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Releases: kitadai31/revanced-patches-android6-7


16 Feb 12:22
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Original changelogs:

Known issues:

  • RYD in Shorts is unstable. (When dislike count isn't shown in shorts, please scroll the short a bit.)
  • "Disable engagement panel" (in fullscreen settings) also hides quick actions container.

Tools information:


08 Feb 09:36
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[This is a hotfix release]

  • fix: RVX Settings is blank on Android 6.0

For other changelogs, see the release page of v5.4.1-dev.4


ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 fork is back!

Sorry for the wait!
Manager update has been released.
Now you can use ReVanced Manager on Android 6-7 devices directly.


07 Feb 18:32
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Based on RVX Patches v5.4.1-dev.4.

Original changelogs:
(French and Korean translations are fixed.)

Fork changelogs:

  • Separated Disable update screen patch from Hide layout components patch. (This time real)
    This allows users to disable the force update screen while excluding "Hide layout components" patch.

Known issues:

  • RYD in Shorts is unstable. (When dislike count isn't shown in shorts, please scroll the short a bit.)
  • "Disable engagement panel" (in fullscreen settings) also hides quick actions container.

Tools information:


ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 fork is back!

Sorry for the wait!
Now you can use ReVanced Manager on Android 6-7 devices directly.


04 Feb 13:38
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Based on RVX Patches v5.4.1-dev.3.

Original changelogs:

Fork changelogs:

  • Fixed the issue that casting to TV crashes the app.
  • Separated Disable update screen patch from Hide layout components patch.
    • This is not valid. I'll fix in the next release.

Known issues:

  • RYD in Shorts is unstable. (When dislike count isn't shown in shorts, please scroll the short a bit.)
  • "Disable engagement panel" (in fullscreen settings) also hides quick actions container.
  • French and Korean translations are not included. (An issue of original v5.4.1-dev.3)

Tools information:


15 Jan 11:50
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Based on RVX Patches v5.2.1


We finally caught up with the latest RVX!

Until now, this project was based on RVX v2.160.1 (released in February 2023).
But after this update, this project is based on the latest version of RVX.
This is like applying the latest RVX Patches to YouTube 17.34.36.

This is the biggest update ever for YT ReVanced Android 6-7!
All users are recommended to update. (Repatch apk)

  • A ton of new features have been added.
  • Live streams ads have been fixed.
  • Default video speed settings has been fixed. (This problem had existed since the first version of this fork...)
  • Many other bugs have also been fixed.

Known issue

  • RYD in Shorts is unstable. (When dislike count isn't shown in shorts, scrolling the shorts a bit may solves it.)
  • "Disable engagement panel" (in fullscreen settings) also hides quick actions container.
  • (ADDED Jan 18) Casting to TV crashes the app


  • Clean install is recommended
  • Even if you update without a clean install, most of ReVanced settings will be lost.
    • Because most of preference keys are changed between RVX v2.160.1 (Feb 2023) and v5.2.1 (Jan 2025)
    • The exception is SponsorBlock user id. This will be migrated even if you updated without a clean install.
  • Migrated revanced-patcher internal library to v20+, so ReVanced Integrations has been merged into Patches. Integrations no longer exist.
  • You will notice that the default custom branding icon have changed. The old icon is afn_red if you want.

Tools information:

ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 fork is back!

(Latest update: 2025-02-10)

Manager update has been released.
Now you can use ReVanced Manager on Android 6-7 devices directly.


01 Dec 12:09
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed playback error [400] problem
    • Removed spoof-client patch and added spoof-streaming-data patch
  • Adjusted external downloader presets
    • Removed outdated PowerTube preset
  • Fixed "Custom seekbar color" is not working
  • Fixed RVX Builder cannot select default patches by "Select All" button


  • Removed force-vp9-codec patch as it is not working
  • custom-seekbar-color: Support light mode and seekbars on video thumbnails
  • custom-seekbar-color: Add an option to hide thumbnail seekbar
  • shorts-seek: If camera button is appeared, replace camera button with skip button instead of menu button
  • SponsorBlock: Match default settings to RVX, improved toast
    • Previous default settings were too aggressive. (Example: MV intro was always force skipped.)
    • Toast messages now have "SponsorBlock:" prefix.
  • Improve patching performance of XML handling

※ Compatible ReVanced Manager: ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 (fork) v1.17.6
※ Compatible ReVanced CLI: fork v3.1.4

This update introduces a whole new strategy for Spoof client patch that called "Spoof streaming data".
All non-root users should update!

For users who are using this on Android 8.0+: Read this


30 Aug 05:24
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  • Spoof client: Fix some side effects of iOS spoofing:
    • Higher video qualities may not be available
    • Live streams not available on Android 8.0
    • Not able to play live streams in background (audio only)
    • Watch history doesn't work with brand accounts (Experimental, Need to turn on manually)
  • Spoof client: Change default spoofing type of live streams to iOS from Android VR
  • Check watch history domain name resolution

※ The next update may be soon, as the ReVanced team is developing a whole new strategy for Spoof client patch.

※ Compatible ReVanced Manager: ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 (fork)
※ Compatible ReVanced CLI: fork

Known issue: In this version, Patches version in settings is shown as "2.160.10"


04 Jun 17:00
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  • Add spoof-client patch
  • Rename os-version-check patch to check-android-version patch, and make it a default patch
    • This patch shows a warning if the device is Android 8.0+
  • Update translations


Starting around May 3rd, a new buffering problem began to occur for some users.
This issue has been fixed with spoof-client patch.
But the setting is not turned on by default.

If you are facing video playback problem, open [Settings > ReVanced settings > Miscellaneous > Spoof client] and turn on [Spoof client] manually.

"Spoof client" option is a workaround, and it contains side effects.
If you are not a target user of the endless loading problem, you don't have to turn on this.

Additional updates may be released in the future to fix side effects.


However, there are two buffering issues.

  • Old buffering issue: Video stops at 30-40 seconds and never starts again
  • New buffering issue: Video stops at 0-10 seconds, but sometimes video starts again after 1-3 minutes (but the video quality is restricted to 360p and 720p)

"Spoof client" patch fixes the latter.
If you have the former problem, you don't need to turn on "Spoof client".
To fix the old buffering issue, just force stop GmsCore. (Make sure you are using the latest patch version)

※ Compatible ReVanced Manager: ReVanced Manager for Android 5-7 (fork)
※ Compatible ReVanced CLI: v3.1.4 (fork)


28 Mar 11:46
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  • feat(microg-support): Switch to ReVanced GmsCore to fix playback issues
  • Remove spoof-player-parameters because this patch is not needed anymore

Note: From this version, you have to use GmsCore

To fix the recent playback problem "The following content is not available on this app." (#64), the official ReVanced Team released the new MicroG called "GmsCore".
From this patch version, old Vanced MicroG is not supported and you need the new ReVanced GmsCore.

Please download and install ReVanced GmsCore before patch ReVanced.

GmsCore downloads

  • ReVanced/GmsCore (Official, Default, Recommended)
  • YT-Advanced/GmsCore (More optimized, but this GmsCore crashes on ARMv7 devices. NOT recommended.)
  • WSTxda/MicroG-RE (Under developing now)

Then, uninstall the old Vanced MicroG manually.
(Vanced MicroG isn't shown in app drawer by default. Uninstall from Settings > Apps.)

It has a different package name.
• Vanced MicroG:
• ReVanced GmsCore:
Therefore, you have to uninstall Vanced MicroG manually.

Benefits of GmsCore

No need to use Spoof player parameters anymore, which means now we won't face any side effects like buffering at 1:10, autoplay in feed stops, no seekbar thumbnails, watch history disappear, etc.
I appriciate to ReVanced lead developer oSumAtrIX and NewPipe develop member AudricV for they fixed MicroG issue!
(From the beginning, playback issues like buffering was a MicroG issue. Spoof player parameter was just a workaround of this.)

How to solve buffering after 30-40 sec problem after migrating to GmsCore


03 Mar 13:47
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Watch History problem got fixed right now !!!
Please say thanks to @oSumAtrlX (ReVanced owner) for his work, I just copied his fix

Bug fixes

  • fix(spoof-player-parameters): Fix tracking such as history or watch time
  • fix(hide-general-ads): add a warning to "Hide breaking news" setting that isn't working
  • Remove hide-stories patch (because Stories were discontinued)


  • Add shorts-seek patch
    • This patch replaces search and menu button in Shorts player with skip/rewind button.
  • Add disable-update-screen patch
  • feat(hide-general-ads): Update ad filters
  • Update translation Ukrainian

※ Compatible ReVanced Manager : v1.17.1 (fork)
※ Not compatible with official ReVanced Manager. Please use fork version.
※ Compatible ReVanced CLI: v3.1.1