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Add main function for CLI usage
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- Allow execution from any tool that can launch from -main
  (lein run -m, clj -m, etc)

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kawas44 committed Mar 25, 2018
1 parent e3878e8 commit 503a89e
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Showing 2 changed files with 225 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion eftest/project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.5"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.11"]
[org.clojure/tools.reader "1.2.2"]
[progrock "0.1.2"]
[io.aviso/pretty "0.1.34"]
[mvxcvi/puget "1.0.2"]])
[mvxcvi/puget "1.0.2"]]
:main eftest.main)
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions eftest/src/eftest/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
(ns eftest.main
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as cli]
[ :as find]
[ :as edn]
[ :as junit]
[eftest.runner :as runner]))

(def +default-options+
{:directories ["test"]
:fail-fast? false
:capture-output? true
:multithread? true})

(defn- update-in-for-coll
[m f]
(reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
(assoc acc k (if (coll? v) (f v) v)))
{} m))

(defn- keywords->var-filters
(into #{}
(map (fn [kw] `(or (contains? (meta ~'%) ~kw)
(contains? (meta (:ns (meta ~'%))) ~kw))))

(defn- normalize-options
(-> options
(update-in-for-coll set)
(update :directories #(into #{} (map io/file) %))
(update :included-ns-regexs #(into #{} (map re-pattern) %))
(update :excluded-ns-regexs #(into #{} (map re-pattern) %))
(as-> m
(assoc m :meta-keywords-as-var-filters
(keywords->var-filters (:meta-keywords m))))
(as-> m
(update m :var-filters
#(into % (:meta-keywords-as-var-filters m))))
(cond-> (:junit-output options) (assoc :report junit/report))))

(defn- find-namespaces
(into #{}
(mapcat #(find/find-namespaces-in-dir %))

(defn- filter-namespaces-with-names
[included-namespaces excluded-namespaces namespaces]
(let [incl-ns? (or included-namespaces (constantly true))
excl-ns? (or excluded-namespaces (constantly false))]
(into #{}
(comp (filter incl-ns?)
(remove excl-ns?))

(defn- ns-match-some-regexs?
[regexs a-namespace]
(some #(re-matches % (name a-namespace)) regexs))

(defn- filter-namespaces-with-regexs
[included-ns-regexs excluded-ns-regexs namespaces]
(let [incl-ns-regexs (if (empty? included-ns-regexs)
excl-ns-regexs (if (empty? excluded-ns-regexs)
(into #{}
(comp (filter #(ns-match-some-regexs? incl-ns-regexs %))
(remove #(ns-match-some-regexs? excl-ns-regexs %)))

(defn- filter-namespaces
[{:keys [included-namespaces excluded-namespaces
included-ns-regexs excluded-ns-regexs] :as options}
(if (every? empty? [included-namespaces excluded-namespaces
included-ns-regexs excluded-ns-regexs])
(let [ns-set1 (if (and (empty? included-namespaces)
(empty? excluded-namespaces))
(filter-namespaces-with-names included-namespaces
ns-set2 (if (and (empty? included-ns-regexs)
(empty? excluded-ns-regexs))
(filter-namespaces-with-regexs included-ns-regexs
(into ns-set1 ns-set2))))

(defn- find-test-vars
(doseq [n namespaces]
(require n :reload))
(into #{}
(comp (mapcat ns-publics)
(map #(nth % 1))
(filter #(contains? (meta %) :test)))

(defn- filter-test-vars
[{:keys [var-filters] :as options} vars]
(if (empty? var-filters)
(let [select-var? `(~'fn [~'%] (and ~@var-filters))
select-var? (eval select-var?)]
(into []
(filter select-var?)

(defn find+run-tests
"REPL friendly function to find and run tests"
(let [options (normalize-options (merge +default-options+ options))
all-namespaces (find-namespaces (:directories options))
namespaces (filter-namespaces options all-namespaces)
all-test-vars (find-test-vars namespaces)
test-vars (filter-test-vars options all-test-vars)]
(runner/run-tests test-vars options)))

(defn- assoc-in-vec
[m k v]
(update-in m [k] (fnil conj []) v))

(defn- string->boolean
(boolean (re-matches #"(?i)1|yes|true" str)))

(def cli-options
[["-d" "--directory DIR" "directory to look for namespaces, default: \"test\""
:validate [seq "directory name cannot be empty"]
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :directories]
["-n" "--ns-include NS" "namespace included for search of test vars"
:parse-fn symbol
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :included-namespaces]
["-e" "--ns-exclude NS" "namespace excluded for search of test vars"
:parse-fn symbol
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :excluded-namespaces]
["-I" "--ns-include-re REGEX" "regex to include test namespaces"
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :included-ns-regexs]
["-X" "--ns-exclude-re REGEX" "regex to exclude test namespaces"
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :excluded-ns-regexs]
["-k" "--keyword KEYWORD" "keyword to filter namespaces or test vars, ex: \":integration\""
:parse-fn edn/read-string
:validate [keyword? "must be a keyword"]
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :meta-keywords]
[nil "--filter EXPR" "expression to filter test vars, a clojure expression with the var bounded to %"
:parse-fn edn/read-string
:assoc-fn assoc-in-vec
:id :var-filters]
[nil "--junit-output" "output a JUnit XML report"]
[nil "--fail-fast BOOL" "stop after first failure or error, default false"
:parse-fn string->boolean
:id :fail-fast?]
[nil "--capture-output BOOL" "catch test output and print it only if the test fails, default: true"
:parse-fn string->boolean
:id :capture-output?]
[nil "--multithread BOOL-or-KEYWORD" "one of: true, false, :namespaces or :vars, default: true"
:parse-fn edn/read-string
:validate [#(or (instance? Boolean %) (#{:namespaces :vars} %)) "must be a boolean or specific keyword"]
:id :multithread?]
[nil "--test-warn-time MILLIS" "print a warning for any test that exceeds given time in milliseconds"
:parse-fn #(Long/parseLong %)]
["-h" "--help"]])

(defn- humain-error
(as-> error $
(re-matches #"(Error [^:]+):.+|(.+)" $)
(subvec $ 1)
(apply str $)))

(defn- humain-errors
(->> errors
(into [] (map humain-error))
(string/join "\n")))

(defn- print-args-errors
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println (humain-errors errors))))

(defn- print-usage
;; TODO: add usage examples
;; and info about cross option behaviours (-n, -e, -I and -X)
(println summary))

(defn -main
[& args]
(let [{:keys [errors summary options]} (cli/parse-opts args cli-options)
_ (when errors
(print-args-errors errors)
(System/exit 1))
_ (when (:help options)
(print-usage summary)
(System/exit 0))

{:keys [fail error]} (find+run-tests options)
exit-code (cond
(and (pos? fail)
(pos? error)) 30
(pos? error) 20
(pos? fail) 10
:else 0)]
(System/exit exit-code)))

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