Marshmallow-Peewee -- Peewee ORM integration with the Marshmallow (de)serialization library.
- python >= 3.9
marshmallow-peewee should be installed using pip:
$ pip install marshmallow-peewee
import peewee as pw
class Role(pw.Model):
name = pw.CharField(255, default='user')
class User(pw.Model):
created = pw.DateTimeField(
name = pw.CharField(255)
title = pw.CharField(127, null=True)
active = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
rating = pw.IntegerField(default=0)
role = pw.ForeignKeyField(Role)
from marshmallow_peewee import ModelSchema
class UserSchema(ModelSchema):
class Meta:
model = User
role = Role.create()
user = User.create(name='Mike', role=role)
result = UserSchema().dump(user)
# {'active': True,
# 'created': '2016-03-29T15:27:18.600034+00:00',
# 'id': 1,
# 'name': 'Mike',
# 'rating': 0,
# 'role': 1,
# 'title': None}
result = UserSchema().load(result)
assert isinstance(result, User)
assert == 'Mike'
from marshmallow_peewee import Related
class UserSchema(ModelSchema):
role = Related()
class Meta:
model = User
result = UserSchema().dump(user)
# {'active': True,
# 'created': '2016-03-29T15:30:32.767483+00:00',
# 'id': 1,
# 'name': 'Mike',
# 'rating': 0,
# 'role': {'id': 5, 'name': 'user'},
# 'title': None}
result = UserSchema().load(result)
assert isinstance(result, User)
assert isinstance(result.role, Role)
import peewee as pw
class Role(pw.Model):
name = pw.CharField(255, default='user')
class User(pw.Model):
created = pw.DateTimeField(
name = pw.CharField(255)
title = pw.CharField(127, null=True)
active = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
rating = pw.IntegerField(default=0)
role = pw.ForeignKeyField(Role)
from marshmallow_peewee import ModelSchema
class UserSchema(ModelSchema):
class Meta:
# model: Bind peewee.Model to the Schema
model = User
# model_converter: Use custom model_converter
# model_converter = marshmallow_peewee.DefaultConverter
# dump_only_pk: Primary key is dump only
# dump_only_pk = True
# string_keys: Convert keys to strings
# string_keys = True
# id_keys: serialize (and deserialize) ForeignKey fields with _id suffix
# id_keys = False
You may set global options for marshmallow-peewee
from marshmallow_peewee import setup
setup(id_keys=True, string_keys=False) # Set options for all schemas
class UserSchema(ModelSchema):
# ...
Customize fields convertion:
from marshmallow_peewee import DefaultConverter
# Customize global
# Serialize boolean as string
DefaultConverter.register(peewee.BooleanField, marshmallow.fields.String)
# Alternative method
def build_field(field: peewee.Field, opts, **field_params):
return marshmallow.fields.String(**params)
# Customize only for a scheme
class CustomConverter(DefaultConverter):
class CustomSchema(ModelSchema): # may be inherited
class Meta:
model_converter = CustomConverter
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at
Development of the project happens at:
Licensed under a MIT License