Extends throttled/throttled with a new RateLimiter that can decrease the allowed rate of clients sustaining too much traffic for too long.
go get -u github.com/keratin/throttled-valve
store, err := memstore.New(65536)
if err != nil {
// Valve will allow:
// * 10/minute (1/6 seconds) with an additional burst of 4
// * After two minutes: 2/minute (1/30 seconds)
valve := valve.NewValve(store, valve.NewSchedule(4,
valve.Entry{Rate: throttled.PerMin(10)},
valve.Entry{Rate: throttled.PerMin(2), Delay: 2 * time.Minute},
// valve is compatible with throttled.HTTPRateLimiter
loginLimiter := throttled.HTTPRateLimiter{
RateLimiter: valve,
VaryBy: &throttled.VaryBy{RemoteAddr: true},
// you may wish to use a router and only apply the limit on specific endpoints
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", loginLimiter.RateLimit(loginHandler))
Copyright (c) 2018 Lance Ivy & contributors
Released under the MIT license.