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ndmitchell committed May 24, 2020
1 parent b603cf7 commit e1049b8
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Showing 23 changed files with 106 additions and 106 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .hlint.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- ignore: {name: "Use module export list"}
- ignore: {name: "Use list literal pattern"}
- ignore: {name: "Use void"}
- ignore: {name: "Redundant return"}
- ignore: {name: "Redundant pure"}
- ignore: {name: "Redundant do"}
- ignore: {name: "Move brackets to avoid $"}
- ignore: {name: "Unused LANGUAGE pragma"}
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Action/CmdLine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,24 +79,24 @@ data CmdLine
defaultDatabaseLang :: Language -> IO FilePath
defaultDatabaseLang lang = do
dir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "hoogle"
return $ dir </> "default-" ++ lower (show lang) ++ "-" ++ showVersion (trimVersion 3 version) ++ ".hoo"
pure $ dir </> "default-" ++ lower (show lang) ++ "-" ++ showVersion (trimVersion 3 version) ++ ".hoo"

getCmdLine :: [String] -> IO CmdLine
getCmdLine args = do
args <- withArgs args $ cmdArgsRun cmdLineMode

-- fill in the default database
args <- if database args /= "" then return args else do
db <- defaultDatabaseLang $ language args; return args{database=db}
args <- if database args /= "" then pure args else do
db <- defaultDatabaseLang $ language args; pure args{database=db}

-- fix up people using Hoogle 4 instructions
args <- case args of
Generate{..} | "all" `elem` include -> do
putStrLn "Warning: 'all' argument is no longer required, and has been ignored."
return $ args{include = delete "all" include}
_ -> return args
pure $ args{include = delete "all" include}
_ -> pure args

return args
pure args

defaultGenerate :: CmdLine
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions src/Action/Generate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ readHaskellOnline timing settings download = do

cbl <- timed timing "Reading Cabal" $ parseCabalTarball settings cabals
let want = Set.insert (strPack "ghc") $ Set.unions [setStackage, setPlatform, setGHC]
cbl <- return $ flip Map.mapWithKey cbl $ \name p ->
cbl <- pure $ flip Map.mapWithKey cbl $ \name p ->
p{packageTags =
[(strPack "set",strPack "included-with-ghc") | name `Set.member` setGHC] ++
[(strPack "set",strPack "haskell-platform") | name `Set.member` setPlatform] ++
Expand All @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ readHaskellOnline timing settings download = do
tar <- liftIO $ tarballReadFiles hoogles
forM_ tar $ \(strPack . takeBaseName -> name, src) ->
yield (name, hackagePackageURL name, src)
return (cbl, want, source)
pure (cbl, want, source)

readHaskellDirs :: Timing -> Settings -> [FilePath] -> IO (Map.Map PkgName Package, Set.Set PkgName, ConduitT () (PkgName, URL, LBStr) IO ())
Expand All @@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ readHaskellDirs timing settings dirs = do
dir <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath $ takeDirectory file
let url = "file://" ++ ['/' | not $ "/" `isPrefixOf` dir] ++ replace "\\" "/" dir ++ "/"
yield (name, url, lbstrFromChunks [src])
return (Map.union
pure (Map.union
(Map.fromList cabals)
(Map.fromListWith (<>) $ map generateBarePackage packages)
,Set.fromList $ map fst packages, source)
parseCabal fp = do
src <- readFileUTF8' fp
let pkg = readCabal settings src
return (strPack $ takeBaseName fp, pkg)
pure (strPack $ takeBaseName fp, pkg)

generateBarePackage (name, file) =
(name, mempty{packageTags = (strPack "set", strPack "all") : sets})
Expand All @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ readFregeOnline timing download = do
let source = do
src <- liftIO $ bstrReadFile frege
yield (strPack "frege", "", lbstrFromChunks [src])
return (Map.empty, Set.singleton $ strPack "frege", source)
pure (Map.empty, Set.singleton $ strPack "frege", source)

readHaskellGhcpkg :: Timing -> Settings -> IO (Map.Map PkgName Package, Set.Set PkgName, ConduitT () (PkgName, URL, LBStr) IO ())
Expand All @@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ readHaskellGhcpkg timing settings = do
let url = "file://" ++ ['/' | not $ all isPathSeparator $ take 1 docs] ++
replace "\\" "/" (addTrailingPathSeparator docs)
yield (name, url, lbstrFromChunks [src])
cbl <- return $ let ts = map (both strPack) [("set","stackage"),("set","installed")]
cbl <- pure $ let ts = map (both strPack) [("set","stackage"),("set","installed")]
in (\p -> p{packageTags = ts ++ packageTags p}) cbl
return (cbl, Map.keysSet cbl, source)
pure (cbl, Map.keysSet cbl, source)

readHaskellHaddock :: Timing -> Settings -> FilePath -> IO (Map.Map PkgName Package, Set.Set PkgName, ConduitT () (PkgName, URL, LBStr) IO ())
readHaskellHaddock timing settings docBaseDir = do
Expand All @@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ readHaskellHaddock timing settings docBaseDir = do
let url = ['/' | not $ all isPathSeparator $ take 1 docs] ++
replace "\\" "/" (addTrailingPathSeparator docs)
yield (name, url, lbstrFromChunks [src])
cbl <- return $ let ts = map (both strPack) [("set","stackage"),("set","installed")]
cbl <- pure $ let ts = map (both strPack) [("set","stackage"),("set","installed")]
in (\p -> p{packageTags = ts ++ packageTags p}) cbl
return (cbl, Map.keysSet cbl, source)
pure (cbl, Map.keysSet cbl, source)

where docDir name Package{..} = name ++ "-" ++ strUnpack packageVersion

Expand All @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actionGenerate g@Generate{..} = withTiming (if debug then Just $ replaceExtensio
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory database
whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "Generating files to " ++ takeDirectory database

download <- return $ downloadInput timing insecure download (takeDirectory database)
download <- pure $ downloadInput timing insecure download (takeDirectory database)
settings <- loadSettings
(cbl, want, source) <- case language of
Haskell | Just dir <- haddock -> readHaskellHaddock timing settings dir
Expand All @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ actionGenerate g@Generate{..} = withTiming (if debug then Just $ replaceExtensio
-- mtl is more popular than transformers, despite having dodgy docs, which is a shame, so we hack it
popularity <- evaluate $ Map.adjust (max $ 1 + Map.findWithDefault 0 (strPack "mtl") popularity) (strPack "transformers") popularity

want <- return $ if include /= [] then Set.fromList $ map strPack include else want
want <- return $ case count of Nothing -> want; Just count -> Set.fromList $ take count $ Set.toList want
want <- pure $ if include /= [] then Set.fromList $ map strPack include else want
want <- pure $ case count of Nothing -> want; Just count -> Set.fromList $ take count $ Set.toList want

(stats, _) <- storeWriteFile database $ \store -> do
xs <- withBinaryFile (database `replaceExtension` "warn") WriteMode $ \warnings -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,17 +258,17 @@ actionGenerate g@Generate{..} = withTiming (if debug then Just $ replaceExtensio
else if null include then
ret "Not on Stackage, so not searched.\n"
return ()
pure ()
.| pipelineC 10 (items .| sinkList)

itemWarn <- readIORef itemWarn
when (itemWarn > 0) $
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show itemWarn ++ " warnings when processing items"
return [(a,b) | (a,bs) <- xs, b <- bs]
pure [(a,b) | (a,bs) <- xs, b <- bs]

itemsMemory <- getStatsCurrentLiveBytes
xs <- timed timing "Reordering items" $ return $! reorderItems settings (\s -> maybe 1 negate $ Map.lookup s popularity) xs
xs <- timed timing "Reordering items" $ pure $! reorderItems settings (\s -> maybe 1 negate $ Map.lookup s popularity) xs
timed timing "Writing tags" $ writeTags store (`Set.member` want) (\x -> maybe [] (map (both strUnpack) . packageTags) $ Map.lookup x cbl) xs
timed timing "Writing names" $ writeNames store xs
timed timing "Writing types" $ writeTypes store (if debug then Just $ dropExtension database else Nothing) xs
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Action/Search.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ actionSearch :: CmdLine -> IO ()
actionSearch Search{..} = replicateM_ repeat_ $ -- deliberately reopen the database each time
withSearch database $ \store ->
if null compare_ then do
count' <- return $ fromMaybe 10 count
(q, res) <- return $ search store $ parseQuery $ unwords query
count' <- pure $ fromMaybe 10 count
(q, res) <- pure $ search store $ parseQuery $ unwords query
whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "Query: " ++ unescapeHTML (LBS.unpack $ renderMarkup $ renderQuery q)
let (shown, hidden) = splitAt count' $ nubOrd $ map (targetResultDisplay link) res
if null res then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,26 +90,26 @@ withSearch database act = do

search :: StoreRead -> [Query] -> ([Query], [Target])
search store qs = runIdentity $ do
(qs, exact, filt, list) <- return $ applyTags store qs
(qs, exact, filt, list) <- pure $ applyTags store qs
is <- case (filter isQueryName qs, filter isQueryType qs) of
([], [] ) -> return list
([], t:_) -> return $ searchTypes store $ hseToSig $ fromQueryType t
(xs, [] ) -> return $ searchNames store exact $ map fromQueryName xs
([], [] ) -> pure list
([], t:_) -> pure $ searchTypes store $ hseToSig $ fromQueryType t
(xs, [] ) -> pure $ searchNames store exact $ map fromQueryName xs
(xs, t:_) -> do
nam <- return $ Set.fromList $ searchNames store exact $ map fromQueryName xs
return $ filter (`Set.member` nam) $ searchTypes store $ hseToSig $ fromQueryType t
nam <- pure $ Set.fromList $ searchNames store exact $ map fromQueryName xs
pure $ filter (`Set.member` nam) $ searchTypes store $ hseToSig $ fromQueryType t
let look = lookupItem store
return (qs, map look $ filter filt is)
pure (qs, map look $ filter filt is)

action_search_test :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
action_search_test sample database = testing "" $ withSearch database $ \store -> do
let noResults a = do
res <- return $ snd $ search store (parseQuery a)
res <- pure $ snd $ search store (parseQuery a)
case res of
[] -> putChar '.'
_ -> errorIO $ "Searching for: " ++ show a ++ "\nGot: " ++ show (take 1 res) ++ "\n expected none"
let a ==$ f = do
res <- return $ snd $ search store (parseQuery a)
res <- pure $ snd $ search store (parseQuery a)
case res of
Target{..}:_ | f targetURL -> putChar '.'
_ -> errorIO $ "Searching for: " ++ show a ++ "\nGot: " ++ show (take 1 res)
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Action/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ actionServer cmd@Server{..} = do
\x -> BS.pack "hoogle=" `BS.isInfixOf` x && not (BS.pack "is:ping" `BS.isInfixOf` x)
putStrLn . showDuration =<< time
evaluate spawned
dataDir <- maybe getDataDir return datadir
haddock <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . canonicalizePath) haddock
dataDir <- maybe getDataDir pure datadir
haddock <- maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . canonicalizePath) haddock
withSearch database $ \store ->
server log cmd $ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home (dataDir </> "html") scope

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
filteredResults = take count $ drop start results
in case lookup "format" inputArgs of
Just "text" -> pure $ OutputJSON $ JSON.toEncoding $ map unHTMLTarget filteredResults
Just f -> return $ OutputFail $ lbstrPack $ "Format mode " ++ f ++ " not (currently) supported"
Just f -> pure $ OutputFail $ lbstrPack $ "Format mode " ++ f ++ " not (currently) supported"
Nothing -> pure $ OutputJSON $ JSON.toEncoding filteredResults
Just m -> return $ OutputFail $ lbstrPack $ "Mode " ++ m ++ " not (currently) supported"
Just m -> pure $ OutputFail $ lbstrPack $ "Mode " ++ m ++ " not (currently) supported"
["plugin","jquery.js"] -> OutputFile <$> JQuery.file
["plugin","jquery.flot.js"] -> OutputFile <$> Flot.file Flot.Flot
["plugin","jquery.flot.time.js"] -> OutputFile <$> Flot.file Flot.FlotTime
Expand All @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
summ <- logSummary log
let errs = sum [summaryErrors | Summary{..} <- summ, summaryDate >= pred (utctDay now)]
let alive = fromRational $ toRational $ (now `diffUTCTime` spawned) / (24 * 60 * 60)
return $ (if errs == 0 && alive < 1.5 then OutputText else OutputFail) $ lbstrPack $
pure $ (if errs == 0 && alive < 1.5 then OutputText else OutputFail) $ lbstrPack $
"Errors " ++ (if errs == 0 then "good" else "bad") ++ ": " ++ show errs ++ " in the last 24 hours.\n" ++
"Updates " ++ (if alive < 1.5 then "good" else "bad") ++ ": Last updated " ++ showDP 2 alive ++ " days ago.\n"

Expand All @@ -141,24 +141,24 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
OutputJavascript <$> templateRender templateLogJs [("data",html $ H.preEscapedString log)]
["stats"] -> do
stats <- getStatsDebug
return $ case stats of
pure $ case stats of
Nothing -> OutputFail $ lbstrPack "GHC Statistics is not enabled, restart with +RTS -T"
Just x -> OutputText $ lbstrPack $ replace ", " "\n" $ takeWhile (/= '}') $ drop1 $ dropWhile (/= '{') $ show x
"haddock":xs | Just x <- haddock -> do
let file = intercalate "/" $ x:xs
return $ OutputFile $ file ++ (if hasTrailingPathSeparator file then "index.html" else "")
pure $ OutputFile $ file ++ (if hasTrailingPathSeparator file then "index.html" else "")
"file":xs | local -> do
let x = ['/' | not isWindows] ++ intercalate "/" (dropWhile null xs)
let file = x ++ (if hasTrailingPathSeparator x then "index.html" else "")
if takeExtension file /= ".html" then
return $ OutputFile file
pure $ OutputFile file
else do
src <- readFile file
-- Haddock incorrectly generates file:// on Windows, when it should be file:///
-- so replace on file:// and drop all leading empty paths above
return $ OutputHTML $ lbstrPack $ replace "file://" "/file/" src
pure $ OutputHTML $ lbstrPack $ replace "file://" "/file/" src
xs ->
return $ OutputFile $ joinPath $ htmlDir : xs
pure $ OutputFile $ joinPath $ htmlDir : xs
html = templateMarkup
text = templateMarkup . H.string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ showFroms local haddock xs = mconcat $ intersperse ", " $ flip map pkgs $ \p ->
let ms = filter ((==) p . targetPackage) xs
in mconcat $ intersperse " " [H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue $ showURL local haddock b) $ H.string a | (a,b) <- catMaybes $ p : map remod ms]
remod Target{..} = do (a,_) <- targetModule; return (a,targetURL)
remod Target{..} = do (a,_) <- targetModule; pure (a,targetURL)
pkgs = nubOrd $ map targetPackage xs

showURL :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> URL -> String
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/General/Conduit.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ pipelineC buffer sink = do
x <- liftIO $ readChan chan
liftIO $ signalQSem sem
whenJust x yield
return $ isJust x) .|
pure $ isJust x) .|
awaitForever $ \x -> liftIO $ do
waitQSem sem
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/General/Log.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,23 +36,23 @@ showTime :: UTCTime -> String
showTime = showUTCTime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Q"

logNone :: IO Log
logNone = do ref <- newIORef Map.empty; return $ Log Nothing ref (const False)
logNone = do ref <- newIORef Map.empty; pure $ Log Nothing ref (const False)

logCreate :: Either Handle FilePath -> (BS.ByteString -> Bool) -> IO Log
logCreate store interesting = do
(h, old) <- case store of
Left h -> return (h, Map.empty)
Left h -> pure (h, Map.empty)
Right file -> do
b <- doesFileExist file
mp <- if not b then return Map.empty else withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
mp <- if not b then pure Map.empty else withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
src <- LBS.hGetContents h
let xs = mapMaybe (parseLogLine interesting . LBS.toStrict) $ LBS.lines src
return $! foldl' (\mp (k,v) -> Map.alter (Just . maybe v (<> v)) k mp) Map.empty xs
pure $! foldl' (\mp (k,v) -> Map.alter (Just . maybe v (<> v)) k mp) Map.empty xs
(,mp) <$> openFile file AppendMode
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
var <- newVar h
ref <- newIORef old
return $ Log (Just var) ref (interesting . BS.pack)
pure $ Log (Just var) ref (interesting . BS.pack)

logAddMessage :: Log -> String -> IO ()
logAddMessage Log{..} msg = do
Expand All @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ logAddEntry Log{..} user question taken err = do
else if isJust err then
add mempty{iErrors=1}
return ()
pure ()
whenJust logOutput $ \var -> withVar var $ \h ->
hPutStrLn h $ unwords $ [showTime time, user, showDP 3 taken, question] ++
maybeToList (fmap ((++) "ERROR: " . unwords . words) err)
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/General/Store.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ instance forall a . (Typeable a, Storable a) => Stored (V.Vector a) where
storeWriteAtom store k part (castPtr ptr, V.length v * sizeOf (undefined :: a))
storedRead store k = storeReadAtom store k $ \(ptr, len) -> do
ptr <- newForeignPtr_ $ castPtr ptr
return $ V.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 ptr (len `div` sizeOf (undefined :: a))
pure $ V.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 ptr (len `div` sizeOf (undefined :: a))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ storeWriteFile file act = do
let stats = prettyTable 0 "Bytes" $
("Overheads", intToDouble $ fromIntegral final - sum (map atomSize $ Map.elems atoms)) :
[(name ++ " :: " ++ atomType, intToDouble atomSize) | (name, Atom{..}) <- Map.toList atoms]
return (stats, res)
pure (stats, res)

storeWrite :: (Typeable (t a), Typeable a, Stored a) => StoreWrite -> t a -> a -> IO ()
storeWrite store k = storedWrite store k False
Expand All @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ storeWriteAtom (StoreWrite ref) (show . typeOf -> key) part (ptr, len) = do
(keyOld,a):xs | part, key == keyOld -> do
let size = atomSize a + len
evaluate size
return $ (key,a{atomSize=size}) : xs
_ -> return $ (key, Atom val swPosition len) : swAtoms
pure $ (key,a{atomSize=size}) : xs
_ -> pure $ (key, Atom val swPosition len) : swAtoms
writeIORef' ref sw{swPosition = swPosition + len, swAtoms = atoms}

Expand Down

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