The goal of this repo is two fold:
- GitHub Actions Docker Images build and deployment
- To publish nuget packages to from dev branch with versioning and on master page.
Setup Github action for nuget packages
Setup Github action for docker build
Create a test webapi HPA test in the cluster
# initialization
dotnet tye init
# runs locally
dotnet tye run
# generates simple deployment yaml
dotnet tye generate
# deploys
dotnet tye deploy -v Debug
# displays resources that would be deleted
dotnet tye undeploy --what-if
kubectl apply -f "deploy.yaml" -n bet
kubectl delete -f "deploy.yaml" -n bet
kubectl port-forward pods/bet-k8s-api-554d7967df-68z5v 5080:80 -n bet
Download bombardier/
bombardier --duration=60s --rate=20 --timeout=20s
kubectl api-versions
bombardier --duration=5m --rate=100 --timeout=20s
with ingress recipes- Create an ingress controller with a static public IP address in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- Helm releases
- MinimalApiPlayground
- minimalApiWithSwagger
- swagger
- Daily .NET Core SDK builds
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Walkthrough
- Getting started with K8s HPA & AKS Cluster Autoscaler