This is a minimal stage3 snapshot of Funtoo Linux that is packaged into a Vagrant box file. Currently, only a VirtualBox version is provided. The repository has been forked from so full credit must be given as foobarlab has done the majority of the work here. My purpose is to customize the box to my own needs and use it as a clean environment for funtoo development. However, most customizations in that regard will be factored out into a separate ansible stage, so the box should still be useful to others.
- Latest Funtoo 1.4 stage3 tarball from using SystemRescueCD
- Architecture: x86-64bit, intel64-nehalem (compatible with most CPUs since 2008)
- 50 GB dynamic sized HDD image (ext4)
- Timezone:
- NAT Networking using DHCP (virtio)
- Vagrant user vagrant with password vagrant (can get superuser via sudo without password), additionally using the default SSH authorized keys provided by Vagrant (see
- Kernel 5.10 (debian-sources)
- (Optional, enabled by default) VirtualBox 6.1 Guest Additions
- Additionally installed software:
- sudo
- usermode-utilities, bridge-utils and nfs-utils for advanced networking
- acpid (enables graceful acpi shutdown for VirtualBox)
- zerofree (fills empty hdd space with zeros)
- eclean-kernel (cleanup kernel sources and stale files)
Get the latest build from Vagrant Cloud: foobarlab/funtoo-stage3 Link for this fork will be added soon!
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
- Run
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