maintainer |
sami-alajrami |
This repository shows how to use Packer to provision Windows jenkins-slaves-ready VM images on AWS and how the slaves can be launched with Terraform.
Please note that running the commands below might incur costs!
You can generate the AWS AMI and store it in your AWS account by running the following command:
cd Packer
packer build -var region=<<aws_region>> \
-var instance_type=<<instance_type>> \
-var aws_access_key=<<aws_access_key>> \
-var aws_secret_key=<<aws_secret_key>> \
-var master_URL=<<jenkins_master_url>> \
-var jenkins_credential=<<jenkins_jnlp_credentials>>
Once you have a Jenkins master running and slave node(s) created, you can use Terraform to launch a number of Windows instances (of whatever machine types you prefer) and have them start and connect the Jenkins slaves to the master:
cd Terraform
terraform apply -var access_key=<<aws_access_key>> \
-var secret_key=<<aws_secret_key>> \
-var admin_password=<<admin_password_for_windows>> \
-var instance_count=2 \
-var region=eu-west-1 \
-var 'instance_types={ "0" = "t2.micro", "1" = "t2.small"}' \
-var 'slave_names={ "0" = "slave1_name", "1" = "slave2_name"}'