MINTsC : Learning Multi-way INTeractions from single cell Hi-C
First of all, before cloning the MINTsC github package, go to the right directory that you would like to implement MINTsC. In the cmd terminal, do
cd {MINTsC directory}
then go on to the next step. {MINTsC directory} could be for example /storage10/kwangmoon/MINTsC.
For cloning the github repository, again on the cmd terminal, run the linux code
git clone
For R, we need the requirements as below :
- R: R installation (>=4.2.2)
In R, run those codes that download the required packages for running MINTsC.
Details about implementing codes can be found in the Tutorial of this github, which uses the Ramani et al.2017 scHi-C data as a tutorial.