released this
29 Jan 14:54
4 commits
to master
since this release
- Add parameter binding to the Query tasks and Trigger triggers #376 (#493) #493 (Mathieu Gabelle)
Bug Fixes
- jdbc: rollback to fetchType None (#460) #460 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- return size 0 for fetchOne (FETCH_ONE) when there is no result (#459) #459 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- correct postgres copyout example (#491) #491 (Shruti Mantri)
Code Refactoring
- cleanup AbstractJdbcQueries ensuring no memory leak #468 (Florian Hussonnois)
- migrate jdbc plugin to dynamic properties (#471) #471 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- migrate clickhouse cli to dynamic properties (#476) #476 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- migrate auoCommit to dynamic props (#482) #482 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- deps: bump duckdb version to 1.1.3 #466 (Florian Hussonnois)
- version: update snapshot version 'v0.21.0-SNAPSHOT'. (Florian Hussonnois)
- deps: update to duckdb 1.1.3 (Ludovic DEHON)
- bump up driver versions (#469) #469 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- adapt to latest taskrunner specs (Ludovic DEHON)
- deps: update common dependency (Ludovic DEHON)
- deps: bump com.amazon.redshift:redshift-jdbc42 #474 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump com.clickhouse:clickhouse-jdbc #478 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to (#484) #484 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: upgrade bouncycastle for postgres (#485) #485 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- deps: bump org.postgresql:postgresql from 42.7.4 to 42.7.5 (#486) #486 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on from 1.79 to 1.80 (#488) #488 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: upgrade bouncycastle to 1.80 (#489) #489 (Mathieu Gabelle)
- build: add project property for release plugin (Florian Hussonnois)
- version: update to version 'v0.21.0-rc0-SNAPSHOT'. (Florian Hussonnois)
- 0a6795b: remove non related example (ben8t) #472
- upgrade dependencies (#483) #483 (Mathieu Gabelle)