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Красимир Беров edited this page Dec 28, 2013 · 10 revisions

This is the list of major task that we plan to complete in order of priority. This list is subject to constant change.

  1. Establish Lean Development practices and follow them strictly

  2. Stabilize the Ado Core

  3. Finish the Build system based on Module::Build Ado::Build and Ado::BuildPlugin.

  4. Make sure we have descent/enough test coverage and agree on a minimum percentage.

  5. Keep Ado Core small - no unneeded functionality - Everything is a plugin.

  6. Implement Ado::Plugin::Mess and make sure it can be a reference implementation of an Ado::Plugin.

  7. Implement in Ado Core an Ado::Command::generate::plugin so development of a plugin can be boosted as much as possible.

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