With this example we'll share how can we build a sample .NET Core application running in Docker and test it using Apache JMeter running in Docker.
In Kamstrup we are working with Docker, .NET Core and JMeter and we'll share many tips from our professional experience.
This code accompanies a Meetup session for learning and is not intended for the wild!
Here bellow we can read a quick overview of the content and in each folder there is a README.md explaining more details
- Visual Studio
- Docker desktop
Click here to follow the Docker Swarm Lab where you will find the instructions in the README.md file to spin up three replicas of a .NET Core 2.2 Web API.
In this example we are going to show use the basic DotnetCore WebApi Template application.
The sample application used is the basic DotNetCore WebApi template and we'll just use the bellow Values Controller.
This tutorial we'll show how to run a .Net Core Heat Meter Web Api AspNetCore application in Docker.
Here we can see the code structure related with Docker
You can either download the Docker image from our public Docker Hub repository
docker pull kamstrupmalaga/heatmeterwebapi
...or building it locally after cloning the Git repository in the next step.
Open a console window and navigate to the path where the Dockerfile
docker build --tag heatmeterwebapi .
Verify that the image has been built successfully by:
docker images
heatmeterwebapi latest 0f0c49baaca2 5 minutes ago 260MB
docker tag 0f0c49baaca2 kamstrupmalaga/heatmeterwebapi:latest
docker login --username dockerhub_username --password ******
docker push kamstrupmalaga/heatmeterwebapi:latest
docker run --name heatmeterwebapi --rm -it -p 8000:80 heatmeterwebapi
Content root path: /app
Now listening on: http://[::]:80
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/api/values
to see it working. You should get the following HTTP 200 OK response:
[ "value1", "value2" ]
We are going to test the .Net Core Web Api application running JMeter test in a Docker Container
We are going to build a docker image with the dependencies required to run JMeter
We are going to show how to create some simple JMeter test
Run the test from the Docker Jmeter Container