Dear everyone,
I am glad to inform you of the new release.
This is the first Long-Time Support (LTS) version of plantFEM.
This version is supported until April of 2025.
The followings are major updated points from plantFEM 21.10.
5 newly created classes
- [New!] ReactorClass >> solvers for reaction equation.
- [New!] FEMSolverClass: Eigen solvers and linear solvers based on LAPACK
- [New!] COOClass >> types COO_ and CRS_ are implemented for sparse matrices.
- [New!] CivilItemClass >> New classes for BIM/CIM.
- [New!] ReactorClass >> solvers for reaction equation.
4 major updates
- [Updated!] IOClass > parse: Simple parser for arbitrary time-series data
- [Updated!] ArrayClass >> numpy-like array is implemented.
- [Updated!] FEMDomainClass/SoybeanClass >> MPI-based object sharing procedure for FEMDoamin and Soybean objects.
- [Updated!] SoybeanClass >> simple growth simulators are implemented.
Haruka Tomobe