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How do I confirm accepting the write risk for an existing installation? #181

Answered by kodebach
KVS62 asked this question in Q&A
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If you're using the UI to configure the script, you should see a Checkbox with the text "I accept the risks"/"Ich akzeptiere das Risiko". When using YAML you need to add the additional parameter acknowledge_risk: true. Take a look at the snippet in #142 for an example.

That said, I believe there is a second error here your sensor power_solar_surplus doesn't always have a value. In your example it was unavailable. Depending on your use case you may be able to use {{ states("sensor.power_solar_surplus")|float(0) }} so 0 is used as the default value for unknown/unavailable. I suspect that 0 is the right default, but you might need a different value or may need to handle the case entirely sep…

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