- JDK 1.8
- Higher than Netbeans 1.8
- Finding bugs
- Creating a report from the bugs that is found.
- Send report via e-mail.
- Referance Equality: Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality
- Division by Zero: Division by integer literal zero
- Switch Case Break: This method contains a switch case statement where one case branch will fall through to the next case.
- Default Case Missing: This method detects a switch case statement's default case is implemented or not
- Equals No Hash Code: This class overrides equals(Object), but does not override hashCode(). Therefore, the class may violate the invariant that equal objects must have equal hashcodes.
- Hash Code No Equals: This class defines a hashCode() method but not an equals() method. Therefore, the class may violate the invariant that equal objects must have equal hashcodes.
- Error
- Warning
- Suggestion