Releases: kike-canaries/canairio_sensorlib
v0.5.2 rev355
v0.5.1 rev352
v0.5.0 rev351
- added documentation to all public methods and examples
- Multi Wire version (Two i2c channel test)
- fixed some issues with dual Main sensor (One PM2.5 and one CO2 sensor0
- improved unit registered methods
- improved sensor registry methods
- removed MainSensorType and MainSensor concept and methods
- added multivariable advanced example
- improved memory consumption
2022-01-24 17:49:55 +0100 6b53085
v0.4.3 rev342
Multivariable support
This version added new getters to have the current status of each unit of each sensor connected to the device in real time.
- Tested on TFT version (TTGO T-Display board)
- Tested with Panasonic PM 2.5 sensor, AM2320, SHT31, SenseAirS8 and Sensirion SCD30 sensors
uint8_t getUnitsRegisteredCount();
bool isUnitRegistered(UNIT unit);
String getUnitName(UNIT unit);
String getUnitSymbol(UNIT unit);
int getNextUnit();
uint32_t getUnitValue(UNIT unit);
2022-01-07 13:58:15 +0100 de7324e Merge pull request #118 from kike-canaries/devel
v0.4.2 rev341
22db523 Merge pull request #113
55d1ea3 pull request #114 (debug mode improvements)
083dd78 getter for version_name
and revision
adf9882 fixed some verbose log issues
e86046b add validation for deploy script
c7e78fb Merge pull request #110 from @melkati (multiply issue on SCD30)
2021-12-14 19:43:43 +0100 22db523 Merge pull request #113 from kike-canaries/devel
v0.4.1 rev340
v0.4.0 rev339
- bmp280 issues fixed
- fix issue #101
- tested on DEVKIT and TTGOTDisplay (Thanks to @roberbike @lemeit)
v0.3.9 rev338
ec02fe2 Accounts for SCD4x conversion rounding errors in temperature offset
e8a30bb Include SCD4x in setTempOffset
8420e8d Fix bug with float comparation
d467acb New BMP280 sensor and BME280 issues fixed
4d3c6c4 changed the defaults address for bme280 and sht31 sensors
a27e341 new implementation of BMP680 sensor
f016731 fixed all PlatformIO libraries to static version
cb5cb49 fixed issue with bme280 sensor detection
2817cc1 possible fix to issue #101
8a4792d refactor enum variable Sensirion to SSPS30
Thanks to @melkati @roberbike @danielbernalb @lemeit
for report issues and fixes
v0.3.8 rev337
v0.2.9 rev329
- fix issue #86
- fix scd30 device_type issue
- fix scd30 altitude offset issue
- refactor device_type enum issues