"controlBarContainer.plugin\": true,\n" +
             "    \n" +
             "    \"liveCore.disableLiveCheck\": true,\n" +
             "    \"tvpapiGetLicensedLinks.plugin\": true,\n" +
             "    \"TVPAPIBaseUrl\": \"\",\n" +
             "    \"proxyData\": {\n";

//        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2 /*4.3*/) {
//            json = json + "\"config\": {\n" +
//                    "                                    \"flavorassets\": {\n" +
//                    "                                        \"filters\": {\n" +
//                    "                                            \"include\": {\n" +
//                    "                                                \"Format\": [\n" +
//                    "                                                    \"dash Main\"\n" +
//                    "                                                ]\n" +
//                    "                                            }\n" +
//                    "                                        }\n" +
//                    "                                    }\n" +
//                    "                                },";
//        }
     json = json + "      \"MediaID\": \"" + mediaID + "\",\n" +
             "      \"iMediaID\": \"" + mediaID + "\",\n" +
             "      \"mediaType\": \"0\",\n" +
             "      \"picSize\": \"640x360\",\n" +
             "      \"withDynamic\": \"false\",\n" +
             "      \"initObj\": {\n" +
             "        \"ApiPass\": \"11111\",\n" +
             "        \"ApiUser\": \"" + tvpApi + "\",\n" +
             "        \"DomainID\": 0,\n" +
             "        \"Locale\": {\n" +
             "            \"LocaleCountry\": \"null\",\n" +
             "            \"LocaleDevice\": \"null\",\n" +
             "            \"LocaleLanguage\": \"null\",\n" +
             "            \"LocaleUserState\": \"Unknown\"\n" +
             "        },\n" +
             "        \"Platform\": \"Cellular\",\n" +
             "        \"SiteGuid\": \"\",\n" +
             "        \"UDID\": \"aa5e1b6c96988d68\"\n" +
             "      }\n" +
             "    }\n" +
             "  }\n" +
     return json;

###Fetching duration: For fetching the duration of a video, the player must be in READY state:

mPlayerView.addEventListener(new KPEventListener() {
            public void onKPlayerStateChanged(PlayerViewController playerViewController, KPlayerState state) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", state.toString());
                if (state == KPlayerState.READY) {
                    Log.d("Duration", Double.toString(playerViewController.getDurationSec()) );

            public void onKPlayerPlayheadUpdate(PlayerViewController playerViewController, float currentTime) {
                Log.d("KPlayer State Changed", Float.toString(currentTime));

            public void onKPlayerFullScreenToggeled(PlayerViewController playerViewController, boolean isFullscreen) {
                Log.d("KPlayer toggeled", Boolean.toString(isFullscreen));

DEMO - Better Than Words

You can check out our demo which will help you to better understand our SDK: Kaltura Demos

License and Copyright Information

All player-sdk-native-ios code is released under the AGPLv3 unless a different license for a particular library is specified in the applicable library path