A basic vanilla JS toast function, with Typescript support.
Was looking for methods to add toasts/snackbars to projects without having to use third party libraries or create custom hooks to inject toasts. Developed something very vanilla, but works just as effectively.
- Using a custom hook to trigger the toast worked well, until I needed to trigger it from my redux files or axios interceptors.
- Tried react-toastify, but was running into Typescript errors that I couldn't seem to work around (would be happy to know any existing solutions).
- No use of custom hooks, making it independent of React FCs, accessible from js/jsx/ts/tsx files.
- No third party dependencies.
- The only con that I could come across was the Javascript verbose that comes with it.
Attaching below a task list, for anyone who would like to contribute.
- Add a subtext to the toast along with title, for better UI.
- Add functionality to stack toasts if multiple are triggered together. (Current implementation removes the previous toast)
- Add a
button to close toast on click.
import { showToast } from "utils/toast";
export default function App() {
const handleToast = () => {
message: "Toasting up!,
variant: "success" // "danger" | "warning" | "info"
return (
<button onClick={()=>handleToast()}>Demo toast</button>
Any additions, modifications are welcome. Feel free to contribute.