Install, configure, and run mattermost
Use the supplied config.json for a flat file approach, or the jinja template and pillar for a salt approach.
Install, configure, and run mattermost
Install mattermost
Currently, a majority of options can be set using the pillar, but here are few important settings: (More settings can be found here)
- siteurl: URL that users will use to access Mattermost
- listen-address: Address and port to which to bind and listen. Specifying ":8065" will bind to all network interfaces
- forward-to-https: Forwards all insecure traffic from port 80 to secure port 443
- connection-security: Set the following options: None, TLS, STARTTLS
- tls-cert-file: Path of the certificate file to use for TLS connection security
- tls-key-file: Path of the TLS key file to use for TLS connection security
- letsencrypt: Enable automatic retrieval of certificates from Let's Encrypt
and many more
- site-name: Name of service show in login screens and UI. Maximum 30 characters
- max-users: Maximum number of users per team, excluding inactive users
- team-creation: Ability to create a new team is enable for all users
- user-creation: Ability to create new accounts is eanble via inviting new members or sharing the team invite link
- user-away-timeout: The number of seconds after which the user's status indicator changs to "Away", when they are away from Mattermost
- teammate-name-display: Specifies how names are displayed in the user interface
and many more
- experimental-timezone: Timezone settings is visible in Account Settings and a time zone is automatically assigned in the next active session
- drivername: (mysql, postgres) Enables the database driver
- datasource: Connection string to the master database, varies based on drivername
- max-idle-connections: Maximum number of idle connections held open to the database
- max-open-connections: Maximum number of open connections held open to the database
and many more
- enable-console: Output log messages to the console based on ConsoleLevl option
- console-level: Level of detail at which log events are written to the console
- enable-file: Log files are written to files specified in FileLocation
- file-location: Location of the log files, if left blank they are stored in the './logs' directory
- file-level: Level of detail at which log events are written to log files
and many more
- minimum-length: Minimum number of characters required for a valid password
- lowercase: If a valid password must contain at least one lowercase letter
- uppercase: If a valid password must contain at least one uppercase letter
- number: If a valid password must contain at least one number
- symbol: If a valid password must contain at least one symbol
- enable-attachments: Allow file and image uploads on messages
- enable-mobile-upload: Allow file uploads on mobile apps
- enable-mobile-download: Allow file downloads on mobile apps
- amazons3-bucket: Name of the bucket for your S3 compatible object storage instance
- amazons3-region: AWS region you selected when creating your S3 bucket
and many more
- enable-signup-with-email: Allow team creation and account signup using email and password
- enable-singin-with-email: Allow account sign in with email and password
- smtp-server: Location of SMTP email server
- smtp-port: Port of SMTP email server
- enable-email-batching: Users can select how often to receive email notifications
and many more
- enable: APIs are throttled
- persec: Throttle API at this number of requests per second if rate limiting is enabled
- max-burst: Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit
and many more
- show-email: Show email address of all users
- show-name: Show full name of all users
- tos-link: Configurable Terms of Service link
- privacy-link: Configurable Privacy Policy link
- about-link: Configurable About link
and many more
- enable-banner: Enable announcement banner
- banner-text: Text of the announcement banner
and many more
- enable-theme-selection: Enable theme tab in Account Settings so users can select their theme
- default-theme: Set a default theme that applies to all new users
- allow-custom-themes: Enable custom theme selection in Account Settings for users
- allowed-themes: Select themes that can be chosen by users
- Enable: Enable GitLab settings
- Scope: Standard setting for OAuth to determine scope of information shared with OAuth client
- auth-endpoint: Enter 'https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize'. Use HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured
and many more
- enable: Enable Office365 settings
- auth-endpoint: Recommended to use ' as the Auth Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint
- token-endpoint: Recommended to use ' as the Token Endpoint. Otherwise, use a custom endpoint
and many more
- enable: Enable LDAP settings
- ldap-server: Location of LDAP server
- ldap-port: Port of LDAP server
- BaseDN: Base Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the AD/LDAP tree
- user-filter: Enter an AD/LDAP filter to use when searching for user objects
and many more
- enable: Enable Compliance settings
and more
- default-server-locale: Default language for system messages and logs
- default-client-locale: Default language for newly created users and pages
- available-locale: Sets which languages are available for users
- enable: Enable SAML settings
- encrypt: Mattermost will decrypt SAML Assertions encrypted with your Service Provider Public Certificate
- idp-url: URL where Mattermost sends a SAML request to start login sequence
- idp-descriptor-url: Issuer URL for the Identity Provider you use for SAML requests
and many more
- app-download-link: Configurable link to a download page for Mattermost Apps
- android-download-link: Configurable link to download the Android app
- ios-download-link: Configurable link to down the iOS app
- enable: Enable Cluster settings
- name: Cluster to join by name
- override-hostname: Override hostname of this server, if blank Mattermost attempts to get the Hostname from the OS or use the IP address
- read-only-config: Changes made to the settings in the System Console are ignored
and many more
enable: Enable Metric settings block-profile-rate: Value control the fraction of goroutine blocking events reported in blocking profile listen-address: Address the Mattermost server will listen on to expose performance metrics
- max-users: Maximum number of users on the server before statistics for total posts
- enable: Enable WebRTC settings
- gateway-websocket-url: Websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers
- gateway-admin-url: Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid token for each peer to establish the connection
and many more
- connection-url: Address of the Elasticsearch server
- username: Username to authenticate to the Elasticsearch server
- password; Password to authenticate to the Elasticsearch server
and many more
- enable-message-deletion: Enable how long messages kept in channels and direct messages
- message-retention: Number of days Mattermost keeps messages in channels in direct messages
- file-retention: Number of days Mattermost keeps files in channels and direct messages
and many more
- run-jobs: Set whether or not this Mattermost server will handle tasks created by the Scheduler
- run-scheduler: Set whether or not this Mattermost server will schedule tasks that will be completed by a Worker
- enable: Enable plugins on your Mattermost server
- enable-uploads: Enable the ability to upload plugins to Mattermost
- Directory: Directory where plugins are installed/stored
Make sure mattermost
service running