Grails plugin compatible with Community Edition.
Supports the following Grails features:
- Url Mappings:
- Navigate to controller class
- Navigate to controller action
- Controllers:
- Action variables
- Action methods
- Command classes:
- recognizes properties in constraints closure
- constraints navigation, type checking and autocompletion
- Domain Classes:
- hasMany, hasOne and belongsTo properties
- addTo* and removeFrom* methods
- dynamic methods (grails.gorm.api.GormInstanceOperations)
- static methods (grails.gorm.api.GormStaticOperations)
- recognizes properties in constraints closure
- recognizes properties in mapping closure
- supports framework methods in mapping closure
- constraints navigation, type checking and autocompletion
- Testing:
- Controller unit tests
- Open the project in IDEA
- Open project configuration window and set IDEA plugin SDK
- Build the project
- Use Build->Prepare Plugin Module ... to build plugin jar file