Live Deployment: Still in development
Banter - a realtime chat application built in Django, Vue, MySQL, Redis, and Docker.
- WebSockets utilizing Redis, Django Channels, and the WebSocket API
- Used Django ORM and MySQL to setup the database
- Setup the development environment utilizing a complex Docker setup
- Production pipeline handled through Docker
- Frontend using TailwindCSS and Vue Composition API
Clone the repo and cd
into the directory
git clone
cd banter
Copy the example.env
cp example.env .env
Run the Docker Compose file
docker compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f up
Try setting up an alias if you're using this often (for whatever reason haha)
alias banter="docker compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f up"
Now you can view the project on localhost:4173
This is a personal project meant to learn, and isn't meant to be expanded! But if you find this useful for whatever reason, feel free to fork it to your own repo!