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About YouTube Music

kitadai31 edited this page Mar 4, 2025 · 16 revisions

About using RVX Music on Android 5.0 - 7.1

This fork doesn't have patches for YT Music.

For YT Music, use the inotia00's original latest RVX Patches.

It supports YT Music v6.20.51 (Last version for Android 5-6), and v6.42.55 (Last version for Android 7).

YouTube Music support status

As of September 2024, the latest YouTube Music is supporting Android 8.0+.

Android 5.0-6.0 was supported up to v6.20.51.
Android 7.x was supported up to v6.42.55.

Therefore, you have to download this version of YouTube Music APK for these old Android versions.

How to patch

How to patch RVX Music for Android 5.0-7.1 devices?
There are several methods.

Method 1. Use "ReVanced Manger for Android 5-7"

Since from RVX Patches v5.4.1 (2025-02-13), Music patches support patching on Android 5-7.

Now you can patch RVX Music on Android 5-7 directly!

ReVanced Manger for Android 5-7

You have to change two settings to patch YT Music.

• Turn off "Require suggested app version" setting

This is needed to select old supported versions APK such as v6.20.51 or v6.42.55.

• Change source setting

Change to the inotia00's official RVX Patches.

  • Open "Alternative sources" setting
  • Set it to inotia00 and revanced-patches

After changing these two settings, patch YT Music v6.20.51 or v6.42.55 apk.
Steps are similar to patching YouTube.

Method 2. Use "RVX Manager" on Android 8.0+ devices

Use RVX Manager on other Android 8.0+ devices to patch YT Music APK (v6.20.51 or v6.42.55).

Before start patching, turn off "Require suggested app version" from settings.
This is needed to select old supported versions APK such as v6.20.51 or v6.42.55.

Then patch YT Music v6.20.51 (Android 5-6) or v6.42.55 (Android 7).

After patching is completed, press the save [💾] button to save a apk, and move it to the target device.

3. Revancify or RVX Builder

Termux supports Android 7.0+, so Revancify or RVX Builder are available on Android 7.x devices.


RVX Builder

RVX Builder also supports PC, so patching on PC is an option.

Android-5 version of Termux cannot be used because it doesn't have a Java JDK package!

4. ReVanced CLI

Of course, you can patch with revanced-cli manually.