A light weight PHP MVC Framework that get's the Job done.
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist kaythinks/kayphpframework mywebproject
Or run
$ git clone https://github.com/kaythinks/kayphpframework.git mywebproject
Run the following to start the server and enjoy application
~ php - S localhost:7777
~ composer install
~ composer dump-autoload
~ Change the EnvExample.php file to Env.php and change the class name to Env
Run in the root folder :
vendor/bin/phpunit Tests/ExampleTest.php
To migrate tables, run :
composer migrate tables
To seed data, run :
composer seed tables
To run queues, run :
composer queue mails
NOTE: You are advised to run "php app/Systems/Queues/MailQueueProcessor.php" if you are trying to queue multiple processes as composer times out after some time.