Creates an observing schedule for Apertif imaging or timing surveys.
The programs read in a list of possible pointings. It then calls the module atdbquery to query the ATDB for previously completed observations and removes them from the list of possible pointings. The program then generates an observing schedule alternating between calibrators and target pointings for a user specified length of time. The schedule is output as a csv file, and is also accompanied with a .png image which shows which fields have been selected (as well as those which were previously observed, or previously scheduled).
The code requires Basemap to make the plots which might take some extra work to install:
Python dependencies can be installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Fork to your own repository and do a git clone (nothing fancy).
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-p PREVIOUS_OBS] [-c] [-o OUTPUT] [-b] [-m MINS_PER_BEAM] [-s STARTTIME_UTC] [-l SCHEDULE_LENGTH] [-d SUN_DISTANCE] [-x] [-r] [-a] [-v]
Make observing schedule for the Apertif imaging surveys. Saves schedule in CSV file to be parsed by atdbspec. Outputs a png of the completed and scheduled pointings.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
Specify the input file of pointings to choose from (default: ./ancillary_data/apertif_6mos2.03oct19.txt).
-p PREVIOUS_OBS, --previous_obs PREVIOUS_OBS
Specify a file of previously scheduled pointings. (No default.)
-c, --copy_previous Copy file of previously scheduled pointings and append to it. (Default: False.)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify the root of output csv and png files. If file exists, append to it (default: imaging_temp.csv).
-b, --all_beam_calib Default behavior is 15 minutes on a calibrator in the central beam. If option is included, run 40 beam calibration.
-m MINS_PER_BEAM, --mins_per_beam MINS_PER_BEAM
Number of minutes for calibrator in 40b scan (default: 3.0).
The start time in ** UTC ** ! - format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' (default: '2019-07-01 08:00:00').
Number of days to schedule (can be float; default: 7.0).
-d SUN_DISTANCE, --sun_distance SUN_DISTANCE
Minimum allowed distance in decimal degrees to Sun (default: 45.0).
-x, --pol_cal_true Force program to start with a polarization calibrator rather than flux calibrator.
-r, --repeat_3ihv If option is included, Try to schedule the 3*IHV field once this time. Works until it's been observed to MDS depth.
-a, --check_atdb If option is included, *DO NOT* check ATDB for previous observations.
-v, --verbose If option is included, print updated UTC times after each scan.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-o OUTPUT] [-s STARTTIME_UTC] [-l SCHEDULE_LENGTH] [-a] [-p] [-d SUN_DISTANCE] [-m MIN_DEC]
Make observing schedule for the Apertif timing SC4. Saves schedule in CSV file to be parsed by atdbspec. Outputs a png of the completed and scheduled pointings.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
Specify the input file of pointings to choose from (default: ./ancillary_data/all_pointings.v5.29apr19.txt).
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify the suffix of output csv and png files (default: timing_sched_temp).csv.
The start time in ** UTC ** ! - format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' (default: '2019-03-11 08:00:00').
Number of days to schedule (can be float; default: 2.0).
-a, --check_atdb If option is included, *DO NOT* check ATDB for previous observations.
-p, --check_pulsars If option is included, check for visible pulsars for each pointing
-d SUN_DISTANCE, --sun_distance SUN_DISTANCE
Minimum allowed distance in decimal degrees to Sun (default: 30.0).
-m MIN_DEC, --min_dec MIN_DEC
Minimum declination in decimal degrees used for survey pointings (default: 10.0).
Modified versions of the original code were used as the Apertif imaging surveys progressed to prioritize different sky areas and their preferred calibrator strategies. These are now found in the scripts/
- Observe only medium-deep pointings in the H-ATLAS part of the sky. Alternate flux and pol cal each
- Observe only medium-deep pointings in the Perseus-Pisces part of the sky. Visit both flux and pol cal between every
- Prioritize very select fields at the very end of survey operations.
The program creates the following (samples below):
- a csv file formatted in the manner of an Apertif scheduling parameter file,
- a png file showing the previous and to-be-observed fields.
Run with -h to see the list of options. Recommended first time operation:
python3 -a -b -o test_run
If you have no way to connect to ATDB, always run with the -a option.
Noise diode was never commissioned, so always run with -b option to do 40 beam calibration.
One may wish to disable (comment out) Basemap for plotting in the scripts as it is difficult to install and not currently well maintained. An alternative can be found in scripts/footprint_check_new.ipynb
which uses the Kapteyn python package.
For imaging, the program selects the lowest Dec field available, however if the Sun is closer to a target field than a user specified amount, the program selects the highest Dec field available. At least in the beginning of the survey period, in most cases, this will give at least 20 more degrees separation. If the Sun is within the user specified distance of a calibrator, the program will print a WARNING, but it will still schedule the calibrator.
A Sun and Moon avoidance strategy has also been implemented for the timing surveys (moon is never above ~+23d). The minimum Sun distance can be set by the user. The Moon distance is 0.5 degrees. (This should be increased & hardcoded to the FoV of the tied array beams). At the moment, the program prints a warning if a pulsar calibrator is within the minimum Sun or Moon distance, but takes no other action.
For imaging, if the RA range of targets is so restricted that it takes more than 6 hours to wait for a target source to rise, then the output png plot includes the position of 3C147 and/or 3C138, however the schedule is still correct. It's just a funky plotting thing which can be ignored. This is rare and is only seen when the RA range in one part of the sky is less than a couple hours.
- apersched v1.0.0
- Released 13 August 2022
Kelley M. Hess, Helga Dénes, Leon Oostrum, and Betsey Adams
- Zenodo DOI:
- Hess et al (in prep) - Apertif survey description paper.
© 2022 Kelley M. Hess
This programme is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This programme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this programme. If not, see