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ErikS-web edited this page Dec 26, 2024 · 49 revisions


to Kamil's manual for NUNU-firmware for UV-K5 series.

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This is a hobby project. A fun and voluntary job to create beautiful functionality with the radio. The functionality is created with software (firmware) that controls hardware components.

These are the ideas and insights from this development project and they are shared so that not only we but also you can enjoy the possibilities that arise.

** Thanks you for the positive responses, ideas and participation **

Not all wishes are feasible or suitable for this project because there is always the limit of 60Kb in which everything must fit. There are several firmware projects with different choices and functionality for this radio.

That also means that everything is not right the first time. And the sources, documentation, etc. have limitations. The radio also has limitations (that's why it costs so little), but with creativity you can create a lot of beautiful things. Sometimes things cannot be better, or it is not yet clear how things can be done differently.

We ENJOY and SHARE this hobby