This project includes a few procedures to help you with disk management and other administrative tasks of your ElectricCommander server.
jobsCleanup: procedure to delete jobs older than a specified number of days. It will also delete associated workspace job directories. You can also provide a property name, if this property is attached to the job, it won't be deleted now matter how old. A report only mode prevents any real deletion.
artifactsCleanup: procedure to delete artifacts older than a specified number of days. Same as above, a property allows to prevent deletion. Once the artifacts have been deleted, artifact repositories and artifact caches are cleaned as well (deleting stale artifacts). A report only mode prevents any real deletion.
acquireSemaphore & releaseSemaphore: those 2 procedures are used to create a gate for a set of steps. The important part is to use a resource with a step limit of one to ensure the atomicty of increasing and decreasing the gate value.
saveProjects: a simple procdure to export individually all (non plugins) projects to create you own versioning. Better to run on a nightly schedule.
plugin creation: two different procedures help you transform your favorite project into a plugin to make it easier to version and deploy to your production server.
performanceMetrics: a procedure to gather a bunch of data about your Commander environment and may help when things start to slow down.
changeBannerColor: A procedure to change the color of the banner to easily identify your multiple servers (DEV vs. PROD)
To install on 4.2.x and later, use the "Install from File/URL" tab in the administration/Plugins or use the "installPlugin" API. ectool installPlugin EC-Admin.jar
to install on 4.0.x or 4.1.x, import the EC_4.0.xml file. Be aware that some features are not present as the original project makes use of createJobStep() API which was introduced in 4.2.0:
ectool import /path_to/EC-Admin_for_EC_4.0.xml --disableSchedules 1
If you get an error with the passKey, use the --force 1 option
Contact author: Laurent Rochette ([email protected])
Legal Jumbo
This module is free for use. Modify it however you see fit to better your experience using ElectricCommander. Share your enhancements and fixes.
This module is not officially supported by Electric Cloud. It has undergone no formal testing and you may run into issues that have not been uncovered in the limited manual testing done so far.
Electric Cloud should not be held liable for any repercusions of using this software.