Multithread base for beginners who are starting to code in C++ and are willing to learn the basics about threads and how threads work with your workloads
Simple as it can be, default console app template from Visual Studio. Difference is that now everything you run runs on separate threads and is appropriately split on your_amount_of_cpu_cores number of threads. Some gamehacking stuff is included in here for some really basic understanding on both external and internal game hacking.
- Simple interface with automated multithreading (with custom CPU affinity support)
- Memory library (attaching/detaching from a process, WPM/RPM and finding signatures externally)
- Threading library
- Injection of DLL files (loadlibrary and manualmap, shellcode injection included with only flaw being hardcoded shellcode)
- Logging system
- Overlay for drawing stuff (borderless/fullscreen windowed)
- Simple rendering functions to use with overlay (line, rect, filled rect)
- Some simplified function wrappers (mostly easy learning stuff for people like function pointers etc.)
- Addition of a simple driver communication method
- Simple driver source (no certificate so you will have to disable some stuff in Windows)
- Example on how these two things actually work
This was made for a school-like lessons. It's just a stripped base for basic threading operations and isn't made for any complex threading sorting of workloads etc. If you have time, you can modify it to your liking.