A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi rendering engine. Updated for Pixi v5.3.10. Chinese version here: Pixi官方教程中文版. If you like this tutorial, you'll love the book, which contains 80% more content!.
- Introduction
- Setting up
- Creating the stage and renderer
- Pixi sprites
- Loading images into the texture cache
- Displaying sprites
- Positioning sprites
- Size and scale
- Rotation
- Make a sprite from a tileset sub-image
- Using a texture atlas
- Loading the texture atlas
- Creating sprites from a loaded texture atlas
- Moving Sprites
- Using velocity properties
- Game states
- Keyboard Movement
- Grouping Sprites
- Pixi's Graphic Primitives
- Displaying text
- Collision detection
- Case study: Treasure Hunter
- More about sprites
- Taking it further
2.BabylonJS - Supporting this project
Pixi is an extremely fast 2D sprite rendering engine. What does that mean? It means that it helps you to display, animate and manage interactive graphics so that it's easy for you to make games and applications using JavaScript and other HTML5 technologies. It has a sensible, uncluttered API and includes many useful features, like supporting texture atlases and providing a streamlined system for animating sprites (interactive images). It also gives you a complete scene graph so that you can create hierarchies of nested sprites (sprites inside sprites), as well as letting you attach mouse and touch events directly to sprites. And, most importantly, Pixi gets out of your way so that you can use as much or as little of it as you want to, adapt it to your personal coding style, and integrate it seamlessly with other useful frameworks.
Pixi’s API is actually a refinement of a well-worn and battle-tested API pioneered by Macromedia/Adobe Flash. Old-skool Flash developers will feel right at home. Other current sprite rendering frameworks use a similar API: CreateJS, Starling, Sparrow and Apple’s SpriteKit. The strength of Pixi’s API is that it’s general-purpose: it’s not a game engine. That’s good because it gives you total expressive freedom to make anything you like, and wrap your own custom game engine around it.
In this tutorial you’re going to find out how to combine Pixi’s powerful image rendering features and scene graph to start making games. But Pixi isn't just for games - you can use these same techniques to create any interactive media applications. That means apps for phones!
What do you need to know before you get started with this tutorial?
You should have a reasonable understanding of HTML and JavaScript. You don't have to be an expert, just an ambitious beginner with an eagerness to learn. If you don't know HTML and JavaScript, the best place to start learning it is this book:
Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript
I know for a fact that it's the best book, because I wrote it!
There are also some good internet resources to help get you started:
Khan Academy: Computer Programming
Choose whichever best suits your learning style.
Ok, got it? Do you know what JavaScript variables, functions, arrays and objects are and how to use them? Do you know what JSON data files are? Have you used the Canvas Drawing API?
To use Pixi, you'll also need to run a webserver in your root project directory. Do you know what a webserver is and how to launch one in your project folder? The best way is to use node.js and then to install the extremely easy to use http-server. However, you need to be comfortable working with the Unix command line if you want to do that. You can learn how to use Unix in this video and, when you're finished, follow it with this video. You should learn how to use Unix - it only takes a couple of hours to learn and is a really fun and easy way to interact with your computer.
But if you don't want to mess around with the command line just yet, try the Mongoose webserver:
Or, just write all your code using the excellent Brackets text editor. Brackets automatically launches a webserver and browser for you when you click the lightning bolt button in its main workspace.
Now if you think you're ready, read on!
(Request to readers: this is a living document. If you have any questions about specific details or need any of the content clarified, please create an issue in this GitHub repository and I'll update the text with more information.)
Before you start writing any code, create a folder for your project, and launch a webserver in the project's root directory. If you aren't running a webserver, Pixi won't work.
Next, you need to install Pixi.
The version used for this introduction is v5.3.10
and you can find the pixi.min.js
file either in this repository's pixi
folder or on Pixi's release page for v5.3.10.
Or, you can get the latest version from Pixi's main release page.
This one file is all you need to use Pixi. You can ignore all the other files in the repository: you don't need them.
Next, create a basic HTML page, and use a
tag to link the
file that you've just downloaded. The <script>
tag's src
should be relative to your root directory where your webserver is
running. Your <script>
tag might look something like this:
<script src="pixi.min.js"></script>
Here's a basic HTML page that you could use to link Pixi and test that
it's working. (This assumes that the pixi.min.js
is in a subfolder called pixi
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World</title>
<script src="pixi/pixi.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
let type = "WebGL";
if (!PIXI.utils.isWebGLSupported()) {
type = "canvas";
If Pixi is linking correctly, something like this will be displayed in your web browser's JavaScript console by default:
PixiJS 5.3.10 - * WebGL * http://www.pixijs.com/ ♥♥♥
Now you can start using Pixi!
But how?
The first step is to create a rectangular
display area that you can start displaying images on. Pixi has an
object that creates this for you. It
automatically generates an HTML <canvas>
element and figures out how
to display your images on the canvas. You then need to create a
special Pixi Container
object called the stage
. As you'll see
ahead, this stage
object is going to be used as the root container
that holds all the things you want Pixi to display.
Here’s the code you need to write to create an app
Pixi Application
and stage
. Add this code to your HTML document between the <script>
//Create a Pixi Application
const app = new PIXI.Application({width: 256, height: 256});
//Add the canvas that Pixi automatically created for you to the HTML document
This is the most basic code you need write to get started using Pixi. It produces a black 256 pixel by 256 pixel canvas element and adds it to your HTML document. Here's what this looks like in a browser when you run this code.
Yay, a black square!
's only argument is a single object called the options
object. In this example its width
and height
properties are set to determine the width and height of the canvas, in pixels. You can set many more optional properties inside this options
object; here's how you could use it to set anti-aliasing, transparency
and resolution:
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: 256, // default: 800
height: 256, // default: 600
antialias: true, // default: false
transparent: false, // default: false
resolution: 1 // default: 1
If you're happy with Pixi's default settings, you don't need to set any of these options. But, if you need to, see Pixi's documentation on PIXI.Application.
What do those options do?
smoothes the edges of fonts and graphic primitives. (WebGL
anti-aliasing isn’t available on all platforms, so you’ll need to test
this on your game’s target platform.) transparent
makes the canvas
background transparent. resolution
makes it easier to work with
displays of varying resolutions and pixel densities. Setting
the resolutions is a little
outside the scope of this tutorial, but check out Mat Grove's
about how to use resolution
for all the details. But usually, just keep resolution
at 1 for most projects and you'll be fine.
Pixi's renderer
object will default to WebGL, which is good, because WebGL is
incredibly fast, and lets you use some spectacular visual effects that
you’ll learn all about ahead. The Canvas renderer was removed in version 5 and above, but Pixi provides a separate version named pixi.js-legacy
which re-adds support for the canvas renderer should you need it.
If you need to change the background color of the canvas after you’ve
created it, set the app.renderer
object’s backgroundColor
property to
any hexadecimal color value:
app.renderer.backgroundColor = 0x061639;
If you want to find the width or the height of the renderer
, use
and app.renderer.view.height
To change the size of the canvas, use the renderer
’s resize
method, and supply any new width
and height
values. But, to make
sure the canvas is resized to match the resolution, set autoDensity
to true
app.renderer.autoDensity = true;
app.renderer.resize(512, 512);
If you want to make the canvas fill the entire window and adjust automatically if it is resized, you can use some CSS styling along with the resizeTo
property, providing it an element to scale to, such as window
as the value.
can also be passed with the rest of your options when creating your Pixi application.
app.renderer.view.style.position = "absolute";
app.renderer.view.style.display = "block";
app.renderer.autoDensity = true;
app.resizeTo = window;
But, if you do that, make sure you also set the default padding and margins to 0 on all your HTML elements with this bit of CSS code:
<style>* {padding: 0; margin: 0}</style>
(The asterisk, *, in the code above, is the CSS "universal selector", which just means "all the tags in the HTML document".)
If you want the canvas to scale proportionally to any browser window
size, you can use this custom scaleToWindow
Now that you have a renderer, you can start adding images to it. Anything you want to be made visible in the renderer has to be added to a special Pixi object called the stage
. You can access this special stage
object like this:
The stage
is a Pixi Container
object. You can think of a container
as a kind of empty box that will group together and store whatever you
put inside it. The stage
object is the root container for all the visible
things in your scene. Whatever you put inside the stage
will be
rendered on the canvas. Right now the stage
is empty, but soon we're going to
start putting things inside it. (You can read more about Pixi's Container
objects here).
(Important: because the stage
is a Pixi Container
it has the same properties and methods as any other Container
object. But, although the stage
has width
and height
properties, they don't refer to
the size of the rendering window. The stage's width
and height
properties just tell you the area occupied by the things you put inside it - more on that ahead!)
So what do you put on the stage? Special image objects called sprites. Sprites are basically just images that you can control with code. You can control their position, size, and a host of other properties that are useful for making interactive and animated graphics. Learning to make and control sprites is really the most important thing about learning to use Pixi. If you know how to make sprites and add them to the stage, you're just a small step away from starting to make games.
Pixi has a Sprite
class that is a versatile way to make game
sprites. There are three main ways to create them:
- From a single image file.
- From a sub-image on a tileset. A tileset is a single, big image that includes all the images you'll need in your game.
- From a texture atlas (A JSON file that defines the size and position of an image on a tileset.)
You’re going to learn all three ways, but, before you do, let’s find out what you need to know about images before you can display them with Pixi.
Because Pixi renders the image on the GPU with WebGL, the image needs
to be in a format that the GPU can process. A WebGL-ready image is
called a texture. Before you can make a sprite display an image,
you need to convert an ordinary image file into a WebGL texture. To
keep everything working fast and efficiently under the hood, Pixi uses
a texture cache to store and reference all the textures your
sprites will need. The names of the textures are strings that match
the file locations of the images they refer to. That means if you have
a texture that was loaded from "images/cat.png"
, you could find it in the texture cache like this:
The textures are stored in a WebGL compatible format that’s efficient
for Pixi’s renderer to work with. You can then use Pixi’s Sprite
class to make a new sprite using the texture.
const texture = PIXI.utils.TextureCache["images/anySpriteImage.png"];
const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
But how do you load the image file and convert it into a texture? Use
Pixi’s built-in Loader
Pixi's powerful Loader
object is all you need to load any kind of image.
Here’s how to use it to load an image and call a function called setup
when the image has finished loading:
function setup() {
//This code will run when the loader has finished loading the image
Pixi’s development team
that if you use the loader, you should create the sprite by
referencing the texture in the Loader
’s resources
object, like this:
const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(
Here’s an example of some complete code you could write to load an image,
call the setup
function, and create a sprite from the loaded image:
function setup() {
const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(
This is the general format we’ll be using to load images and create sprites in this tutorial.
You can load multiple images at the same time by listing them with
chainable add
methods, like this:
Better yet, just list all the files you want to load in
an array inside a single add
method, like this:
The Loader
also lets you load JSON files, which you'll learn
about ahead.
After you've loaded an image, and used it to make a sprite, you need to add the sprite to Pixi's stage
with the stage.addChild
method, like this:
Remember that the stage
is the main container that holds all of your sprites.
Important: you won't be able to see any of your sprites unless you add them to the stage
Before we continue, let's look at a practical example of how to use what
you've just learnt to display a single image. In the examples/images
folder you'll find a 64 by 64 pixel PNG image of a cat.
Here's all the JavaScript code you need to load the image, create a sprite, and display it on Pixi's stage:
//Create a Pixi Application
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: 256,
height: 256,
antialias: true,
transparent: false,
resolution: 1
//Add the canvas that Pixi automatically created for you to the HTML document
//load an image and run the `setup` function when it's done
//This `setup` function will run when the image has loaded
function setup() {
//Create the cat sprite
const cat = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Loader.shared.resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
//Add the cat to the stage
When this code runs, here's what you'll see:
Now we're getting somewhere!
If you ever need to remove a sprite from the stage, use the removeChild
But usually setting a sprite’s visible
property to false
will be a simpler and more efficient way of making sprites disappear.
anySprite.visible = false;
You can save yourself a little typing and make your code more readable
by creating short-form aliases for the Pixi objects and methods that you
use frequently. For example, is prefixing PIXI
to all of Pixi's objects starting to bog you down? If you think so, create a shorter alias that points to it. For example, here's how you can create an alias to the TextureCache
const TextureCache = PIXI.utils.TextureCache;
Then, use that alias in place of the original, like this:
const texture = TextureCache["images/cat.png"];
In addition to letting you write slightly more succinct code, using aliases has an extra benefit: it helps to buffer you from Pixi's frequently changing API. If Pixi's API changes in future versions - which it will! - you just need to update these aliases to Pixi objects and methods in one place, at the beginning of your program, instead of every instance where they're used throughout your code. So when Pixi's development team decides they want to rearrange the furniture a bit, you'll be one step ahead of them!
To see how to do this, let's re-write the code we wrote to load an image and display it, using aliases for all the Pixi objects and methods.
const Application = PIXI.Application,
loader = PIXI.Loader.shared,
resources = PIXI.Loader.shared.resources,
Sprite = PIXI.Sprite;
//Create a Pixi Application
const app = new Application({
width: 256,
height: 256,
antialias: true,
transparent: false,
resolution: 1
//Add the canvas that Pixi automatically created for you to the HTML document
//load an image and run the `setup` function when it's done
//This `setup` function will run when the image has loaded
function setup() {
//Create the cat sprite
const cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
//Add the cat to the stage
Most of the examples in this tutorial will use aliases for Pixi objects that follow this same model. Unless otherwise stated, you can assume that all the code examples that follow use aliases like these.
This is all you need to know to start loading images and creating sprites.
The format I've shown you above is what I suggest you use as your
standard template for loading images and displaying sprites. So, you
can safely ignore the next few paragraphs and jump straight to the
next section, "Positioning sprites." But Pixi's Loader
object is
quite sophisticated and includes a few features that you should be
aware of, even if you don't use them on a regular basis. Let's
look at some of the most useful.
For optimization and efficiency it’s always best to make a sprite from
a texture that’s been pre-loaded into Pixi’s texture cache. But if for
some reason you need to make a texture from a regular JavaScript
object, you can do that using Pixi’s BaseTexture
and Texture
const base = new PIXI.BaseTexture(anyImageObject),
texture = new PIXI.Texture(base),
sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
You can use BaseTexture.from
if you want to make a texture
from any existing canvas element:
const base = new PIXI.BaseTexture.from(anyCanvasElement);
If you want to change the texture the sprite is displaying, use the
property. Set it to any Texture
object, like this:
anySprite.texture = PIXI.utils.TextureCache["anyTexture.png"];
You can use this technique to interactively change the sprite’s appearance if something significant happens to it in the game.
It's possible to assign a unique name to each resource you want to
load. Just supply the name (a string) as the first argument in the
method. For example, here's how to name an image of a cat as
.add("catImage", "images/cat.png")
This creates an object called catImage
in Loader.shared.resources
That means you can create a sprite by referencing the catImage
object, like this:
const cat = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Loader.shared.resources.catImage.texture);
However, I recommend you don't use this feature! That's because you'll have to remember all names you gave each loaded files, as well as make sure you don't accidentally use the same name more than once. Using the file path name, as we've done in previous examples is simpler and less error prone.
Pixi's Loader
has a special progress
event that will call a
customizable function that will run each time a file loads. progress
events are called by the
's onProgress
method, like this:
Here's how to include the onProgress
method in the loading chain, and call
a user-definable function called loadProgressHandler
each time a file loads.
function loadProgressHandler() {
function setup() {
Each time one of the files loads, the progress event calls
to display "loading" in the console. When all three files have loaded, the setup
function will run. Here's the output of the above code in the console:
That's neat, but it gets better. You can also find out exactly which file
has loaded and what percentage of overall files are have currently
loaded. You can do this by adding optional loader
parameters to the loadProgressHandler
, like this:
function loadProgressHandler(loader, resource) { /*...*/ }
You can then use resource.url
to find the file that's currently
loaded. (Use resource.name
if you want to find the optional name
that you might have assigned to the file, as the first argument in the
method.) And you can use loader.progress
to find what
percentage of total resources have currently loaded. Here's some code
that does just that.
function loadProgressHandler(loader, resource) {
//Display the file `url` currently being loaded
console.log("loading: " + resource.url);
//Display the percentage of files currently loaded
console.log("progress: " + loader.progress + "%");
//If you gave your files names as the first argument
//of the `add` method, you can access them like this
//console.log("loading: " + resource.name);
function setup() {
console.log("All files loaded");
Here's what this code will display in the console when it runs:
loading: images/one.png
progress: 33.333333333333336%
loading: images/two.png
progress: 66.66666666666667%
loading: images/three.png
progress: 100%
All files loaded
That's really cool, because you could use this as the basis for creating a loading progress bar.
(Note: There are additional properties you can access on the
object. resource.error
will tell you of any possible
error that happened while
trying to load a file. resource.data
lets you
access the file's raw binary data.)
Pixi's Loader
is ridiculously feature-rich and configurable. Let's
take a quick bird's-eye view of its usage to
get you started.
The loader's chainable add
method takes 4 basic arguments:
add(name, url, optionObject, callbackFunction);
Here's what the loader's source code documentation has to say about these parameters:
(string): The name of the resource to load. If it's not passed, the url
is used.
(string): The url for this resource, relative to the baseUrl
of the loader.
(object literal): The options for the load.
(Boolean): Is the request cross-origin? The default is to determine automatically.
: How should the resource be loaded? The default value is Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR
: How should the data being loaded be interpreted
when using XHR? The default value is Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DEFAULT
: The function to call when this specific resource completes loading.
The only one of these arguments that's required is the url
(the file that you want to load.)
Here are some examples of some ways you could use the add
method to load files. These first ones are what the docs call the loader's "normal syntax":
.add('key', 'http://...', function () {})
.add('http://...', function () {})
And these are examples of the loader's "object syntax":
name: 'key2',
url: 'http://...'
}, function () {})
url: 'http://...'
}, function () {})
name: 'key3',
url: 'http://...',
onComplete: function () {}
url: 'https://...',
onComplete: function () {},
crossOrigin: true
You can also pass the add
method an array of objects, or urls, or
name: 'key4',
url: 'http://...',
onComplete: function () {}
url: 'http://...',
onComplete: function () {}
(Note: If you ever need to reset the loader to load a new batch of files, call the loader's reset
method: PIXI.Loader.shared.reset();
Pixi's Loader
has many more advanced features, including options to
let you load and parse binary files of all types. This is not
something you'll need to do on a day-to-day basis, and way outside the
scope of this tutorial, so make sure to check out the loader's GitHub repository
for more information.
Now that you know how to create and display sprites, let's find out how to position and resize them.
In the earlier example the cat sprite was added to the stage at
the top left corner. The cat has an x
position of
0 and a y
position of 0. You can change the position of the cat by
changing the values of its x
and y
properties. Here's how you can center the cat in the stage by
setting its x
and y
property values to 96.
cat.x = 96;
cat.y = 96;
Add these two lines of code anywhere inside the setup
function, after you've created the sprite.
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
const cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
//Change the sprite's position
cat.x = 96;
cat.y = 96;
//Add the cat to the stage so you can see it
(Note: In this example,
is an alias for PIXI.Sprite
, TextureCache
is an
alias for PIXI.utils.TextureCache
, and resources
is an alias for
as described earlier. I'll be
using aliases that follow this same format for all Pixi objects and
methods in the example code from now on.)
These two new lines of code will move the cat 96 pixels to the right, and 96 pixels down. Here's the result:
The cat's top left corner (its left ear) represents its x
and y
anchor point. To make the cat move to the right, increase the
value of its x
property. To make the cat move down, increase the
value of its y
property. If the cat has an x
value of 0, it will be at
the very left side of the stage. If it has a y
value of 0, it will
be at the very top of the stage.
Instead of setting the sprite's x
and y
properties independently,
you can set them together in a single line of code, like this:
sprite.position.set(x, y);
You can change a sprite's size by setting its width
and height
properties. Here's how to give the cat a width
of 80 pixels and a height
120 pixels.
cat.width = 80;
cat.height = 120;
Add those two lines of code to the setup
function, like this:
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
const cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
//Change the sprite's position
cat.x = 96;
cat.y = 96;
//Change the sprite's size
cat.width = 80;
cat.height = 120;
//Add the cat to the stage so you can see it
Here's the result:
You can see that the cat's position (its top left corner) didn't change, only its width and height.
Sprites also have scale.x
and scale.y
properties that change the
sprite's width and height proportionately. Here's how to set the cat's
scale to half size:
cat.scale.x = 0.5;
cat.scale.y = 0.5;
Scale values are numbers between 0 and 1 that represent a percentage of the sprite's size. 1 means 100% (full size), while 0.5 means 50% (half size). You can double the sprite's size by setting its scale values to 2, like this:
cat.scale.x = 2;
cat.scale.y = 2;
Pixi has an alternative, concise way for you set sprite's scale in one
line of code using the scale.set
cat.scale.set(0.5, 0.5);
If that appeals to you, use it!
You can make a sprite rotate by setting its rotation
property to a
value in radians.
cat.rotation = 0.5;
But around which point does that rotation happen?
You've seen that a sprite's top left corner represents its x
and y
position. That point is
called the anchor point. If you set the sprite’s rotation
property to something like 0.5
, the rotation will happen around the
sprite’s anchor point.
This diagram shows what effect this will have on our cat sprite.
You can see that the anchor point, the cat’s left ear, is the center of the imaginary circle around which the cat is rotating.
What if you want the sprite to rotate around its center? Change the
sprite’s anchor
point so that it’s centered inside the sprite, like
cat.anchor.x = 0.5;
cat.anchor.y = 0.5;
The anchor.x
and anchor.y
values represent a percentage of the texture’s dimensions, from 0 to 1 (0%
to 100%). Setting it to 0.5 centers the texture over the point. The location of the point
itself won’t change, just the way the texture is positioned over it.
This next diagram shows what happens to the rotated sprite if you center its anchor point.
You can see that the sprite’s texture shifts up and to the left. This is an important side-effect to remember!
Just like with position
and scale
, you can set the anchor’s x and
y values with one line of code like this:
cat.anchor.set(x, y);
Sprites also have a pivot
property which works in a similar way to
. pivot
sets the position
of the sprite's x/y origin point. If you change the pivot point and
then rotate the sprite, it will
rotate around that origin point. For example, the following code will
set the sprite's pivot.x
point to 32, and its pivot.y
point to 32
cat.pivot.set(32, 32);
Assuming that the sprite is 64x64 pixels, the sprite will now rotate around its center point. But remember: if you change a sprite's pivot point, you've also changed its x/y origin point.
So, what's the difference between anchor
and pivot
? They're really
similar! anchor
shifts the origin point of the sprite's image texture, using a 0 to 1 normalized value.
shifts the origin of the sprite's x and y point, using pixel
values. Which should you use? It's up to you. Just play around
with both of them and see which you prefer.
You now know how to make a sprite from a single image file. But, as a game designer, you’ll usually be making your sprites using tilesets (also known as spritesheets.) Pixi has some convenient built-in ways to help you do this. A tileset is a single image file that contains sub-images. The sub-images represent all the graphics you want to use in your game. Here's an example of a tileset image that contains game characters and game objects as sub-images.
The entire tileset is 192 by 192 pixels. Each image is in its own 32 by 32 pixel grid cell. Storing and accessing all your game graphics on a tileset is a very processor and memory efficient way to work with graphics, and Pixi is optimized for this.
You can capture a sub-image from a tileset by defining a rectangular area that's the same size and position as the sub-image you want to extract. Here's an example of the rocket sub-image that’s been extracted from the tileset.
Let's look at the code that does this. First, load the tileset.png
with Pixi’s Loader
, just as you've done in earlier examples.
Next, when the image has loaded, use a rectangular sub-section of the tileset to create the sprite’s image. Here's the code that extracts the sub image, creates the rocket sprite, and positions and displays it on the canvas.
function setup() {
//Create the `tileset` sprite from the texture
const texture = TextureCache["images/tileset.png"];
//Create a rectangle object that defines the position and
//size of the sub-image you want to extract from the texture
//(`Rectangle` is an alias for `PIXI.Rectangle`)
const rectangle = new Rectangle(192, 128, 64, 64);
//Tell the texture to use that rectangular section
texture.frame = rectangle;
//Create the sprite from the texture
const rocket = new Sprite(texture);
//Position the rocket sprite on the canvas
rocket.x = 32;
rocket.y = 32;
//Add the rocket to the stage
//Render the stage
How does this work?
Pixi has a built-in Rectangle
object (PIXI.Rectangle
) that is a general-purpose
object for defining rectangular shapes. It takes four arguments. The
first two arguments define the rectangle's x
and y
position. The
last two define its width
and height
. Here's the format
for defining a new Rectangle
const rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
The rectangle object is just a data object; it's up to you to decide how you want to use it. In
our example we're using it to define the position and area of the
sub-image on the tileset that we want to extract. Pixi textures have a useful
property called frame
that can be set to any Rectangle
The frame
crops the texture to the dimensions of the Rectangle
Here's how to use frame
to crop the texture to the size and position of the rocket.
const rectangle = new Rectangle(192, 128, 64, 64);
texture.frame = rectangle;
You can then use that cropped texture to create the sprite:
const rocket = new Sprite(texture);
And that's how it works!
Because making sprite textures from a tileset is something you’ll do with great frequency, Pixi has a more convenient way to help you do this - let's find out what that is next.
If you’re working on a big, complex game, you’ll want a fast and efficient way to create sprites from tilesets. This is where a texture atlas becomes really useful. A texture atlas is a JSON data file that contains the positions and sizes of sub-images on a matching tileset PNG image. If you use a texture atlas, all you need to know about the sub-image you want to display is its name. You can arrange your tileset images in any order and the JSON file will keep track of their sizes and positions for you. This is really convenient because it means the sizes and positions of tileset images aren’t hard-coded into your game program. If you make changes to the tileset, like adding images, resizing them, or removing them, just re-publish the JSON file and your game will use that data to display the correct images. You won’t have to make any changes to your game code.
Pixi is compatible with a standard JSON texture atlas format that is output by a popular software tool called Texture Packer. Texture Packer’s “Essential” license is free. Let’s find out how to use it to make a texture atlas, and load the atlas into Pixi. (You don’t have to use Texture Packer. Similar tools, like Shoebox or spritesheet.js, output PNG and JSON files in a standard format that is compatible with Pixi.)
First, start with a collection of individual image files that you'd like to use in your game.
(All the images in this section were created by Lanea Zimmerman. You can find more of her artwork here. Thanks, Lanea!)
Next, open Texture Packer and choose JSON Hash as the framework type. Drag your images into Texture Packer's workspace. (You can also point Texture Packer to any folder that contains your images.) It will automatically arrange the images on a single tileset image, and give them names that match their original image names.
(If you're using the free version of
Texture Packer, set Algorithm to Basic
, set Trim mode to
, set Extrude to 0
, set Size constraints to Any size
and slide the PNG Opt
Level all the way to the left to 0
. These are the basic
settings that will allow the free version of Texture Packer to create
your files without any warnings or errors.)
When you’re done, click the Publish button. Choose the file name and
location, and save the published files. You’ll end up with 2 files: a
PNG file and a JSON file. In this example my file names are
and treasureHunter.png
. To make your life easier,
just keep both files in your project’s images
folder. (You can think
of the JSON file as extra metadata for the image file, so it makes
sense to keep both files in the same folder.)
The JSON file describes the name, size and position of each of the
in the tileset. Here’s an excerpt that describes the blob monster
"frame": {"x":55,"y":2,"w":32,"h":24},
"rotated": false,
"trimmed": false,
"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":32,"h":24},
"sourceSize": {"w":32,"h":24},
"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
The treasureHunter.json
file also contains “dungeon.png”,
“door.png”, "exit.png", and "explorer.png" properties each with
similar data. Each of these sub-images are called frames. Having
this data is really helpful because now you don’t need to know the
size and position of each sub-image in the tileset. All you need to
know is the sprite’s frame id. The frame id is just the name
of the original image file, like "blob.png" or "explorer.png".
Among the many advantages to using a texture atlas is that you can easily add 2 pixels of padding around each image (Texture Packer does this by default.) This is important to prevent the possibility of texture bleed. Texture bleed is an effect that happens when the edge of an adjacent image on the tileset appears next to a sprite. This happens because of the way your computer's GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) decides how to round fractional pixels values. Should it round them up or down? This will be different for each GPU. Leaving 1 or 2 pixels spacing around images on a tileset makes all images display consistently.
(Note: If you have two pixels of padding around a graphic, and you still notice a strange "off by one pixel" glitch in the
way Pixi is displaying it, try changing the texture's scale mode
algorithm. Here's how: texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST;
. These glitches can sometimes happen
because of GPU floating point rounding errors.)
Now that you know how to create a texture atlas, let's find out how to load it into your game code.
To get the texture atlas into Pixi, load it using Pixi’s
. If the JSON file was made with Texture Packer, the
will interpret the data and create a texture from each
frame on the tileset automatically. Here’s how to use the Loader
to load the treasureHunter.json
file. When it has loaded, the setup
function will run.
Each image on the tileset is now an individual texture in Pixi’s cache. You can access each texture in the cache with the same name it had in Texture Packer (“blob.png”, “dungeon.png”, “explorer.png”, etc.).
Pixi gives you three general ways to create a sprite from a texture atlas:
- Using
const texture = TextureCache["frameId.png"],
sprite = new Sprite(texture);
- If you’ve used Pixi’s
to load the texture atlas, use the loader’sresources
const sprite = new Sprite(
- That’s way too much typing to do just to create a sprite!
So I suggest you create an alias called
that points to texture’s altas’stextures
object, like this:
const id = resources["images/treasureHunter.json"].textures;
Then you can just create each new sprite like this:
const sprite = new Sprite(id["frameId.png"]);
Much better!
Here's how you could use these three different sprite creation
techniques in the setup
function to create and display the
, explorer
, and treasure
//Define variables that might be used in more
//than one function
let dungeon, explorer, treasure, id;
function setup() {
//There are 3 ways to make sprites from textures atlas frames
//1. Access the `TextureCache` directly
const dungeonTexture = TextureCache["dungeon.png"];
dungeon = new Sprite(dungeonTexture);
//2. Access the texture using through the loader's `resources`:
explorer = new Sprite(
explorer.x = 68;
//Center the explorer vertically
explorer.y = app.stage.height / 2 - explorer.height / 2;
//3. Create an optional alias called `id` for all the texture atlas
//frame id textures.
id = resources["images/treasureHunter.json"].textures;
//Make the treasure box using the alias
treasure = new Sprite(id["treasure.png"]);
//Position the treasure next to the right edge of the canvas
treasure.x = app.stage.width - treasure.width - 48;
treasure.y = app.stage.height / 2 - treasure.height / 2;
Here's what this code displays:
The stage dimensions are 512 by 512 pixels, and you can see in the
code above that the app.stage.height
and app.stage.width
properties are used
to align the sprites. Here's how the explorer
's y
position is
vertically centered:
explorer.y = app.stage.height / 2 - explorer.height / 2;
Learning to create and display sprites using a texture atlas is an
important benchmark. So before we continue, let's take a look at the
code you
could write to add the remaining
sprites: the blob
s and exit
door, so that you can produce a scene
that looks like this:
Here's the entire code that does all this. I've also included the HTML
code so you can see everything in its proper context.
(You'll find this working code in the
file in this repository.)
Notice that the blob
sprites are created and added to the stage in a
loop, and assigned random positions.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Make a sprite from a texture atlas</title>
<script src="../pixi/pixi.min.js"></script>
const Application = PIXI.Application,
Container = PIXI.Container,
loader = PIXI.Loader.shared,
resources = PIXI.Loader.shared.resources,
TextureCache = PIXI.utils.TextureCache,
Sprite = PIXI.Sprite,
Rectangle = PIXI.Rectangle;
//Create a Pixi Application
const app = new Application({
width: 512,
height: 512,
antialias: true,
transparent: false,
resolution: 1
//Add the canvas that Pixi automatically created for you to the HTML document
//load a JSON file and run the `setup` function when it's done
//Define variables that might be used in more
//than one function
let dungeon, explorer, treasure, door, id;
function setup() {
//There are 3 ways to make sprites from textures atlas frames
//1. Access the `TextureCache` directly
const dungeonTexture = TextureCache["dungeon.png"];
dungeon = new Sprite(dungeonTexture);
//2. Access the texture using throuhg the loader's `resources`:
explorer = new Sprite(
explorer.x = 68;
//Center the explorer vertically
explorer.y = app.stage.height / 2 - explorer.height / 2;
//3. Create an optional alias called `id` for all the texture atlas
//frame id textures.
id = resources["images/treasureHunter.json"].textures;
//Make the treasure box using the alias
treasure = new Sprite(id["treasure.png"]);
//Position the treasure next to the right edge of the canvas
treasure.x = app.stage.width - treasure.width - 48;
treasure.y = app.stage.height / 2 - treasure.height / 2;
//Make the exit door
door = new Sprite(id["door.png"]);
door.position.set(32, 0);
//Make the blobs
const numberOfBlobs = 6,
spacing = 48,
xOffset = 150;
//Make as many blobs as there are `numberOfBlobs`
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBlobs; i++) {
//Make a blob
const blob = new Sprite(id["blob.png"]);
//Space each blob horizontally according to the `spacing` value.
//`xOffset` determines the point from the left of the screen
//at which the first blob should be added.
const x = spacing * i + xOffset;
//Give the blob a random y position
//(`randomInt` is a custom function - see below)
const y = randomInt(0, app.stage.height - blob.height);
//Set the blob's position
blob.x = x;
blob.y = y;
//Add the blob sprite to the stage
//The `randomInt` helper function
function randomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
You can see in the code above that all the blobs are created using a
loop. Each blob
is spaced evenly along the x
axis like this:
const x = spacing * i + xOffset;
blob.x = x;
has a value 48, and xOffset
has a value of 150. What this
means is the first blob
will have an x
position of 150.
This offsets it from the left side of the stage by 150 pixels. Each
subsequent blob
will have an x
value that's 48 pixels greater than
the blob
created in the previous iteration of the loop. This creates
an evenly spaced line of blob monsters, from left to right, along the dungeon floor.
Each blob
is also given a random y
position. Here's the code that
does this:
const y = randomInt(0, stage.height - blob.height);
blob.y = y;
The blob
's y
position could be assigned any random number between 0 and
512, which is the value of stage.height
. This works with the help of
a custom function called randomInt
. randomInt
returns a random number
that's within a range between any two numbers you supply.
randomInt(lowestNumber, highestNumber);
That means if you want a random number between 1 and 10, you can get one like this:
const randomNumber = randomInt(1, 10);
Here's the randomInt
function definition that does all this work:
function randomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
is a great little function to keep in your back pocket for
making games - I use it all the time.
You now know how to display sprites, but how do you make them move?
That's easy: create a looping function using Pixi's ticker
This is called a game loop.
Any code you put inside the game loop will update 60 times per
second. Here's some code you could write to make the cat
sprite move
to the right at a rate of 1 pixel per frame.
function setup() {
//Start the game loop by adding the `gameLoop` function to
//Pixi's `ticker` and providing it with a `delta` argument.
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Move the cat 1 pixel
cat.x += 1;
If you run this bit of code, you'll see the sprite gradually move to the right side of the stage.
That's because each time the gameLoop
runs, it adds 1 to the cat's x position.
cat.x += 1;
Any function you add to Pixi's ticker
will be called 60 times per second. You can see that the function is provided a delta
argument - what's that?
The delta
value represents the amount of fractional lag between frames. You can optionally add it to the cat's position, to make the cat's animation independent of the frame rate. Here's how:
cat.x += 1 + delta;
Whether or not you choose to add this delta
value is largely an aestheic choice. And the effect will only really be noticeable if your animation is struggling to keep up with a consistent 60 frames per second display rate (which might happen, for example, if it's running on a slow device). The rest of the examples in this tutorial won't use this delta
value, but feel free to use it in your own work if you wish.
You don't have to use Pixi's ticker
to create a game loop. If you prefer, just use requestAnimationFrame
, like this:
function gameLoop() {
//Call this `gameLoop` function on the next screen refresh
//(which happens 60 times per second)
//Move the cat
cat.x += 1;
//Start the loop
It entirely up to you which style you prefer.
That's really all there is to it! Just change any sprite property by small
increments inside the loop, and they'll animate over time. If you want
the sprite to animate in the opposite direction (to the left), just give it a
negative value, like -1
You'll find this code in the movingSprites.html
file - here's the
complete code:
const Application = PIXI.Application,
Container = PIXI.Container,
loader = PIXI.Loader.shared,
resources = PIXI.Loader.shared.resources,
TextureCache = PIXI.utils.TextureCache,
Sprite = PIXI.Sprite,
Rectangle = PIXI.Rectangle;
//Create a Pixi Application
const app = new Application({
width: 256,
height: 256,
antialias: true,
transparent: false,
resolution: 1
//Add the canvas that Pixi automatically created for you to the HTML document
//Define any variables that are used in more than one function
let cat;
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
cat.y = 96;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Move the cat 1 pixel
cat.x += 1;
//Optionally use the `delta` value
//cat.x += 1 + delta;
(Notice that the cat
variable needs to be defined outside the
functions so that you can access it inside both of them.)
You can animate a sprite's scale, rotation, or size - whatever! You'll see many more examples of how to animate sprites ahead.
To give you more flexibility, it's a good idea to control a sprite's
movement speed using two velocity properties: vx
and vy
. vx
is used to set the sprite's speed and direction on the x axis
(horizontally). vy
used to set the sprite's speed and direction on the y axis (vertically). Instead of
changing a sprite's x
and y
values directly, first update the velocity
variables, and then assign those velocity values to the sprite. This is an
extra bit of modularity that you'll need for interactive game animation.
The first step is to create vx
and vy
properties on your sprite,
and give them an initial value.
cat.vx = 0;
cat.vy = 0;
Setting vx
and vy
to 0 means that the sprite isn't moving.
Next, in the game loop, update vx
and vy
with the velocity at which you
want the sprite to move. Then assign those values to the
sprite's x
and y
properties. Here's how you could use this
technique to make the cat sprite move down and to right at one pixel each
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
cat.y = 96;
cat.vx = 0;
cat.vy = 0;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Update the cat's velocity
cat.vx = 1;
cat.vy = 1;
//Apply the velocity values to the cat's
//position to make it move
cat.x += cat.vx;
cat.y += cat.vy;
When you run this code, the cat will move down and to the right at one pixel per frame:
What if you want to make the cat move in a different direction? To
make the cat move to the left, give it a vx
value of -1
. To make
it move up, give the cat a vy
value of -1
. To make the cat move
faster, give it larger vx
and vy
values, like 3
, 5
, -2
, or
You'll see ahead how modularizing a sprite's velocity with vx
velocity properties helps with keyboard and mouse pointer
control systems for games, as well as making it easier to implement physics.
As a matter of style, and to help modularize your code, I recommend structuring your game loop like this:
//Set the game state
state = play;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Update the current game state:
function play(delta) {
//Move the cat 1 pixel to the right each frame
cat.vx = 1;
cat.x += cat.vx;
You can see that the gameLoop
is calling a function called state
60 times
per second. What is the state
function? It's been assigned to
. That means all the code in the play
function will also run at 60
times per second.
Here's how the code from the previous example can be re-factored to this new model:
//Define any variables that are used in more than one function
let cat, state;
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
cat.y = 96;
cat.vx = 0;
cat.vy = 0;
//Set the game state
state = play;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Update the current game state:
function play(delta) {
//Move the cat 1 pixel to the right each frame
cat.vx = 1;
cat.x += cat.vx;
Yes, I know, this is a bit of head-swirler! But, don't let it scare you and spend a minute or two walking through in your mind how those functions are connected. As you'll see ahead, structuring your game loop like this will make it much, much easier to do things like switching game scenes and levels.
With just a little more work you can build a simple system to control
a sprite using the keyboard. To simplify your code, I suggest you use
this custom function called keyboard
that listens for and captures
keyboard events.
function keyboard(value) {
const key = {};
key.value = value;
key.isDown = false;
key.isUp = true;
key.press = undefined;
key.release = undefined;
//The `downHandler`
key.downHandler = (event) => {
if (event.key === key.value) {
if (key.isUp && key.press) {
key.isDown = true;
key.isUp = false;
//The `upHandler`
key.upHandler = (event) => {
if (event.key === key.value) {
if (key.isDown && key.release) {
key.isDown = false;
key.isUp = true;
//Attach event listeners
const downListener = key.downHandler.bind(key);
const upListener = key.upHandler.bind(key);
window.addEventListener("keydown", downListener, false);
window.addEventListener("keyup", upListener, false);
// Detach event listeners
key.unsubscribe = () => {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", downListener);
window.removeEventListener("keyup", upListener);
return key;
The keyboard
function is easy to use. Create a new keyboard object like this:
const keyObject = keyboard(keyValue);
Its one argument is the key value that you want to listen for. Here's a list of keys.
Then assign press
and release
methods to the keyboard object like this:
keyObject.press = () => {
//key object pressed
keyObject.release = () => {
//key object released
Keyboard objects also have isDown
and isUp
Boolean properties that
you can use to check the state of each key.
Don't forget to remove event listeners by using the unsubscribe
Take a look at the
file in the examples
folder to see how you
can use this keyboard
function to control a sprite using your
keyboard's arrow keys. Run it and use the left, up, down, and right
arrow keys to move the cat around the stage.
Here's the code that does all this:
//Define any variables that are used in more than one function
let cat, state;
function setup() {
//Create the `cat` sprite
cat = new Sprite(resources["images/cat.png"].texture);
cat.y = 96;
cat.vx = 0;
cat.vy = 0;
//Capture the keyboard arrow keys
const left = keyboard("ArrowLeft"),
up = keyboard("ArrowUp"),
right = keyboard("ArrowRight"),
down = keyboard("ArrowDown");
//Left arrow key `press` method
left.press = () => {
//Change the cat's velocity when the key is pressed
cat.vx = -5;
cat.vy = 0;
//Left arrow key `release` method
left.release = () => {
//If the left arrow has been released, and the right arrow isn't down,
//and the cat isn't moving vertically:
//Stop the cat
if (!right.isDown && cat.vy === 0) {
cat.vx = 0;
up.press = () => {
cat.vy = -5;
cat.vx = 0;
up.release = () => {
if (!down.isDown && cat.vx === 0) {
cat.vy = 0;
right.press = () => {
cat.vx = 5;
cat.vy = 0;
right.release = () => {
if (!left.isDown && cat.vy === 0) {
cat.vx = 0;
down.press = () => {
cat.vy = 5;
cat.vx = 0;
down.release = () => {
if (!up.isDown && cat.vx === 0) {
cat.vy = 0;
//Set the game state
state = play;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Update the current game state:
function play(delta) {
//Use the cat's velocity to make it move
cat.x += cat.vx;
cat.y += cat.vy;
Groups let you create game scenes, and manage similar sprites together
as single units. Pixi has an object called a Container
that lets you do this. Let's find out how it works.
Imagine that you want to display three sprites: a cat, hedgehog and tiger. Create them, and set their positions - but don't add them to the stage.
//The cat
const cat = new Sprite(id["cat.png"]);
cat.position.set(16, 16);
//The hedgehog
const hedgehog = new Sprite(id["hedgehog.png"]);
hedgehog.position.set(32, 32);
//The tiger
const tiger = new Sprite(id["tiger.png"]);
tiger.position.set(64, 64);
Next, create an animals
container to group them all together like
const animals = new Container();
Then use addChild
to add the sprites to the group.
Finally add the group to the stage.
(As you know, the stage
object is also a Container
. It’s the root
container for all Pixi sprites.)
Here's what this code produces:
What you can't see in that image is the invisible animals
that's containing the sprites.
You can now treat the animals
group as a single unit. You can think
of a Container
as a special kind of sprite that doesn’t
have a texture.
If you need a list of all the child sprites that animals
use its children
array to find out.
//Displays: Array [Object, Object, Object]
This tells you that animals
has three sprites as children.
Because the animals
group is just like any other sprite, you can
change its x
and y
values, alpha
, scale
all the other sprite properties. Any property value you change on the
parent container will affect the child sprites in a relative way. So if you
set the group's x
and y
position, all the child sprites will
be repositioned relative to the group's top left corner. What would
happen if you set the animals
's x
and y
position to 64?
animals.position.set(64, 64);
The whole group of sprites will move 64 pixels right and 64 pixels to the down.
The animals
group also has its own dimensions, which is based on the area
occupied by the containing sprites. You can find its width
values like this:
//Displays: 112
//Displays: 112
What happens if you change a group's width or height?
animals.width = 200;
animals.height = 200;
All the child sprites will scale to match that change.
You can nest as many Container
s inside other
s as you like, to create deep hierarchies if
you need to. However, a DisplayObject
(like a Sprite
or another
) can only belong to one parent at a time. If
you use addChild
to make a sprite the child of another object, Pixi
will automatically remove it from its current parent. That’s a useful
bit of management that you don’t have to worry about.
When you add a sprite to a Container
, its x
and y
position is relative to the group’s top left corner. That's the
sprite's local position For example, what do you think the cat's
position is in this image?
Let's find out:
//Displays: 16
16? Yes! That's because the cat is offset by only 16 pixel's from the group's top left corner. 16 is the cat's local position.
Sprites also have a global position. The global position is the
distance from the top left corner of the stage, to the sprite's anchor
point (usually the sprite's top left corner.) You can find a sprite's global
position with the help of the toGlobal
method. Here's how:
That means you can find the cat's global position inside the animals
group like this:
//Displays: Object {x: 80, y: 80...};
That gives you an x
and y
position of 80. That's exactly the cat's
global position relative to the top left corner of the stage.
What if you want to find the global position of a sprite, but don't
know what the sprite's parent container
is? Every sprite has a property called parent
that will tell you what the
sprite's parent is. If you add a sprite directly to the stage
, then
will be the sprite's parent. In the example above, the cat
parent is animals
. That means you can alternatively get the cat's global position
by writing code like this:
And it will work even if you don't know what the cat's parent container currently is.
There's one more way to calculate the global position! And, it's
actually the best way, so listen up! If you want to know the distance
from the top left corner of the canvas to the sprite, and don't know
or care what the sprite's parent containers are, use the
method. Here's how to use it to find the tiger's global position:
This will give you x
and y
values of 128 in the example that we've
been using.
The special thing about getGlobalPosition
is that it's highly
precise: it will give you the sprite's accurate global position as
soon as its local position changes. I asked the Pixi development team
to add this feature specifically for accurate collision detection for
games. (Thanks, Matt and the rest of the team for adding it!)
What if you want to convert a global position to a local position? you
can use the toLocal
method. It works in a similar way, but uses this
general format:
sprite.toLocal(sprite.position, anyOtherSprite);
Use toLocal
to find the distance between a sprite and any other
sprite. Here's how you could find out the tiger's local
position, relative to the hedgehog.
tiger.toLocal(tiger.position, hedgehog).x;
tiger.toLocal(tiger.position, hedgehog).y;
This gives you an x
value of 32 and a y
value of 32. You can see
in the example images that the tiger's top left corner is 32 pixels
down and to the left of the hedgehog's top left corner.
Pixi has an alternative, high-performance way to group sprites called
a ParticleContainer
). Any sprites inside a ParticleContainer
will render 2 to 5
times faster than they would if they were in a regular
. It’s a great performance boost for games.
Create a ParticleContainer
like this:
const superFastSprites = new ParticleContainer();
Then use addChild
to add sprites to it, just like you would with any
ordinary Container
You have to make some compromises if you decide to use a
. Sprites inside a ParticleContainer
only have a few basic properties:
, y
, width
, height
, scale
, pivot
, alpha
, visible
– and that’s
about it. Also, the sprites that it contains can’t have nested
children of their own. A ParticleContainer
also can’t use Pixi’s advanced
visual effects like filters and blend modes. Each ParticleContainer
can use only one texture (so you'll have to use a spritesheet if you want Sprites with different appearances). But for the huge performance boost that you get, those
compromises are usually worth it. And you can use
s and ParticleContainer
s simultaneously in the same project, so you can fine-tune your optimization.
Why are sprites in a ParticleContainer
so fast? Because the positions of
the sprites are being calculated directly on the GPU. The Pixi
development team is working to offload as much sprite processing as
possible on the GPU, so it’s likely that the latest version of Pixi
that you’re using will have much more feature-rich ParticleContainer
what I've described here. Check ParticleContainer
documentation for details.
Where you create a ParticleContainer
, there are four optional
arguments you can provide: maxSize
, properties
, batchSize
and autoResize
const superFastSprites = new ParticleContainer(maxSize, properties, batchSize, autoResize);
The default value for maxSize
is 1500. So, if you need to contain more
sprites, set it to a higher number. The properties
argument is an object
with 5 Boolean values you can set: vertices
, position
, rotation
, uvs
. The default value of position
is true
, but all the others
are set to false
. That means that if you want to change the rotation
, tint
, or uvs
of sprite in the ParticleContainer
, you
have to set those properties to true
, like this:
const superFastSprites = new ParticleContainer(
rotation: true,
tint: true,
vertices: true,
uvs: true
But, if you don't think you'll need to use these properties, keep them
set to false
to squeeze out the maximum amount of performance.
What's the uvs
property? Only set it to true
if you have particles
which change their textures while they're being animated. (All the
sprite's textures will also need to be on the same tileset image for
this to work.)
(Note: UV mapping is a 3D graphics display term that refers to
the x
and y
coordinates of the texture (the image) that is being
mapped onto a 3D surface. U
is the x
axis and V
is the y
WebGL already uses x
, y
and z
for 3D spatial positioning, so U
and V
were chosen to represent x
and y
for 2D image textures.)
(I'm not sure what exactly what those last two optional arguments, batchSize
and autoResize
, so if anyone knows, please let us know in the Issues!)
Using image textures is one of the most useful ways of making sprites, but Pixi also has its own low-level drawing tools. You can use them to make rectangles, shapes, lines, complex polygons and text. Fortunately, it uses almost the same API as the Canvas Drawing API so, if you're already familiar with canvas, there’s nothing really new to learn. But the big advantage is that, unlike the Canvas Drawing API, the shapes you draw with Pixi are rendered by WebGL on the GPU. Pixi lets you access all that untapped performance power. Let’s take a quick tour of how to make some basic shapes. Here are all the shapes we'll make in the code ahead.
All shapes are made by first creating a new instance of Pixi's
class (PIXI.Graphics
const rectangle = new Graphics();
Use beginFill
with a hexadecimal color code value to set the
rectangle’ s fill color. Here’ how to set to it to light blue.
If you want to give the shape an outline, use the lineStyle
method. Here's
how to give the rectangle a 4 pixel wide red outline, with an alpha
value of 1.
rectangle.lineStyle({width: 4, color: 0xFF3300, alpha: 1});
Use the drawRect
method to draw the rectangle. Its four arguments
are x
, y
, width
and height
rectangle.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
Use endFill
when you’re done.
It’s just like the Canvas Drawing API! Here’s all the code you need to draw a rectangle, change its position, and add it to the stage.
const rectangle = new Graphics();
rectangle.lineStyle({width: 4, color: 0xFF3300, alpha: 1});
rectangle.drawRect(0, 0, 64, 64);
rectangle.x = 170;
rectangle.y = 170;
This code makes a 64 by 64 blue rectangle with a red border at an x and y position of 170.
Make a circle with the drawCircle
method. Its three arguments are
, y
and radius
drawCircle(x, y, radius);
Unlike rectangles and sprites, a circle’s x and y position is also its center point. Here’s how to make a violet colored circle with a radius of 32 pixels.
const circle = new Graphics();
circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 32);
circle.x = 64;
circle.y = 130;
As a one-up on the Canvas Drawing API, Pixi lets you draw an ellipse
with the drawEllipse
drawEllipse(x, y, width, height);
The x/y position defines the center of the ellipse. Here’s a yellow ellipse that’s 100 pixels wide and 40 pixels high.
const ellipse = new Graphics();
ellipse.drawEllipse(0, 0, 50, 20);
ellipse.x = 180;
ellipse.y = 130;
Pixi also lets you make rounded rectangles with the drawRoundedRect
method. The last argument, cornerRadius
is a number in pixels that
determines by how much the corners should be rounded.
drawRoundedRect(x, y, width, height, cornerRadius);
Here's how to make a rounded rectangle with a corner radius of 10 pixels.
const roundBox = new Graphics();
roundBox.lineStyle({width: 4, color: 0x99CCFF, alpha: 1});
roundBox.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 84, 36, 10);
roundBox.x = 48;
roundBox.y = 190;
You've seen in the examples above that the lineStyle
method lets you
define a line. You can use the moveTo
and lineTo
methods to draw the
start and end points of the line, in just the same way you can with the Canvas
Drawing API. Here’s how to draw a 4 pixel wide, white diagonal line.
const line = new Graphics();
line.lineStyle({width: 4, color: 0xFFFFFF, alpha: 1});
line.moveTo(0, 0);
line.lineTo(80, 50);
line.x = 32;
line.y = 32;
objects, like lines, have x
and y
values, just
like sprites, so you can position them anywhere on the stage after
you've drawn them.
You can join lines together and fill them with colors to make complex
shapes using the drawPolygon
method. drawPolygon
's argument is a
path array of x/y points that define the positions of each point on the
const path = [
point1X, point1Y,
point2X, point2Y,
point3X, point3Y
will join those three points together to make the shape.
Here’s how to use drawPolygon
to connect three lines together to
make a red triangle with a blue border. The triangle is drawn at
position 0,0 and then moved to its position on the stage using its
and y
const triangle = new Graphics();
//Use `drawPolygon` to define the triangle as
//a path array of x/y positions
-32, 64, //First point
32, 64, //Second point
0, 0 //Third point
//Fill shape's color
//Position the triangle after you've drawn it.
//The triangle's x/y position is anchored to its first point in the path
triangle.x = 180;
triangle.y = 22;
Use a Text
object (PIXI.Text
) to display text on the stage. In its simplest form, you can do it like this:
const message = new Text("Hello Pixi!");
This will display the words, "Hello, Pixi" on the canvas. Pixi’s Text objects inherit from the Sprite
class, so they
contain all the same properties like x
, y
, width
, height
, and rotation
. Position and resize text on the stage just like you would any other sprite. For example, you could use position.set
to set the message
's x
and y
position like this:
message.position.set(54, 96);
That will give you basic, unstyled text. But if you want to get fancier, use Pixi's TextStyle
function to define custom text styling. Here's how:
const style = new TextStyle({
fontFamily: "Arial",
fontSize: 36,
fill: "white",
stroke: "#ff3300",
strokeThickness: 4,
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: "#000000",
dropShadowBlur: 4,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowDistance: 6,
That creates a new style
object containing all the text styling that you'd like to use. For a complete list of all the style properties you can use, see here.
To apply the style to the text, add the style
object as the Text
function's second argument, like this:
const message = new Text("Hello Pixi!", style);
If you want to change the content of a text object after you've
created it, use the text
message.text = "Text changed!";
Use the style
property if you want to redefine the style properties.
message.style = {fill: "black", font: "16px PetMe64"};
Pixi makes text objects by using the Canvas Drawing API to render the text to an invisible and temporary canvas element. It then turns the canvas into a WebGL texture so that it can be mapped onto a sprite. That’s why the text’s color needs to be wrapped in a string: it’s a Canvas Drawing API color value. As with any canvas color values, you can use words for common colors like “red” or “green”, or use rgba, hsla or hex values.
Pixi can also wrap long lines of text. Set the text’s wordWrap
property to true
, and then set wordWrapWidth
to the maximum length
in pixels, that the line of text should be. Use the align
to set the alignment for multi-line text.
message.style = {wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 100, align: 'center'};
(Note: align
doesn't affect single line text.)
If you want to use a custom font file, use the CSS @font-face
to link the font file to the HTML page where your Pixi application is
@font-face {
font-family: "fontFamilyName";
src: url("fonts/fontFile.ttf");
Add this @font-face
rule to your HTML page's CSS style sheet.
Pixi also has support for bitmap fonts. You can use Pixi's loader to load Bitmap font XML files, the same way you load JSON or image files.
You now know how to make a huge variety of graphics objects, but what
can you do with them? A fun thing to do is to build a simple collision
detection system. You can use a custom function called
that checks whether any two rectangular Pixi sprites are
hitTestRectangle(spriteOne, spriteTwo);
if they overlap, hitTestRectangle
will return true
. You can use hitTestRectangle
with an if
statement to check for a collision between two sprites like this:
if (hitTestRectangle(cat, box)) {
//There's a collision
} else {
//There's no collision
As you'll see, hitTestRectangle
is the front door into the vast universe of game design.
Run the collisionDetection.html
file in the examples
folder for a
working example of how to use hitTestRectangle
. Use the arrow keys
to move the cat. If the cat hits the box, the box becomes red
and "Hit!" is displayed by the text object.
You've already seen all the code that creates all these elements, as
well as the
keyboard control system that makes the cat move. The only new thing is the
way hitTestRectangle
is used inside the play
function to check for a
function play(delta) {
//use the cat's velocity to make it move
cat.x += cat.vx;
cat.y += cat.vy;
//check for a collision between the cat and the box
if (hitTestRectangle(cat, box)) {
//if there's a collision, change the message text
//and tint the box red
message.text = "hit!";
box.tint = 0xff3300;
} else {
//if there's no collision, reset the message
//text and the box's color
message.text = "No collision...";
box.tint = 0xccff99;
Because the play
function is being called by the game loop 60 times
per second, this if
statement is constantly checking for a collision
between the cat and the box. If hitTestRectangle
is true
, the
text message
object uses text
to display "Hit":
message.text = "Hit!";
The color of the box is then changed from green to red by setting the
box's tint
property to the hexadecimal red value.
box.tint = 0xff3300;
If there's no collision, the message and box are maintained in their original states:
message.text = "No collision...";
box.tint = 0xccff99;
This code is pretty simple, but suddenly you've created an interactive world that seems to be completely alive. It's almost like magic! And, perhaps surprisingly, you now have all the skills you need to start making games with Pixi!
But what about the hitTestRectangle
function? What does it do, and
how does it work? The details of how collision detection algorithms
like this work is a little bit outside the scope of this tutorial. (If you really want to know, you can find out how this book.)
The most important thing is that you know how to use it. But, just for
your reference, and in case you're curious, here's the complete
function definition. Can you figure out from the
comments what it's doing?
function hitTestRectangle(r1, r2) {
//Define the variables we'll need to calculate
let hit, combinedHalfWidths, combinedHalfHeights, vx, vy;
//hit will determine whether there's a collision
hit = false;
//Find the center points of each sprite
r1.centerX = r1.x + r1.width / 2;
r1.centerY = r1.y + r1.height / 2;
r2.centerX = r2.x + r2.width / 2;
r2.centerY = r2.y + r2.height / 2;
//Find the half-widths and half-heights of each sprite
r1.halfWidth = r1.width / 2;
r1.halfHeight = r1.height / 2;
r2.halfWidth = r2.width / 2;
r2.halfHeight = r2.height / 2;
//Calculate the distance vector between the sprites
vx = r1.centerX - r2.centerX;
vy = r1.centerY - r2.centerY;
//Figure out the combined half-widths and half-heights
combinedHalfWidths = r1.halfWidth + r2.halfWidth;
combinedHalfHeights = r1.halfHeight + r2.halfHeight;
//Check for a collision on the x axis
if (Math.abs(vx) < combinedHalfWidths) {
//A collision might be occurring. Check for a collision on the y axis
if (Math.abs(vy) < combinedHalfHeights) {
//There's definitely a collision happening
hit = true;
} else {
//There's no collision on the y axis
hit = false;
} else {
//There's no collision on the x axis
hit = false;
//`hit` will be either `true` or `false`
return hit;
I've told you that you now have all the skills you need to start
making games. What? You don't believe me? Let me prove it to you! Let’s take a
close at how to make a simple object collection and enemy
avoidance game called Treasure Hunter. (You'll find it in the examples
Treasure Hunter is a good example of one of the simplest complete games you can make using the tools you've learnt so far. Use the keyboard arrow keys to help the explorer find the treasure and carry it to the exit. Six blob monsters move up and down between the dungeon walls, and if they hit the explorer he becomes semi-transparent and the health meter at the top right corner shrinks. If all the health is used up, “You Lost!” is displayed on the stage; if the explorer reaches the exit with the treasure, “You Won!” is displayed. Although it’s a basic prototype, Treasure Hunter contains most of the elements you’ll find in much bigger games: texture atlas graphics, interactivity, collision, and multiple game scenes. Let’s go on a tour of how the game was put together so that you can use it as a starting point for one of your own games.
Open the treasureHunter.html
file and you'll see that all the game
code is in one big file. Here's a birds-eye view of how all the code is
//Setup Pixi and load the texture atlas files - call the `setup`
//function when they've loaded
function setup() {
//Initialize the game sprites, set the game `state` to `play`
//and start the 'gameLoop'
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Runs the current game `state` in a loop and renders the sprites
function play(delta) {
//All the game logic goes here
function end() {
//All the code that should run at the end of the game
//The game's helper functions:
//`keyboard`, `hitTestRectangle`, `contain` and `randomInt`
Use this as your world map to the game as we look at how each section works.
As soon as the texture atlas images have loaded, the setup
runs. It only runs once, and lets you perform
one-time setup tasks for your game. It's a great place to create and initialize
objects, sprites, game scenes, populate data arrays or parse
loaded JSON game data.
Here's an abridged view of the setup
function in Treasure Hunter,
and the tasks that it performs.
function setup() {
//Create the `gameScene` group
//Create the `door` sprite
//Create the `player` sprite
//Create the `treasure` sprite
//Make the enemies
//Create the health bar
//Add some text for the game over message
//Create a `gameOverScene` group
//Assign the player's keyboard controllers
//set the game state to `play`
state = play;
//Start the game loop
app.ticker.add((delta) => gameLoop(delta));
The last two lines of code, state = play;
and gameLoop()
are perhaps
the most important. Adding the gameLoop
to Pixi's ticker switches on the game's engine,
and causes the play
function to be called in a continuous loop. But before we look at how that works, let's see what the
specific code inside the setup
function does.
The setup
function creates two Container
groups called
and gameOverScene
. Each of these are added to the stage.
gameScene = new Container();
gameOverScene = new Container();
All of the sprites that are part of the main game are added to the
group. The game over text that should be displayed at the
end of the game is added to the gameOverScene
Although it's created in the setup
function, the gameOverScene
shouldn't be visible when the game first starts, so its visible
property is initialized to false
gameOverScene.visible = false;
You'll see ahead that, when the game ends, the gameOverScene
's visible
property will be set to true
to display the text that appears at the
end of the game.
The player, exit door, treasure chest and the dungeon background image
are all sprites made from texture atlas frames. Very importantly,
they're all added as children of the gameScene
//Create an alias for the texture atlas frame ids
id = resources["images/treasureHunter.json"].textures;
dungeon = new Sprite(id["dungeon.png"]);
door = new Sprite(id["door.png"]);
door.position.set(32, 0);
explorer = new Sprite(id["explorer.png"]);
explorer.x = 68;
explorer.y = gameScene.height / 2 - explorer.height / 2;
explorer.vx = 0;
explorer.vy = 0;
treasure = new Sprite(id["treasure.png"]);
treasure.x = gameScene.width - treasure.width - 48;
treasure.y = gameScene.height / 2 - treasure.height / 2;
Keeping them together in the gameScene
group will make it easy for
us to hide the gameScene
and display the gameOverScene
when the game is finished.
The six blob monsters are created in a loop. Each blob is given a
random initial position and velocity. The vertical velocity is
alternately multiplied by 1
or -1
for each blob, and that’s what
causes each blob to move in the opposite direction to the one next to
it. Each blob monster that's created is pushed into an array called
let numberOfBlobs = 6,
spacing = 48,
xOffset = 150,
speed = 2,
direction = 1;
//An array to store all the blob monsters
blobs = [];
//Make as many blobs as there are `numberOfBlobs`
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBlobs; i++) {
//Make a blob
const blob = new Sprite(id["blob.png"]);
//Space each blob horizontally according to the `spacing` value.
//`xOffset` determines the point from the left of the screen
//at which the first blob should be added
const x = spacing * i + xOffset;
//Give the blob a random `y` position
const y = randomInt(0, stage.height - blob.height);
//Set the blob's position
blob.x = x;
blob.y = y;
//Set the blob's vertical velocity. `direction` will be either `1` or
//`-1`. `1` means the enemy will move down and `-1` means the blob will
//move up. Multiplying `direction` by `speed` determines the blob's
//vertical direction
blob.vy = speed * direction;
//Reverse the direction for the next blob
direction *= -1;
//Push the blob into the `blobs` array
//Add the blob to the `gameScene`
When you play Treasure Hunter you'll notice that when the explorer touches
one of the enemies, the width of the health bar at the top right
corner of the screen decreases. How was this health bar made? It's
just two overlapping rectangles at exactly the same position: a black rectangle behind, and
a red rectangle in front. They're grouped together into a single healthBar
group. The healthBar
is then added to the gameScene
and positioned
on the stage.
//Create the health bar
const healthBar = new Container();
healthBar.position.set(stage.width - 170, 4);
//Create the black background rectangle
const innerBar = new Graphics();
innerBar.drawRect(0, 0, 128, 8);
//Create the front red rectangle
const outerBar = new Graphics();
outerBar.drawRect(0, 0, 128, 8);
healthBar.outer = outerBar;
You can see that a property called outer
has been added to the
. It just references the outerBar
(the red rectangle) so that it will be convenient to access later.
healthBar.outer = outerBar;
You don't have to do this; but, hey why not! It means that if you want
to control the width of the red outerBar
, you can write some smooth code that looks like this:
healthBar.outer.width = 30;
That's pretty neat and readable, so we'll keep it!
When the game is finished, some text displays “You won!” or “You
lost!”, depending on the outcome of the game. This is made using a
text sprite and adding it to the gameOverScene
. Because the
‘s visible
property is set to false
when the game
starts, you can’t see this text. Here’s the code from the setup
function that creates the message text and adds it to the
const style = new TextStyle({
fontFamily: "Futura",
fontSize: 64,
fill: "white"
message = new Text("The End!", style);
message.x = 120;
message.y = app.stage.height / 2 - 32;
All the game logic and the code that makes the sprites move happens
inside the play
function, which runs in a continuous loop. Here's an
overview of what the play
function does
function play(delta) {
//Move the explorer and contain it inside the dungeon
//Move the blob monsters
//Check for a collision between the blobs and the explorer
//Check for a collision between the explorer and the treasure
//Check for a collision between the treasure and the door
//Decide whether the game has been won or lost
//Change the game `state` to `end` when the game is finished
Let's find out how all these features work.
The explorer is controlled using the keyboard, and the code that does
that is very similar to the keyboard control code you learnt earlier.
The keyboard
objects modify the explorer’s velocity, and that
velocity is added to the explorer’s position inside the play
explorer.x += explorer.vx;
explorer.y += explorer.vy;
But what's new is that the explorer's movement is contained inside the walls of the dungeon. The green outline shows the limits of the explorer's movement.
That's done with the help of a custom function called
contain(explorer, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
takes two arguments. The first is the sprite you want to keep
contained. The second is any object with x
, y
, width
properties that define a rectangular area. In this example,
the containing object defines an area that's just slightly offset
from, and smaller than, the stage. It matches the dimensions of the dungeon
Here's the contain
function that does all this work. The function checks
to see if the sprite has crossed the boundaries of the containing
object. If it has, the code moves the sprite back into that boundary.
The contain
function also returns a collision
variable with the
value "top", "right", "bottom" or "left", depending on which side of
the boundary the sprite hit. (collision
will be undefined
if the
sprite didn't hit any of the boundaries.)
function contain(sprite, container) {
let collision = undefined;
if (sprite.x < container.x) {
sprite.x = container.x;
collision = "left";
if (sprite.y < container.y) {
sprite.y = container.y;
collision = "top";
if (sprite.x + sprite.width > container.width) {
sprite.x = container.width - sprite.width;
collision = "right";
if (sprite.y + sprite.height > container.height) {
sprite.y = container.height - sprite.height;
collision = "bottom";
//Return the `collision` value
return collision;
You'll see how the collision
return value will be used in the code
ahead to make the blob monsters bounce back and forth between the top
and bottom dungeon walls.
The play
function also moves the blob monsters, keeps them contained
inside the dungeon walls, and checks each one for a collision with the
player. If a blob bumps into the dungeon’s top or bottom walls, its
direction is reversed. All this is done with the help of a forEach
which iterates through each of blob
sprites in the blobs
array on
every frame.
blobs.forEach(function(blob) {
//Move the blob
blob.y += blob.vy;
//Check the blob's screen boundaries
const blobHitsWall = contain(blob, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
//If the blob hits the top or bottom of the stage, reverse
//its direction
if (blobHitsWall === "top" || blobHitsWall === "bottom") {
blob.vy *= -1;
//Test for a collision. If any of the enemies are touching
//the explorer, set `explorerHit` to `true`
if (hitTestRectangle(explorer, blob)) {
explorerHit = true;
You can see in this code above how the return value of the contain
function is used to make the blobs bounce off the walls. A variable
called blobHitsWall
is used to capture the return value:
const blobHitsWall = contain(blob, {x: 28, y: 10, width: 488, height: 480});
will usually be undefined
. But if the blob hits the
top wall, blobHitsWall
will have the value "top". If the blob hits
the bottom wall, blobHitsWall
will have the value "bottom". If
either of these cases are true
, you can reverse the blob's direction
by reversing its velocity. Here's the code that does this:
if (blobHitsWall === "top" || blobHitsWall === "bottom") {
blob.vy *= -1;
Multiplying the blob's vy
(vertical velocity) value by -1
will flip
the direction of its movement.
The code in the loop above uses hitTestRectangle
to figure
out if any of the enemies have touched the explorer.
if (hitTestRectangle(explorer, blob)) {
explorerHit = true;
If hitTestRectangle
returns true
, it means there’s been a collision
and a variable called explorerHit
is set to true
. If explorerHit
is true
, the play
function makes the explorer semi-transparent
and reduces the width of the health
bar by 1 pixel.
if (explorerHit) {
//Make the explorer semi-transparent
explorer.alpha = 0.5;
//Reduce the width of the health bar's inner rectangle by 1 pixel
healthBar.outer.width -= 1;
} else {
//Make the explorer fully opaque (non-transparent) if it hasn't been hit
explorer.alpha = 1;
If explorerHit
is false
, the explorer's alpha
property is
maintained at 1, which makes it fully opaque.
The play
function also checks for a collision between the treasure
chest and the explorer. If there’s a hit, the treasure
is set to the
explorer’s position, with a slight offset. This makes it look like the
explorer is carrying the treasure.
Here's the code that does this:
if (hitTestRectangle(explorer, treasure)) {
treasure.x = explorer.x + 8;
treasure.y = explorer.y + 8;
There are two ways the game can end: You can win if you carry the treasure to the exit, or you can lose if you run out of health.
To win the game, the treasure chest just needs to touch the exit door. If
that happens, the game state
is set to end
, and the message
displays "You won".
if (hitTestRectangle(treasure, door)) {
state = end;
message.text = "You won!";
If you run out of health, you lose the game. The game state
is also
set to end
and the message
text displays "You Lost!"
if (healthBar.outer.width < 0) {
state = end;
message.text = "You lost!";
But what does this mean?
state = end;
You'll remember from earlier examples that the gameLoop
is constantly updating a function called
at 60 times per second. Here's the gameLoop
that does this:
function gameLoop(delta) {
//Update the current game state:
You'll also remember that we initially set the value of
to play
, which is why the play
function runs in a loop.
By setting state
to end
we're telling the code that we want
another function, called end
to run in a loop. In a bigger game you
could have a tileScene
state, and states for each game level, like
, levelTwo
and levelThree
So what is that end
function? Here it is!
function end() {
gameScene.visible = false;
gameOverScene.visible = true;
It just flips the visibility of the game scenes. This is what hides
the gameScene
and displays the gameOverScene
when the game ends.
This is a really simple example of how to switch a game's state, but
you can have as many game states as you like in your games, and fill them
with as much code as you need. Just change the value of state
whatever function you want to run in a loop.
And that’s really all there is to Treasure Hunter! With a little more work you could turn this simple prototype into a full game – try it!
You've learnt how to use quite a few useful sprite properties so far, like x
, y
, and rotation
that give you a lot of control over a
sprite's position and appearance. But Pixi Sprites also have many more
useful properties that are fun to play with. Here's the full list.
How does Pixi’s class inheritance system work? (What is a class and what is inheritance? Click this link to find out.) Pixi’s sprites are built on an inheritance model that follows this chain:
DisplayObject > Container > Sprite
Inheritance just means that the classes later in the chain use
properties and methods from classes earlier in the chain. That means that even though Sprite
is the last class in the chain, has all the same properties as DisplayObject
and Container
, in addition to its own unique properties.
The most basic class is DisplayObject
. Anything that’s a
can be rendered on the stage. Container
is the next class in the inheritance chain. It allows DisplayObject
to act as containers for other DisplayObject
s. Third up the chain is
the Sprite
class. Sprites can both be displayed on the stage and be containers for other sprites.
Pixi can do a lot, but it can't do everything! If you want to start making games or complex interactive applications with Pixi, you'll need to use some helper libraries:
- Bump: A complete suite of 2D collision functions for games.
- Tink: Drag-and-drop, buttons, a universal pointer and other helpful interactivity tools.
- Charm: Easy-to-use tweening animation effects for Pixi sprites.
- Dust: Particle effects for creating things like explosions, fire and magic.
- Sprite Utilities: Easier and more intuitive ways to create and use Pixi sprites, as well adding a state machine and animation player. Makes working with Pixi a lot more fun.
- Sound.js: A micro-library for loading, controlling and generating sound and music effects. Everything you need to add sound to games.
- Smoothie: Ultra-smooth sprite animation using true delta-time interpolation. It also lets you specify the fps (frames-per-second) at which your game or application runs, and completely separates your sprite rendering loop from your application logic loop.
You can find out how to use all these libraries with Pixi in the book Learn PixiJS.
Do you want to use all the functionality of those libraries, but don't want the hassle of integrating them yourself? Use Hexi: a complete development environment for building games and interactive applications:
It bundles the best version of Pixi (the latest stable one) with all these
libraries (and more!) for a simple and fun way to make games. Hexi also
lets you access the global PIXI
object directly, so you can write
low-level Pixi code directly in a Hexi application, and optionally choose to use as many or
as few of Hexi's extra conveniences as you need.
Pixi is great for 2D, but it can't do 3D. When you're ready to step into the third dimension, the most feature rich, easy-to-use 3D game development platform for the web is BabylonJS. It's a great next step for taking your skills further.
Buy the book! Incredibly, someone actually paid me to finish writing this tutorial and turn it into a book!
(And it's not just some junky "e-book", but a real, heavy, paper book, published by Springer, the world's largest publisher! That means you can invite your friends over, set it on fire, and roast marshmallows!!) There's 80% more content than what's in this tutorial, and it's packed full of all the essential techniques you need to know to use Pixi to make all kinds of interactive applications and games.
Find out how to:
- Make animated game characters.
- Create a full-featured animation state player.
- Dynamically animate lines and shapes.
- Use tiling sprites for infinite parallax scrolling.
- Use blend modes, filters, tinting, masks, video, and render textures.
- Produce content for multiple resolutions.
- Create interactive buttons.
- Create a flexible drag and drop interface for Pixi.
- Create particle effects.
- Build a stable software architectural model that will scale to any size.
- Make complete games.
And, as a bonus, all the code is written entirely in the latest version of JavaScript: ES6/2015. And, although the book's code is based on Pixi v3.x, it all works just fine with the latest version of Pixi 4.x!
If you want to support this project, please buy a copy of this book, and buy another copy for your mom!
Or, make a generous donation to: http://www.msf.org