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pluggable apps howto

kashifpk edited this page Dec 29, 2011 · 1 revision

Pluggable application in PyCK

Pluggable apps are just like normal pyck (or pyramid) project with a few modifications. Scaffolds for generating a pluggable application structure will be coming shortly. For the time being, this page describes how a pluggable application needs to behave to be able to successfully integrated into a PyCK project with minimal effort.

Implement application_routes function in

Taking a blog app as an example, in your app's, implement a function like:

def application_routes(config):
    config.add_route('blog.home', '/')
    config.add_route('blog.about', '/about')

    config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600)

And in your main project's you can add the routes from this application using:

config.include(application_routes, route_prefix='/blog')

This takes care of accessing your app correctly from within the main project.

Implement a populate_app function to your app's scripts/ script

This function will be called by the main project's populate script to automatically add tables and records for the app to the project's database:

def populate_app(engine, db_session):
with transaction.manager:
    model = Post('Test', 'Just testing')