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Entity framework data manager

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To install the package run the following command on the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package EFDM.Core


You can find working example in EFDM.Test.* projects in Test folder

Base entities

Inherit own entities from EFDM.Core.Models.Domain

public class Group : DictIntDeletableEntity
	public int TypeId { get; set; }
	public virtual GroupType Type { get; set; }
	public virtual ICollection<GroupUser> Users { get; set; }

Query entities

public class GroupQuery : DictIntDeletableDataQuery<Group>
	public int[] UserIds { get; set; }
	public int[] TypeIds { get; set; }

	public override IQueryFilter<Group> ToFilter() {
		var and = new QueryFilter<Group>();

		if (UserIds?.Any() == true)
			and.Add(x => x.Users.Any(xx => UserIds.Contains(xx.UserId)));

		if (TypeIds?.Any() == true)
			and.Add(x => TypeIds.Contains(x.TypeId));

		return base.ToFilter().Add(and);

Domain entity service

Create domain service class for entity

public class GroupService : DomainServiceBase<Group, GroupQuery, int, IRepository<Group, int>>, IGroupService
    readonly IRepository<User, int> UserRepo;

    public GroupService(
        IRepository<User, int> userRepo,
        IRepository<Group, int> repository,
        ILogger logger
    ) : base(repository, logger)

        UserRepo = userRepo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userRepo));

    public async Task AddUser(int groupId, int userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        Group group = await GetByIdAsync(groupId, false, null, cancellationToken);

        User user = (await UserRepo.FetchAsync(new UserQuery
            Ids = new[] { userId },
            IsDeleted = false,
            Includes = new[] { nameof(User.Groups) },
            Take = 1
        }, true, cancellationToken)).First();

        if (user.Groups.Any(e => e.GroupId == groupId))

        user.Groups.Add(new GroupUser { GroupId = groupId, UserId = userId });
        await UserRepo.SaveAsync(user, cancellationToken);

    public async Task RemoveUser(int groupId, int userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        Group group = await GetByIdAsync(groupId, false, null, cancellationToken);

        User user = (await UserRepo.FetchAsync(new UserQuery
            Ids = new[] { userId },
            Includes = new[] { nameof(User.Groups) },
            Take = 1
        }, false, cancellationToken)).FirstOrDefault();

        GroupUser groupUser = user?.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.GroupId == groupId);
        if (groupUser == null)

        await UserRepo.SaveAsync(user, cancellationToken);

Database context

Create own database context class inherited from EFDM.Core.DAL.Providers.EFDMDatabaseContext

public class TestDatabaseContext : EFDMDatabaseContext
    #region fields & properties

    public override int ExecutorId { get; protected set; } = UserValues.SystemId;

    #region dbsets

    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }    
    public DbSet<Group> Groups { get; set; }
    public DbSet<GroupUser> GroupUsers { get; set; }

    #endregion dbsets

    #endregion fields & properties

    #region constructors

    public TestDatabaseContext(DbContextOptions<TestDatabaseContext> options,
        ILoggerFactory factory = null, IAuditSettings auditSettings = null,
        Action<ModelConfigurationBuilder> conventionsAction = null)
        : base(options, factory, auditSettings, conventionsAction)

    public TestDatabaseContext(string connectionString, IAuditSettings auditSettings = null,
        Action<ModelConfigurationBuilder> conventionsAction = null)
        : base(connectionString, auditSettings, conventionsAction)

    #endregion constructors

    #region context config

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)

        foreach (var entityType in builder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
            builder.ApplyConfiguration<IAuditableUserEntity>(typeof(AuditableUserEntityConfig<>), entityType.ClrType);

    protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)
        if (ConventionsAction != null)

    #endregion context config

    #region audit config

    public override void InitAuditMapping()
        // see below

    #endregion audit config

Audit entities creation in database context

Configure audit entities creation in own database context by overriding InitAuditMapping method

public override void InitAuditMapping()
    Auditor.Map<GroupUser, AuditGroupEvent, AuditGroupProperty>(
        (auditEvent, entry, eventEntity) =>
            eventEntity.ObjectId = entry.GetEntry().Entity.GetPropValue($"{nameof(GroupUser.GroupId)}").ToString();
    Auditor.Map<Group, AuditGroupEvent, AuditGroupProperty>(
        (auditEvent, entry, eventEntity) =>
            eventEntity.ObjectId = entry.GetEntry().Entity.GetPropValue("Id").ToString();
    Auditor.Map<TaskAnswer, AuditTaskAnswerEvent, AuditTaskAnswerProperty>(
        (auditEvent, entry, eventEntity) =>
            eventEntity.ObjectId = entry.GetEntry().Entity.GetPropValue("Id").ToString();
    Auditor.SetEventCommonAction<IAuditEventBase<long>>(async (auditEvent, entry, eventEntity) =>
        eventEntity.ActionId = entry.Action;
        eventEntity.CreatedById = ExecutorId;
        eventEntity.ObjectType = entry.EntityType.Name;
        eventEntity.Created = DateTimeOffset.Now;

        await AddAsync(eventEntity);
        await BaseSaveChangesAsync();

        Func<IAuditPropertyBase<long, long>> createPropertyEntity = () =>
            var res = Activator.CreateInstance(Auditor.GetPropertyType(entry.EntityType)) as IAuditPropertyBase<long, long>;
            res.AuditId = eventEntity.Id;
            return res;
        switch (entry.Action)
            case AuditStateActionVals.Insert:
                foreach (var columnVal in entry.ColumnValues)
                    var propertyEntity = createPropertyEntity();
                    propertyEntity.Name = columnVal.Key;
                    propertyEntity.NewValue = Convert.ToString(columnVal.Value);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyEntity.Name))
                        await AddAsync(propertyEntity);
                        await BaseSaveChangesAsync();
            case AuditStateActionVals.Delete:
                foreach (var columnVal in entry.ColumnValues)
                    var propertyEntity = createPropertyEntity();
                    propertyEntity.Name = columnVal.Key;
                    propertyEntity.OldValue = Convert.ToString(columnVal.Value);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyEntity.Name))
                        await AddAsync(propertyEntity);
                        await BaseSaveChangesAsync();
            case AuditStateActionVals.Update:
                foreach (var change in entry.Changes)
                    var propertyEntity = createPropertyEntity();
                    propertyEntity.Name = change.ColumnName;
                    propertyEntity.NewValue = Convert.ToString(change.NewValue);
                    propertyEntity.OldValue = Convert.ToString(change.OriginalValue);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyEntity.Name))
                        await AddAsync(propertyEntity);
                        await BaseSaveChangesAsync();

Configure database audit for entities & properties

On database context creation configure audit for entities & properties

 var auditSettings = new AuditSettings() 
	Enabled = true,
	IncludedTypes = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, byte>() 
		[typeof(Group)] = 1,
		[typeof(GroupUser)] = 1,
		[typeof(TaskAnswer)] = 1
	ExcludedTypeStateActions = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, List<int>>() 
		[typeof(Group)] = new List<int>() { AuditStateActionVals.Insert }                    
	IgnoredTypeProperties = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, HashSet<string>>(),
	OnlyIncludedTypeProperties = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, HashSet<string>>()
auditSettings.IgnoredTypeProperties.TryAdd(typeof(Group), new HashSet<string>()
auditSettings.OnlyIncludedTypeProperties.TryAdd(typeof(TaskAnswer), new HashSet<string>() {

services.AddScoped(provider => new TestDatabaseContext(
	GetDbOptions(provider, configuration), provider.GetService<ILoggerFactory>(), auditSettings)
services.AddScoped<EFDMDatabaseContext>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<TestDatabaseContext>());


You can find examples in Sample folder EFDM.Sample.TestConsole project


entity framework data manager






