This is a PHP porting of the Shopify Liquid template engine.
If you are using laravel, you can use the laravel-liquid package.
Liquid is a template engine with interesting advantages:
- It is easy to learn and has a simple syntax.
- It is safe since it does not allow users to run insecure code on your server.
- It is extensible, allowing you to add your own filters and tags.
PHP Liquid | Shopify Liquid |
v0.7 | v5.6 |
v0.1 - v0.6 | v5.5 |
- Error Modes are not implemented, the parsing is always strict.
tag is not implemented because it is deprecated and can be replaced withrender
You can install the package via composer:
composer require keepsuit/liquid
Create a new environment factory instance:
$environment = \Keepsuit\Liquid\EnvironmentFactory::new()
// enable strict variables mode
// enable strict filters mode
// rethrow exceptions instead of rendering them
// replace the default error handler
->setErrorHandler(new \Keepsuit\Liquid\ErrorHandlers\DefaultErrorHandler())
// set filesystem used to load templates
->setFilesystem(new \Keepsuit\Liquid\FileSystems\LocalFileSystem(__DIR__ . '/views'))
// set the resource limits
->setResourceLimits(new \Keepsuit\Liquid\ResourceLimits())
// register a custom extension
->addExtension(new CustomExtension())
// register a custom tag
// register a custom filters provider
// build the environment
Then create a new template instance parsing a liquid template:
/** @var \Keepsuit\Liquid\Environment $environment */
// Parse from string
$template = $environment->parseString('Hello {{ name }}!');
// Parse from template (loaded from filesystem)
$template = $environment->parseTemplate('index');
And finally render the template:
/** @var \Keepsuit\Liquid\Environment $environment */
/** @var \Keepsuit\Liquid\Template $template */
// Create the render context
$context = $environment->newRenderContext(
// Data available only in the current context
data: [
'name' => 'John',
// Data shared with all sub-contexts
staticData: []
$view = $template->render($context);
// $view = 'Hello John!';
For advanced use cases, you can also stream the rendering output (still experimental):
/** @var \Keepsuit\Liquid\Template $template */
/** @var \Keepsuit\Liquid\Render\RenderContext $context */
$stream = $template->stream($context);
// $stream is a Generator<string>
Liquid support almost any kind of object but in order to have a better control over the accessible data in the templates,
you can pass your data as Drop
objects and have a better control over the accessible data.
Drops are standard php objects that extend the Keepsuit\Liquid\Drop
Public properties and public methods of the class will be accessible in the template as a property.
You can also override the liquidMethodMissing
method to handle undefined properties.
Liquid provides some attributes to control the behavior of the drops:
: Hide the method or the property from the template, it cannot be accessed from liquid.Cache
: Cache the result of the method, it will be called only once and the result will be stored in the drop.
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Drop;
class ProductDrop extends Drop {
public function __construct(private Product $product) {}
public function title(): string {
return $this->product->title;
public function price(): float {
return round($this->product->price, 2);
public function expensiveOperation(){
// complex operation
public function buy(){
// Do something
If you implement the MapsToLiquid
interface in your domain classes,
the liquid renderer will automatically convert your objects to drops.
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Contracts\MapsToLiquid;
class Product implements MapsToLiquid {
public function __construct(public string $title, public float $price) {}
public function toLiquid(): ProductDrop {
return new ProductDrop($this);
To create a custom tag, you need to create a class that extends the Keepsuit\Liquid\Tag
abstract class (or Keepsuit\Liquid\TagBlock
if tag has a body).
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Parse\TagParseContext;
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Render\RenderContext;
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Tag;
class CustomTag extends Tag
public static function tagName(): string
return 'custom';
public function render(RenderContext $context): string
return '';
public function parse(TagParseContext $context): static
return $this;
Take a look at the implementation of default tags to see how to implement parse
and render
Then you need to register the tag in the environment:
// register when building the environment
$environment = \Keepsuit\Liquid\EnvironmentFactory::new()
// or directly in the environment
To create a custom filter, you need to create a class that extends the Keepsuit\Liquid\Filters\FiltersProvider
abstract class.
Each public method of the class will be registered as a filter.
You can "hide" a public method with the Hidden
attribute, so it will not be registered as filter.
use Keepsuit\Liquid\Filters\FiltersProvider;
class CustomFilters extends FiltersProvider
public function customFilter(string $value): string
return 'custom '.$value;
public function notAFilter(string $value): string
return 'hidden '.$value;
Then you need to register the filters provider in the environment:
// register when building the environment
$environment = \Keepsuit\Liquid\EnvironmentFactory::new()
// or directly in the environment
Extensions allow you to add custom tags, filters, and other features to the liquid environment.
To create a custom extension, you need to create a class that extends the Keepsuit\Liquid\Extensions\Extension
abstract class.
class CustomExtension extends \Keepsuit\Liquid\Extensions\Extension
public function getTags() : array{
return [
public function getFiltersProviders() : array{
return [
// custom registers passed to render context
public function getRegisters() : array {
return [
'custom' => fn() => 'custom value',
Then you need to register the extension in the environment:
// register when building the environment
$environment = \Keepsuit\Liquid\EnvironmentFactory::new()
->addExtension(new CustomExtension())
// or directly in the environment
$environment->addExtension(new CustomExtension());
By default, only the standard liquid tags and filters are available. But this package provides some custom tags and filters that you can use.
: This tag replace the defaultRender
tag and allows to render dynamic templates (eg. read template name from a variable).
: adds a ternary operator.{{ condition | ternary: true_value, false_value }} # Example {{ true | ternary: 'yes', 'no' }} # yes {{ false | ternary: 'yes', 'no' }} # no
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.