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Creating Themes

Karolis Koncevičius edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Simplest way is to obtain a default list of values and change them.

Here is an example of creating a grey-ish theme:

pars <- basetheme("default")
pars$palette <- c("black", grey.colors(8))  # numbered colors - shades of grey
pars$bg  <- "white"                         # some colors
pars$fg  <- "gray20"                        # some colors
pars$col <- "gray20"                        # some colors
pars$col.main <- "black"                    # some colors
pars$col.axis <- "gray20"                   # some colors
pars$col.lab  <- "gray20"                   # some colors
pars$family   <-  "mono"                    # change font
pars$lab      <-  c(10,10,7)                # more ticks on axes
pars$cex.axis <-  0.8                       # smaller axis labels
pars$las      <-  1                         # always horizontal axis labels
pars$rect.border <- "black"                 # box around the plot
pars$rect.lwd    <- 4                       # ticker border


barplot(1:9, col=1:9, names=LETTERS[1:9], main="barplot", ylab="heights")


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