🔥 A Laravel adapter for CycleORM, providing seamless integration of the Cycle DataMapper ORM for advanced database handling and object mapping in PHP applications.
Pull Request-like Review/Approval flow for database queries. For compliant but smooth Engineering access to production.
Popular Android messaging app for, a Canadian VoIP provider
CLI to export data from Helpwise
Inspired by spatie/laravel-horizon-watcher, you can watch queues and restart it when files change
PhpUnitGen is a PHP tool to generate your unit tests' skeletons on your projects.
PostgreSQL enhancements for Doctrine. Provides support for advanced data types (json, jssnb, arrays), text search, array operators and jsonb specific functions.
A simple way to keep your Laravel validation rules a bit more DRY.
Create preview deployments for pull requests with Laravel Forge.
Laravel wrapper for Amazon's Selling Partner API SDK
A PHP SDK exposing a fluent interface to use with the new Amazon Selling Partner API
Update multiple Laravel Model records, each with its own set of values, sending a single query to your database!
This Laravel package allows for batching of Scout updates.
Set up Shopify webhook subscriptions from the command line
Effortless Notion integrations with Laravel
Make requests to the Shopify API from your Laravel app
Support for many missing PostgreSQL specific features
Laravel Eloquent HasManyThrough relationships with unlimited levels
🌈 An utility to lazy-initialize object properties
A PHP library for representing and converting dimensional units of measure.
Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
Beardie is a utility that allows you to control various media players with your keyboard.
On-scan events for hardware barcode scanners in vanilla JS
An advanced barcode-scanner written in Javascript and TypeScript - Continuation from
The Laravel DebugBar companion app
A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.