jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc). Get started at
- Works with any content (tables, lists, div elements etc...)
- Ascending and descending sorting
- Alphanumeric and numeric sorting
- Sorting by date and time
- Auto pagination
- Any number of textbox filters
- Any number of drop down filters
- Checkbox and radio button filters
- Data sources: PHP + MySQL, ASP.NET + Sql Server, PHP + SQLite
- Supports local storage and cookies
- Grid/list view demo page
- Fully customizable styles
- Works in all major browsers
- SEO friendly
- Annotated source code
- Solid documentation
###Layout Examples
- DIVs Layout Demo - demo with DIV elements and all default actions like sort, pagination, etc.
- Table Demo 1 - demo with all default actions like sort, pagination, etc. in TABLE
- Table Demo 2 - table with header and alternating rows with different colors
- 2 Tables on the Page - demo with 2 tables on the page and all default actions like sort, pagination, etc.
- UL LI Demo - unordered list demo with all default actions like sort, pagination, etc. Added views control.
- Views Control (List, Grid and Thumbs Views) - demo with control that switches between views: list, grid or thumbs
- Demo With Sticky Panel - demo with sticky panel
- PHP + MySQL Example - server side demo using PHP and MySQL database
- PHP + MySQL + JSON + Handlebars Example - server side demo using PHP, MySQL database with JSON format and Handlebars Template
- PHP + MySQL + JSON + Mustache Example - server side demo using PHP, MySQL database with JSON format and Mustache Template
- PHP + MySQL + XML + XSLT Example - server side demo using PHP, MySQL database with XML format and XSLT Template
- ASP.NET and SQL Server Demo - server side demo using ASP.NET and SQL Server database
- PHP + SQLite Example - server side demo using PHP and SQLite database
###Actions Examples
- Dropdown Filters With UL/LI - filter by jQuery path dropdown with UL/LI layout
- Dropdown Filters With SELECT - filter by jQuery path dropdown with SELECT layout
- Double Sort Demo - example with double sorting
- Deep Linking Demo - page state controlled by URL
- Pagination Only Demo - demo page with pagination control only
- Google Style Pagination
- Pagination Without "Items per Page" Dropdown
- Hidden Sort (Default Sort Control)
###Toggle Filters by jQuery Path
- Checkbox Filters - filter by jQuery path using group of checkboxes. OR logic inside group, AND logic between different groups
- Radio Button Filters - filter by jQuery path with radio buttons
- Button Filters - filter by jQuery path with BUTTON elements
- Button Filters Group - filter by jQuery path using group of elements like SPAN, INPUT, etc. OR logic inside group, AND logic between different groups
- Button Filters Group (Single Mode) - button filters group when only one button can be selected at the same time
- Button Filters and Counters - filter by jQuery path with SPAN elements and counter controls
- Range Filter - range filter by jQuery path with any element (SPAN, INPUT, etc.)
###Toggle Filters by Text
- Checkbox Text Filter - filter by checkboxes text values. OR logic inside group, AND logic between different groups
- Button Text Filter - filter by text using any elements like SPAN, INPUT etc.
- Button Text Filter Group - filter by text using any elements like SPAN, INPUT etc. OR logic inside group, AND logic between different groups
###jPList with jQuery UI
- Range Slider - jQuery UI range slider
- Date Picker Filter - jQuery UI date picker
###DateTime Examples
- DateTime 1 - {day}.{month}.{year}
- DateTime 2 - {month} {day}, {year} {hour}:{min}:{sec}
- DateTime 3 - {month} {day}, {year}
###Other Examples
- Fade Animation - example page of fade animation in jPList
- jPList with Fancybox - example of jPList with lightbox
- Large Amount of Data - demo with 1000 items on the page
###Browser Compatibility
- Internet Explorer 8+
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
###jQuery Compatibility
- Works with jQuery from version 1.7
- Works with jQuery 2.x versions
- For non-commercial, personal, or open source projects and applications, you may use jPList for free under the terms of the GPL V3 License.
- If your project generates any type of income, e.g. sells products, ads, services or just represents a commercial company, you should get a commercial license at