- We'll provide you with some really ugly, but kinda working code;
- The task is to refactor (rewrite, actually) this code and to write unit tests for it.
This should take up to 2-4 hours in most cases.
foreach (explode("\n", file_get_contents($argv[1])) as $row) {
if (empty($row)) break;
$p = explode(",",$row);
$p2 = explode(':', $p[0]);
$value[0] = trim($p2[1], '"');
$p2 = explode(':', $p[1]);
$value[1] = trim($p2[1], '"');
$p2 = explode(':', $p[2]);
$value[2] = trim($p2[1], '"}');
$binResults = file_get_contents('https://lookup.binlist.net/' .$value[0]);
if (!$binResults)
$r = json_decode($binResults);
$isEu = isEu($r->country->alpha2);
$rate = @json_decode(file_get_contents('https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest'), true)['rates'][$value[2]];
if ($value[2] == 'EUR' or $rate == 0) {
$amntFixed = $value[1];
if ($value[2] != 'EUR' or $rate > 0) {
$amntFixed = $value[1] / $rate;
echo $amntFixed * ($isEu == 'yes' ? 0.01 : 0.02);
print "\n";
function isEu($c) {
$result = false;
switch($c) {
case 'AT':
case 'BE':
case 'BG':
case 'CY':
case 'CZ':
case 'DE':
case 'DK':
case 'EE':
case 'ES':
case 'FI':
case 'FR':
case 'GR':
case 'HR':
case 'HU':
case 'IE':
case 'IT':
case 'LT':
case 'LU':
case 'LV':
case 'MT':
case 'NL':
case 'PO':
case 'PT':
case 'RO':
case 'SE':
case 'SI':
case 'SK':
$result = 'yes';
return $result;
$result = 'no';
return $result;
Note! It's intentionally that ugly ;) Don't let this trick you into making semi-ugly solution yourself.
[3h 55m]