A simple windows service module.
Currently only supports a single worker.
Using this module you can run a simple script as windows service.
just copy the WinPyService.cp37-win_amd64.pyd to your project directory
and use it like any other python module.
(If you are not using Python 3.7, I recommend building the module yourself.)
Besides that it's very easy to use:
import WinPyService
def example_worker():
x = 2 + 2
print(4) #Print doesn't do anything when running as a service.
def init():
service = WinPyService.WinService ('some_name', enablePauseContinue=True)
service.set_simple_worker(example_worker) # Pass the example_worker function
NOTE: Do not use sleep to wait, instead use the interuptable lightSleep(int seconds)
You can now add the service with powershell or sc.exe:
(Make sure you are running from an elevated prompt)
New-Service -Name 'test' -BinaryPathName 'C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe path_to_python_script.py'
python.exe .\setup.py build_ext --inplace