Started on 13 July,2020
Solves various Math Problems along with Steps
- Speed
- No Server-side Interactions
- Complex Calculations within a few ms(milliseconds)
Other Tech/Libraries
- nerdamer for solving various Calculations
- plotly.js by Math.js for plotting Graphs
- KaTeX for typesetting Math
- Bootstrap for UI
- jQuery for UI Toggling actions
- SideNav from MaterializeCSS for touch friendly SideNav only
- Flaticons for Icons
- eMathHelp for Calculus Steps
- Numbers API for facts about numbers
Inbuilt Calculator
- Regular Calculations
- Scientific Calculations
- Fraction/Decimal Answer
Linear Algebra
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Euclid Geometry (Axioms and Postulates)
- Operations on Sets
- Sets,Relations and Functions
- Matrix (with Steps)
- Transpose
- Minors and Co-Factors
- Determinant with Laplace(Upto 5×5)
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Propeties of Matrices and Determinants
- Sum of Nterms of an Arithmetic Progession
- Sum of Nterms of an Geometric Progession
- Mean Calculator
- Arithmetic Mean
- Geometric Mean
- Harmonic Mean
Conic Section
- Parabola
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Transformation of Functions
- Integration + Limits
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Integration Formulas
- Differentiation + Higher Order
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Differentiation Formulas
- Partial Differentiation
- Solution/Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Differential Equations
- Maxima and Minima of functions
- Beta Gamma Functions
- Laplace + Inverse Laplace
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Tangent and Normal
- Vector Calculus
- Convergence and Divergence of Series
- Finding sides of a right triangle (provided any two)
- Trigonometric Values
- Trigonometric Identities
- Inverse Trigonometric Identities
- General Solution of Trigonometric Equations
- Expansion of Functions
- Solution of Triangles
General Maths (with Steps)
- Upto 20 numbers
- Calculating Factors of each number and picking common out of them
- Factors
- Prime Factorization ( with steps for single number)
- Profit Loss Calculations
- Statistics Formulas
- Log Calculator
- Calculates the log of x to the base y
- Log Properties
- Operations on Fractions
- Multiplication Table
- Prints Multiplication Table
- Divide
- Division
- Divisibility Checker
- Multiplication with Steps
- Rounding off numbers
- EMI Calculator
- GST Calculator
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Factorial
- Permutation & Combination
- Mean/Median/Mode
- Prime Numbers
- Primality Test
- Primes till entered number
Basic Convertors
- Currency Convertor
- Conversion to words (eg. '243' to 'two hundred and forty three only')
- Unit Convertor
- Length
- Area
- Volume
- Mass
- Temperature
- Time
- Angle
- Speed
- Data
- SPI/CGPA Convertor
- Ascending and Descending Order
- Date
- Roman/Arabic Numerals
- Conversion from Roman to Arabic and vice versa
- Expanding the Arabic numbers (eg. '2423' to '2000+400+20+3')
- Expanding the Roman numbers (eg. 'CIV' to 'C+IV')
- Currency Convertor
Graphs & Shapes
- Plot Graph
- Plots a Graph of entered Equation having single variable 'x'
- Plot Angle
- Properties of Parallel Lines
- Coordinate Systems
- Curve Tracing
- Shapes Calculator + Written formulas
- Square
- Rectangle
- Rhombus
- Equilateral Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle
- Right-angled Triangle
- Scalene Triangle
- Circle
- Semi-Circle
- Kite
- Line
- Trapezium
- Ellipse
- Parallelogram
- Tetrahedron
- 3D Shapes Calculator
- Cube
- Cuboid
- Cylinder
- Cone
- Sphere
- Hollow Cylinder
- Hollow Sphere
- Hemisphere
- Prism
- Torus
- Volume, CSA, TSA
- Congruence and Similarity of Triangles
- Plot Graph
- Algebraic Equations Formulas
- Roots of Quadratic Equation
- Location of Roots
- Play with Equations (without Steps)
- Simplify Equation
- Expand Equation
- Solve value of variables of multiple inputted equations
Binary Calculations
- Boolean Algebra
- Any Base to Any Base Converter
- Decimal/Binary Converter
- Addition of any Number System
- Decimal/Binary/Hexadecimal Converter
- Decimal/BCD Converter
- BCD Code Addition
- Excess-3 Code Converter
- Octal/Binary Converter
- Grey Code Converter
- Bitwise Calculator
- (R-1)'s & R's Complement Calculator
Complex Numbers
- Operations for 1 complex number
- Magnitude
- Argument
- Conjugate
- Square Root
- Polar Representation
- Euler Representation
- Operations for 2 complex numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Operations for 1 complex number
- Empirical Probability
- Joint Probability
- Bayes Probability Theorem
Documentation Website :- Link
- To add more useful calculators to solve Math problems along with steps
- To show steps of Integration, Differentiation, Laplace, Partial Differentiation rather than showing on eMathHelp website by redirecting to it
- Improving the UI
- Adding Image/Handwriting recognition so that user can click/write a problem and converted to text for further processing
Feel free to come up with new ideas yourself.
If you think that you can add a new feature or want to fix a bug. We invite you to contribute to MakesMathEasy and make this project better. To start contributing, follow the below instructions:
Create a folder at your desire location (usually at your desktop).
Open Git Bash Here
Create a Git repository.
Run command
git init
Fork the repository.
Clone your forked repository of project.
git clone<your_username>/MakesMathEasy.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd MakesMathEasy
- Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.
git remote add upstream
- Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
- Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your main branch to keep it updated as per the main project repository.
git pull upstream main
- Create a new branch(prefer a branch name that relates to your assigned issue).
git checkout -b <YOUR_BRANCH_NAME>
Perform your desired changes to the code base.
Check your changes.
git status
git diff
- Stage your changes.
git add . <\files_that_you_made_changes>
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "relavant message"
- Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repository.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
To create a pull request, click on
compare and pull requests
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Add appropriate title and description to your PR explaining your changes.
Click on
Create pull request
Congratulations🎉, you have made a PR to the MakesMathEasy. Wait for your submission to be accepted and your PR to be merged by a maintainer.
If you have any doubts please let us know in the comments.
- Rajinderpal Singh (Admin)
- Shrey Tripathi (Mentor)
- Apeksha Manchanda (Mentor)
- Nidhi (Mentor)
Thanks to these wonderful peoples ✨✨: