Reproducing results in the "Reconstructing unobserved cellular states from paired single-cell lineage tracing and transcriptomics data" paper, accepted at the ICML 2021 Workshop on Computational Biology.
Gaussian Process Factor Analysis (GPFA)
- The simulated tree topologies used in the GPFA experiments are stored in scvi/data/topologies/100cells.
- The code for the simulations is in scvi/dataset/
Gaussian Process Poisson Log Normal (GPPLN)
- The simulated tree topologies used in the GPPLN experiments are stored in scvi/data/topologies/500cells.
- The code for the simulations is in scvi/dataset/
- The tree toplogy fot the cancer metastasis dataset is stored in scvi/data/metastasis/lg7_tree_hybrid_priors.alleleThresh.processed.ultrametric.annotated.tree
- The gene expression data (603 cells, 100 genes) is stored in scvi/data/metastasis/Metastasis_lg7_100g.npy .
- Python 3
- Pytorch
- Clone the github repository, create an environment and install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
- for the GPFA experiments, run python3
- for the GPPLN experiments, run python3
- for the metastasis data analysis, symply follow instructions in the notebook scvi/external/notebooks/Metastasis.ipynb
At the end of each run, the raw results will be stored in csv format in a results/ folder, with sub-directories automatically created in reference to the hyperparameters used in each experiment. to reproduce the tables and figures of the paper, simply follow the instructions in scvi/external/notebooks/plot_results.ipynb.