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[Update] patchfile updated. This is working with netbox 2.7.3
Patch to apply to a netbox installation to add beautiful topology view to sites
Once installed your individual site's pages should look like this:
This module allows to create and delete connections between interfaces via control panel:
- clone git repo
git clone
- run, sudo might be required to get access to netbox installation directory:
cd netbox_topology
sudo ./
- restart netbox via supervisord or apache/nginx (or even the docker container(s)) depending on your installation
sudo supervisorctl restart netbox
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo docker restart <container-name>
docker-compose restart
- open django admin web-interface and create a custom text field named "coordinates" under dcim->device model
Coordinates format x;y
- modify NETBOXPATH/netbox/static/js/topology_config.json to include your list on roles to hide from the topology view. You will need to add new list of cables to shown under shown_cables Constants are defined here
"shown_cables": [
please note that the list should include SLUGs, not names. please check that json is valid.
- let me know if there are any issues -
sudo ./
OR if your installation is GIT based (Option 2 from Netbox installation guide):
cd /opt/netbox
git checkout .
TODO: Add patch to netbox-docker