DynEinsle is a dynamic dns client using bind as dyndns server.
Here you can download the actual version of dyneinsle: http://debian.einsle.de/debian/pool/main/d/dyneinsle/
The installation on debian is as simple as:
dpkg -i dyneinsle_*_all.deb
- Install dyneinsle as seen on the Topic above
- create a key like described on Documentation, and configre it on server side.
- copy /etc/dyneinsle.conf to /etc/dyneinsle.conf.local
- edit /etc/dyneinsle.conf.local, don't forget to enable the service
- done, Service will run as Cron-Job
- Add the key created on client to servers zone-file (As described on Documentation)
- Add a configline to bind (/etc/bind/named.conf.local) (As described on Documentation)
- Restart Bind
To create a new dynamic-dns-key you can use dnssec-keygen out of debians bind9utils package:
dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA1 -b 4096 -T KEY -r /dev/urandom -n host xxx.dyn-home.de
This creates 2 new Files, 'Kxxx.dyn-home.de.*.key' and 'Kxxx.dyn-home.de.*.private'. The .key file should be integrated into master dns zonefile, the .private is used on the client.
To integrate the new zone into the master bind zonefile, you must extend 2 Files.
First you should extend the zone-config:
type master;
update-policy {
grant|deny identity matchtype name [rr];
grant xxx.dyn-home.de subdomain xxx.dyn-home.de. A;
Documentation about it can be found at: http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch7/xfer.html#update-policy
The second is to integrate the newly created key into the zonefile:
xxx A
$TTL 3600 ; 1 hour
KEY 512 3 5 (
) ; key id = 586
To update the zoneinfo on Server you can use the scritp above to download or you can use this simple script:
# Script zum Updaten der IP
# (c) Robert Einsle <[email protected]>
IP=`curl --silent http://ns-dyn-home.de/ip.php`
#echo "Updating $NAME mit ip: $IP"
/usr/bin/nsupdate -k $KEY << EOF
server ns-dyn.dyn-home.de
update delete $NAME A
update add $NAME 60 A $IP
To let automatically update cron the service you can use this script:
*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/update-dns.sh > /dev/null