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RSteenson committed Oct 3, 2018
1 parent 9dcf7f6 commit 5b4fc7d
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Showing 4 changed files with 80 additions and 53 deletions.
15 changes: 2 additions & 13 deletions R/TZ_p_multiple.bites.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
#' @title Calculate proportion of bite victims that recieved multiple bites
#' @description This function produces a dataframe, giving the proportion of
#' individuals that recieved mutliple bites during the bite incident, the numerator
#' and denominator for the proportion, as well as 95% confidence intervals.
#' @param dataframe the dataframe from which the proportion is calculated
#' @param head_col (default="Head") the column stating a bite wound to the head
#' @param arm_col (default="Arm") the column stating a bite wound to the arm
#' @param hand_col (default="Hand") the column stating a bite wound to the hand
#' @param trunk_col (default="Trunk") the column stating a bite wound to the trunk
#' @param leg_col (default="Leg") the column stating a bite wound to the leg
#' @param foot_col (default="Foot") the column stating a bite wound to the foot
#' @return a dataframe providing the results of the calculations
#' @export
# This function gives information on individuals with multiple bite wounds from
# the same bite incident.
TZ_p_multiple.bites <- function(dataframe, head_col="Head", arm_col="Arm", hand_col="Hand",
trunk_col="Trunk", leg_col="Leg", foot_col="Foot"){

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions R/mixture_model.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Load in data
transmission <- read.csv("output/transmission.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# This function uses information on number of bite incidents, expoosures, no-PEP,
# deaths and location on the body of bites.
mixture_model<-function(n){ # Cleaveland 2002 mixture model

N = transmission$n_rabid.bites # N BITES
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ mixture_model<-function(n){ # Cleaveland 2002 mixture model

# This function calculates quantiles for confidence of bite location and deaths
get_quantiles <- function(model_results){

# Create a vector of probability of bite site for each bite location (+ CIs)
Expand Down
80 changes: 54 additions & 26 deletions ms.TZ_figures.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@

# This script will produce all figures and tables given in the manuscript, saved
# in the figs/ and output/paper/ folders respectively.

# Load in libraries
Expand All @@ -21,42 +19,45 @@ fig_palette <- c("#0072B2", "#E69F00")
# 1. Load data #

# Load data from output folder
CT_data <- read.csv("output/CT_data.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
CT_data_rabid <- read.csv("output/CT_data_rabid.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
HC_bite_summary <- read.csv("output/HC_bite_summary_patients.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
infect_results <- read.csv("output/p_infect.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
model_results <- read.csv("output/p_infect_model.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
HC_data <- read.csv("output/HC_data.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Limit CT to Serengeti & Ngorongoro
# Limit contact tracing data to Serengeti & Ngorongoro
ser_ngor <- CT_data[which(CT_data$District %in% c("Serengeti", "Ngorongoro")),]
ser_ngor_rabid <- ser_ngor[which(ser_ngor$Rabid=="Yes"),]

# Figure 1: Variation in annual incidence of patient presentation #

# Set the df order and District factor by dog population
# Set the order and District factor by dog population
boxplot_data <- HC_bite_summary[order(HC_bite_summary$Dogs),]
row.names(boxplot_data) <- NULL
levsord <- unique(boxplot_data$District)
boxplot_data$District <- factor(boxplot_data$District, levels = levsord, ordered = TRUE)
boxplot_data <- boxplot_data[with(boxplot_data, order(HDR)), ]
boxplot_data$District <- factor(boxplot_data$District, levels = unique(boxplot_data$District))

# Produce Figure 1 - Option 1 (District on x-axis)
pdf("figs/Bite_incidence_Boxplot_1.pdf", width=10, height=8)
# Produce Figure 1
pdf("figs/Bite_incidence_Boxplot.pdf", width=10, height=8)
ggplot(boxplot_data, aes(x=District, y=bites_per_pop_per_100000, fill=Setting)) +
geom_boxplot(position=position_dodge(0.9)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
geom_point(shape=21, size=2, position=position_dodge(0.9)) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size = 2, colour="black",position=position_dodge(0.9)) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size = 2, colour="black", position=position_dodge(0.9)) +
labs(x = "District", y="Incidence of bite patients per 100,000") +
scale_fill_manual(name="Setting", values=fig_palette) + ylim(0,165) +
geom_segment(aes(x=1, y=160, xend=length(unique(boxplot_data$District)), yend=160), arrow = arrow(ends="both", length=unit(0.5, "cm"))) +
geom_segment(aes(x=1, y=160, xend=length(unique(boxplot_data$District)), yend=160),
arrow = arrow(ends="both", length=unit(0.5, "cm"))) +
annotate("text", x=3.5, y=155, label=paste0("Low HDR (", round(min(boxplot_data$HDR), digits=1), ")")) +
annotate("text", x=length(unique(boxplot_data$District))-2.5, y=155, label=paste0("High HDR (", round(max(boxplot_data$HDR), digits=1), ")")) #+
annotate("text", x=length(unique(boxplot_data$District))-2.5, y=155,
label=paste0("High HDR (", round(max(boxplot_data$HDR), digits=1), ")"))

Expand All @@ -75,15 +76,23 @@ final_infect_df <- data.frame(Bite_loc = infect_results$Bite.loc,
P_bite = quantiles_list$p_bite_site,
N_rabid_bites = infect_results$n_bite.from.rabid.animal,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use function to calculate quantiles
quantiles_list <- get_quantiles(model_results)

# Create new row for totals
new_row <- data.frame(Bite_loc = "", Order = "", P_death = quantiles_list$p_infect_overall,
N_death = sum(final_infect_df$N_death),
N_no_pep = sum(final_infect_df$N_no_pep), P_bite = "",
N_rabid_bites = sum(final_infect_df$N_rabid_bites),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
final_infect_df <- rbind(final_infect_df, new_row)

# Re-order dataframe
final_infect_df <- final_infect_df[order(final_infect_df$Order, decreasing=TRUE),]
final_infect_df$Order <- NULL

# Update column names
colnames(final_infect_df) <- c("Bite location",
"Probability of death (95% CI)", "Number of deaths",
"Number of bite victims that did not receive PEP",
Expand All @@ -96,16 +105,23 @@ write.csv(final_infect_df, "output/paper/Probablity_of_death.csv", row.names=FAL
# Table 2: Details of human deaths where late/incomplete PEP was received #

# Create df of details on which bite victims died following late/incomplete pep
# Subset data for individuals that died of Rabies, with either incomplete or late PEP
deaths_details <- CT_data_rabid[which(CT_data_rabid$Patient.outcome=="Died"),]
deaths_details <- deaths_details[which(deaths_details$complete=="incomplete" | deaths_details$late.PEP=="late"),]

deaths_details <- data.frame(PEP_Failure=NA, Region=deaths_details$Region, Age=deaths_details$,
Sex=deaths_details$Sex, PEP=deaths_details$PEP.administration,
n_pep_received=deaths_details$n.PEP.recieved, delay_to_PEP.1=deaths_details$delay.pep.1,
n_bites=deaths_details$n.bite.locs, Head=deaths_details$Head, Arm=deaths_details$Arm,
Hand=deaths_details$Hand, Trunk=deaths_details$Trunk, Leg=deaths_details$Leg,
# Create table
deaths_details <- data.frame(PEP_Failure=NA, Region=deaths_details$Region,
Age=deaths_details$, Sex=deaths_details$Sex,
n_bites=deaths_details$n.bite.locs, Head=deaths_details$Head,
Arm=deaths_details$Arm, Hand=deaths_details$Hand,
Trunk=deaths_details$Trunk, Leg=deaths_details$Leg,
Foot=deaths_details$Foot, Bite_loc=NA)

# Run loop to find where on the body each individual was bitten, saving results
# into a vector and then pasting into single string
for(i in 1:nrow(deaths_details)){
bite_loc_string <- c()
Expand All @@ -129,7 +145,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(deaths_details)){
deaths_details$Bite_loc[i] <- toString(bite_loc_string)

# Set PEP Failure & PEP route
# Run loop to give detail on PEP Failure & PEP route (ID/IM)
deaths_details$PEP <- as.character(deaths_details$PEP)
for(i in 1:nrow(deaths_details)){
if(deaths_details$n_pep_received[i]>2 & deaths_details$delay_to_PEP.1[i]>0){
Expand All @@ -147,6 +163,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(deaths_details)){

# Select only required rows
deaths_details <- dplyr::select(deaths_details, PEP_Failure, Age, Sex, n_pep_received,
PEP, delay_to_PEP.1, n_bites, Bite_loc)

Expand All @@ -160,25 +177,26 @@ write.csv(deaths_details, "output/paper/Death_details.csv", row.names=FALSE)
# Figure 2A: Delay between bite date & PEP 1 Hist #

# Remove any remaining delays outside of range
# Remove any delays outside of range (i.e. outliers)
barplot_df <- CT_data_rabid[which(CT_data_rabid$delay.pep.1>=0 & CT_data_rabid$delay.pep.1<91),]

# Read any "Other" patient outcomes as "Fine"
# Change "Other" patient outcomes to "Fine"
barplot_df$Patient.outcome[which(barplot_df$Patient.outcome=="Other")] <- "Fine"

# Seperate off NTz and STz
NTz_barplot <- barplot_df[which(barplot_df$Study.Area=="NTz"),]; nrow(NTz_barplot)
STz_barplot <- barplot_df[which(barplot_df$Study.Area %in% c("STz", "Pemba")),]; nrow(STz_barplot)

# NTZ: Create dataframe and transform to matrix
# NTZ: Find counts per day delay, create dataframe and transform to matrix
NTz_delays <- hist(NTz_barplot$delay.pep.1, breaks=c(seq(-1, 14, by=1), 21, 35, 64, 84))
NTz_barplot.df <- data.frame(Delay=NTz_delays$breaks[2:20],
Location=rep("NTz", 19))
NTz_barplot.df$Prop = NTz_barplot.df$N_Fine/sum(NTz_barplot.df$N_Fine)
NTz_barplot.df$Delay <- factor(NTz_barplot.df$Delay, levels=sort(unique(NTz_barplot.df$Delay)))

# STZ: Find counts per day delay, create dataframe and transform to matrix
STz_delays <- hist(STz_barplot$delay.pep.1, breaks=c(seq(-1, 14, by=1), 21, 35, 64, 84))
STz_barplot.df <- data.frame(Delay=STz_delays$breaks[2:20],
Expand All @@ -189,12 +207,14 @@ STz_barplot.df$Delay <- factor(STz_barplot.df$Delay, levels=sort(unique(STz_barp
# Bind together
barplot.df <- rbind(NTz_barplot.df, STz_barplot.df)

# Create plot
pdf("figs/delay_in_pep_V3.pdf", width=10, height=6)
ggplot(data=barplot.df, aes(x=Delay, y=Prop, fill=Location)) +
geom_col(position=position_dodge(), color="black") + theme_classic() + ylim(0,1) +
labs(x="Delay between exposure and initiation of PEP",
y="Proportion that presented at a health facility") +
scale_fill_manual(name="", breaks=c("NTz", "STz"), labels=c("Serengeti & Ngorongoro", "Southern Tanzania"),
scale_fill_manual(name="", breaks=c("NTz", "STz"),
labels=c("Serengeti & Ngorongoro", "Southern Tanzania"),
values=fig_palette) +
text = element_text(size=12),
Expand All @@ -208,32 +228,40 @@
# Figure 2B - Barplot of proportion doses receieved #

# Barplots of patients that received PEP dose 1 (as a proportion, 95%; include
# clinical signs as no PEP), then dose 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 - for Mobile
# surveillance (panel 1) and for contact tracing rabies exposures (SD/ND where
# people pay), panel 2.
# Exclude 'patients' that arrived at hospital with Rabies symptoms
HC_data_sub <- HC_data[which(HC_data$visit_status>0),]

# Find number of patients where PEP was available upon arrival for treatment
hc_visits <- HC_data_sub %>%
group_by(visit_status) %>%
summarise(n_bite_victims = length(which(is_antirabies_available=="yes")))

# Calculate proportion of individuals that received PEP
hc_visits$p_receive <- hc_visits$n_bite_victims/length(which(HC_data_sub$visit_status==1))
hc_visits$PEP_available <- "yes"
hc_visits$data <- "MS"

# Subset for individuals in CT data that sought healthcare
CT_barplot <- ser_ngor_rabid[which(ser_ngor_rabid$Sought==1),]

# Find number of individuals that received each number of PEP doses
ct_doses <- data.frame(visit_status=1:5,
length(which(CT_barplot$n.PEP.recieved>1 & CT_barplot$PEP.1==1)),
length(which(CT_barplot$n.PEP.recieved>2 & CT_barplot$PEP.1==1)),
length(which(CT_barplot$n.PEP.recieved>3 & CT_barplot$PEP.1==1)),
length(which(CT_barplot$n.PEP.recieved>4 & CT_barplot$PEP.1==1))))

# Calculate proportion of individuals that received PEP
ct_doses$p_receive <- ct_doses$n_bite_victims/nrow(CT_barplot)
ct_doses$PEP_available <- "yes"
ct_doses$data <- "CT"

# Bind dataframes together & set factor levels
barplot_data <- rbind(hc_visits, ct_doses)
barplot_data$data <- factor(barplot_data$data, levels = c("CT", "MS"))

# Create plot
pdf("figs/Proportion_PEP_completion.pdf", width=10, height=6)
ggplot(data=barplot_data, aes(x=visit_status, y=p_receive, fill=data)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge(), colour="black") +
Expand Down
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions ms.TZ_paper_stats.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,21 +289,28 @@ paste0("Lowest ideal average travelling distance ", round(mean(HC_distance_data$
# Caption for figure 2 #

# Remove any remaining delays outside of range
hist_cap <- traced_CT_data[which(traced_CT_data$delay.pep.1>=0 & traced_CT_data$delay.pep.1<91),]

paste0("Figure 2: Of ", length(which(hist_cap$late.PEP=="late")),
" patients with delayed PEP, ", length(which(hist_cap$late.PEP=="late" & hist_cap$Patient.outcome=="Died")),
" deaths occured.")

# Caption for figure 3 #
# Remove delays outside of range
hist_cap <- CT_data_rabid[which(CT_data_rabid$delay.pep.1>=0 & CT_data_rabid$delay.pep.1<91),]
hist_cap_traced <- traced_CT_data[which(traced_CT_data$delay.pep.1>=0 & traced_CT_data$delay.pep.1<91),]

# Subset HC for individuals that received PEP
HC_barplot_cap <- HC_data[which(HC_data$visit_status>0 & HC_data$is_antirabies_available=="yes"),]

# Subset CT for uspect exposure individuals that sought PEP and did not die of Rabies
CT_barplot_cap <- ser_ngor_rabid[which(ser_ngor_rabid$Sought==1 & ser_ngor_rabid$Patient.outcome!="Died"),]

paste0("Dark grey indicates patients recorded in mobile phone-based surveillance data from Southern Tanzania (",
format(nrow(HC_barplot_cap), big.mark=","), ") and light grey indicates rabies exposed patients from Serengeti and Ngorongoro districts (",
format(nrow(CT_barplot_cap), big.mark=","), ")")
paste0("Panel A shows contact tracing data on delays between exposure and initiation of PEP
for rabies exposed persons ( ", length(which(hist_cap$Study.Area=="NTz")),
" exposures from Serengeti and Ngorongoro districts, and ",
length(which(hist_cap$Study.Area %in% c("STz", "Pemba"))),
"exposures from 11 districts in southern Tanzania). Out of ",
" patients identified through contact tracing who had delayed PEP (more than 1 day late), ",
length(which(hist_cap_traced$late.PEP=="late" & hist_cap_traced$Patient.outcome=="Died")),
" deaths occurred (Table 2). ")

paste0("Panel B shows mobile phone-based surveillance records from Southern Tanzania (yellow, n = ",
format(nrow(HC_barplot_cap), big.mark=","),
") of PEP completion and contact tracing data on rabies exposed patients from Serengeti and
gorongoro districts (n = ", format(nrow(CT_barplot_cap), big.mark=","), "). ")

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