get it on the chrome store
Replaces your new tab with a minimal page, consisting of a clock and one of over 800 beautiful backgrounds!
It's built using React.js and Babel.
If you're interested in viewing/running/forking the code, here are the instructions to install:
➜ ~ git clone {your link to clone}
➜ ~ cd newton
➜ ~ npm install
➜ ~ npm run build
➜ ~ npm start
This repo uses webpack-dev-server, so if you make a change to src/app.js and save, it will recompile and hot-load the app at localhost:2020. If you want to create a build.js file to use somewhere (for production), then run:
➜ ~ npm run build-app
and it will show up in lib/build.js.
Note: I did not include the file I pull backgrounds from as it could make the app compromised.