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Nexpose Template-Based Report Generator


This tool allows to create custom reports based on pre-existent .docx templates, using Rapid7 Nexpose raw export files as the main datasource


In order to use this tool, the following requirements should be satisfied:

  • Python3.6 or above
  • Rapid7 Nexpose

The tool needs the following dependencies have also to be satisfied:

  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • Pillow
  • python-docx
  • [Optional] virtualenv

Basic Installation and configuration using virtualenv

  • Install virtualenv

      pip install virtualenv
  • Clone the repo

      git clone
      cd nx_reporter
  • Setup virtualenv

      virtualenv "nx-venv"
  • Activate virtualenv

  • Install dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt


Before using the script, it is necessary to setup the config.ini file in <base-path>/nx_reporter/config/config.ini

Until the release of the installation script it is strongly reccomended to do the following:

  • Set the ROOT_DIR option to installation directory
  • Launch the script from the Project Root Dir
  • Do not edit directory structure

Currently, not all configurations can be edited; to have further details check the config.ini file.

Using the script manually is quite simple:


Setup Automation

Currently there isn't an official way to setup automation, however, it is possible to configure the script to run indefinitely, checking for the presence of a Nexpose Export File in a defined directory.

In order to use this kind of approach, you have to setup your Nexpose Service to periodically export scans data to a specific directory.

Not all export files are currently supported, to maximize compatibility we advice to use only supported format.

We're currently thinking about an integrated method to setup automation.

Supported export format

The only supported format is csv, however, to fix a major bug in built-in csv export of Nexpose, our advice is to use SQL-QUERY based export, using the following query:

asset_ips AS (
	SELECT asset_id, ip_address, type
	FROM dim_asset_ip_address dips
asset_addresses AS (
	SELECT da.asset_id,
		(SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(ip_address), '-') FROM asset_ips WHERE asset_id = da.asset_id AND type = 'IPv4') AS ipv4s,
		(SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(ip_address), '-') FROM asset_ips WHERE asset_id = da.asset_id AND type = 'IPv6') AS ipv6s,
		(SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(mac_address), '-') FROM dim_asset_mac_address WHERE asset_id = da.asset_id) AS macs
	FROM dim_asset da
		JOIN asset_ips USING (asset_id)
asset_names AS (
	SELECT asset_id, array_to_string(array_agg(host_name), ',') AS names
	FROM dim_asset_host_name
	GROUP BY asset_id
asset_facts AS (
	SELECT asset_id, riskscore, exploits, malware_kits
	FROM fact_asset
vulnerability_metadata AS (
	SELECT vulnerability_id, nexpose_id, title, description as vulnerability_description, date_published, date_added, date_modified, severity_score, severity, pci_severity_score,pci_severity_score,pci_status,riskscore,cvss_vector,cvss_access_vector_id,cvss_access_complexity_id,cvss_authentication_id,cvss_confidentiality_impact_id,cvss_integrity_impact_id,cvss_availability_impact_id,cvss_score,pci_adjusted_cvss_score,cvss_exploit_score,cvss_impact_score,pci_special_notes,denial_of_service,exploits,malware_kits
	FROM dim_vulnerability dv
scan_asset AS (
	SELECT DISTINCT ON (asset_id) asset_id, scan_id, started, finished
	FROM dim_asset_scan JOIN dim_scan USING (scan_id) 
	--WHERE scan_finished > now() - INTERVAL '28 days'
	ORDER BY asset_id ASC, scan_finished DESC

vuln_info AS (
	FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (asset_id,scan_id,vulnerability_id,service_id) * from fact_asset_vulnerability_instance) AS favi
		JOIN ( SELECT service_id, name as service_name FROM dim_service) AS dservice USING (service_id)
		JOIN ( SELECT protocol_id, name as protocol_name, description as protocol_descrition FROM dim_protocol) AS dprotocol USING (protocol_id)
		JOIN vulnerability_metadata USING (vulnerability_id)
		JOIN dim_vulnerability_status USING (status_id)
		LEFT JOIN ( SELECT vulnerability_id, MAX(solution_id) as solution_id FROM dim_vulnerability_solution GROUP BY vulnerability_id) AS dvs USING (vulnerability_id) 
		LEFT JOIN ( SELECT vulnerability_id, array_to_string(array_agg(reference) , '@@') as vulnerability_reference FROM dim_vulnerability_reference dr WHERE vulnerability_id=dr.vulnerability_id GROUP BY vulnerability_id ) AS dvr USING (vulnerability_id)
		--LEFT JOIN ( SELECT solution_id, nexpose_id AS solution_nexpose_id, summary AS solution_summary FROM dim_solution) AS ds USING(solution_id)
		LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (solution_id) dshs.solution_id AS solution_id, dims.superceding_solution_id AS superceding_solution_id, dims.nexpose_id AS solution_nexpose_id, dims.summary AS solution_summary FROM dim_solution_highest_supercedence AS dshs LEFT JOIN ( select superceding_solution_id, nexpose_id, summary FROM dim_solution RIGHT JOIN dim_solution_highest_supercedence ON dim_solution.solution_id=dim_solution_highest_supercedence.superceding_solution_id ) AS dims USING (superceding_solution_id)) AS ds USING (solution_id)
		LEFT JOIN ( SELECT vulnerability_id, exploits AS vulnerability_exploits, malware_kits AS vulnerability_malware_kits FROM dim_vulnerability ) AS viem USING(vulnerability_id)
	aa.ipv4s AS "Asset Alternative IPv4 Addresses", aa.ipv6s AS "Asset Alternative IPv6 Addresses", da.ip_address AS "Asset IP Address", aa.macs AS "Asset MAC Addresses",
	an.names AS "Asset Names", AS "Asset OS Family", AS "Asset OS Name", dos.version AS "Asset OS Version", af.riskscore AS "Asset Risk Score", 
	af.exploits AS "Asset Exploit Count", 
	-- Exploit Minimum Skill
	-- Exploit URLs
	af.malware_kits AS "Asset Malware Kit Count",
	-- Malware Kit Names
	sa.scan_id AS "Scan ID",
	-- Scan Template Name
	sa.started AS "Start Time",
	sa.finished AS "End Time",
	vi.service_name AS "Service Name",
	vi.port AS "Service Port",
	-- Service Product
	vi.protocol_name AS "Service Protocol",
	ds.importance AS "Site Importance", AS "Site Name",
	-- Vulnerability Additional URLS
	-- Vulnerability Age
	-- Vulnerability CVE IDs
	-- Vulnerability CVE URLs
	vi.cvss_score AS "Vulnerability CVSS Score",
	vi.cvss_vector AS "Vulnerability CVSS Vector",
	proofAsText(vi.vulnerability_description) AS "Vulnerability Description",
	vi.nexpose_id AS "Vulnerability ID",
	vi.pci_status AS "Vulnerability PCI Compliance Status",
	regexp_replace(htmlToText(vi.proof, false),'[\,\"\t\n\r]*', '', 'g') AS "Vulnerability Proof",
	-- overlay(htmlToText(vi.proof, false) placing '-' from position(',' in htmlToText(vi.proof, false)) for 1) AS "Vulnerability Proof",
	vi.date_published AS "Vulnerability Published Date",
	-- Vulnerability Reference IDs
	-- Vulnerability Reference URLs
	vi.riskscore AS "Vulnerability Risk Score",
	vi.severity AS "Vulnerability Severity Level",
	-- Vulnerability Solution
	-- Vulnerability Tags AS "Vulnerability Test Date",
	vi.status_id AS "Vulnerability Test Result Code",
	vi.description AS "Vulnerability Test Result Description",
	vi.title AS "Vulnerability Title",
	vi.superceding_solution_id AS "Solution ID",
	vi.solution_nexpose_id AS "Solution Nexpose ID",
	vi.solution_summary AS "Solution",
	vi.vulnerability_exploits AS "Vulnerability Exploit Count",
	vi.vulnerability_malware_kits AS "Vulnerability Malware Kit Count",
	-- Vulnerable Since 
	ds.description AS "Site Description",
	vi.vulnerability_reference AS "Vulnerability Reference"

FROM dim_site ds  
	LEFT JOIN dim_site_scan USING (site_id)
	LEFT JOIN dim_site_asset USING (site_id)
	JOIN scan_asset sa USING (asset_id,scan_id)
	JOIN dim_asset da USING (asset_id)
	LEFT OUTER JOIN asset_addresses aa USING (asset_id)
	LEFT OUTER JOIN asset_names an USING (asset_id)
	JOIN dim_operating_system dos USING (operating_system_id)
	LEFT OUTER JOIN asset_facts af USING (asset_id)
	LEFT OUTER JOIN vuln_info vi USING (asset_id)


Rapid7 Nexpose template-based report generator








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