Generates color palette of a given video. Using k-means for clustering the color of video frames.
This tool has two modes:
- lambdaHandler
- script
As lambda, this tool introduces two phases:
- parse lambda event request
- run
processor (script)
For deployment to lambda, you'll need to build docker image
Follow steps explained here:
Then you need to create lambda function from docker image explained here:
The output of this tool is a csv with the following structure
Data types for each attributes can be seen in this following struct
type Result struct {
SourceSerial string `csv:"source_serial"`
SourceURL string `csv:"source_url"`
SourceDurationSeconds float64 `csv:"source_duration_seconds"`
SourceFPS float64 `csv:"source_fps"`
SampleID string `csv:"sample_id"`
SampleNumber int `csv:"sample_number"`
SampleDuration float64 `csv:"sample_duration"`
PaletteID string `csv:"palette_id"`
PaletteCounts int `csv:"palette_counts"`
R uint32 `csv:"r"`
G uint32 `csv:"g"`
B uint32 `csv:"b"`
A uint32 `csv:"a"`
RNorm float64 `csv:"r_norm"`
GNorm float64 `csv:"g_norm"`
BNorm float64 `csv:"b_norm"`
Weight float64 `csv:"weight"`
For args, please run ./video-color-palette-generator script --help
Big thanks for open source project here: