For example, writing something like this in your document: ご{機嫌}(きげん)よ
will end up looking like "ご機嫌よ".
If you're on NPM that last line won't render correctly. What it should do for ruby tags is place the hiragana over the kanji, but for some reason NPM doesn't want this. If you need convincing that something has actually occured here is what the unrendered html output looks like ご<ruby>機嫌<rt>きげん</rt></ruby>よ.
The 'fat' brackets you type with your IME will work{本}(ほん) => 本 The 'skinny' ascii brackets work as well {本}(hon) => 本
It is important that you consistently use the same kind of bracket though. If you use a 'fat bracket' and close it with a 'skinny one' like so "( ) " the plugin will not work and you'll have a bad time.
You can enable a short single character syntax that's just 字(じ)
The character before the parenthesis must be a Kanji character. The same rules apply as before for the parens.
To enable single syntax pass {'single': true}
when you call .use
Curly bracket syntax is enabled by default and it works by enclosing the kanji in curly brackets and the ruby in parenthesis. Like so {漢字}(かんじ). (notice that I used ascii brackets consistently).
You may also disable the curly bracket syntax by passing in 'bracket': false
with your options to md.use
See remarkable for more documentation on initializing remarkable.
To try it on your own machine run npm install
then node example.js
To run tests use npm test
To run tests in your browser run npm run browser_test
then navigate to where the nice http-server tells you to in whichever browser and hopefully you'll see your browser pass all of the tests.
If you are impatient and would like to try it in your browser right now on runkit, then follow that url and copy and paste the code below into the site.
var remarkableFurigana = require("remarkable-furigana")
var remarkable = require("remarkable")
var md = new remarkable()
md.use(remarkableFurigana, {'single': true, 'bracket': true})