Releases: klee-contrib/babel-preset-focus
Releases · klee-contrib/babel-preset-focus
v1.0.0 babel-preset-focus
What's new ?
Breaking changes :
- focus-polyfill file does not exist anymore. Polyfill is now handled by webpack-focus directly, without any need to add it inside your project
- an environnement variable LEGACY_EXPORTS has been created. You should put it at true only if you are using require or module.exports in your project
- an environnement variable LEGACY_LODASH has been created. You should put it at true only if you are using lodash 3.x.x in your project
- the environnement variable NODE_ENV must be set to 'development' or 'production' when using this presets
Other changes :
- Massive update of dependencies
- Using babel-preset-env, so the code transformation can be determined depending on target browers
- Adding hot-loader dependency for handling hot reload with webpack
v1.0.0-beta1 babel-focus-presets
What's new ?
Breaking changes :
- focus-polyfill file does not exist anymore. Polyfill is now handled by webpack-focus directly, without any need to add it inside your project
- an environnement variable LEGACY_EXPORTS has been created. You should put it at true only if you are using require or module.exports in your project
- an environnement variable LEGACY_LODASH has been created. You should put it at true only if you are using lodash 3.x.x in your project
- the environnement variable NODE_ENV must be set to 'development' or 'production' when using this presets
Other changes :
- Massive update of dependencies
- Using babel-preset-env, so the code transformation can be determined depending on target browers
- Adding hot-loader dependency for handling hot reload with webpack
v0.7.0 babel-focus-presets
Please read the of the repository to know what's inside.
v0.3.2 babel-focus-presets
Please read the of the repository to know what's inside.