- Install Conda
- Trained using RockyLinux and NVIDIA A100
- Create conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Training CLI in training.py
- To choose size of batch, data dir, for zero padding pad
--datamodule_hparams "{'batch_size': 63, 'data_dir' : '/tmp', 'pad':0}"
- For more details see training.py
- Parameters are optimized for Wandb Sweeps, see examples in: data/sweeps.
conda activate h-next
Each architecture design is represented by the best model of 10 runs and how to train them is listed bellow:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetBackbone"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetBackbone" --backbone_hparams "{'circular_masking':True}"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetBackbone" --backbone_hparams "{'maximum_order': 1, 'circular_masking':True, 'in_channels':3}" --datamodule_name "cifar10-rot-test"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetBackbone" --backbone_hparams "{'maximum_order': 2, 'circular_masking':True, 'in_channels':3, 'nf1':32, 'nf2':64, 'nf3':128}" --datamodule_name "cifar10-rot-test"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetWideBackbone" --classnet_name "ZernikeProtypePooling" --datamodule_name "cifar10-rot-test"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python training.py --backbone_name "UpscaleHnetWideBackbone" --backbone_hparams "{'model_str' : 'B-8-MP,B-16' }" --classnet_name "TransformerPooling" --datamodule_name "cifar10-rot-test"
- Artifacts of models are listed in data/models, and divided according to datasets.
- How to load and test model see testing.ipynb.
- For SWN-GCN evaluation same models as for mnist-rot-test and cifar10-rot-test were used, thus their training datasets are equal.
When using our datasets, they will be downloaded automatically see: custom_datasets.py Direct links:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/miniconda3/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"