Fast, unopinionated, minimalist API framework written solely in Bash.
The entry script looks this:
curdir="$(dirname "$0")"
source "$curdir/"
source "$curdir/controller/"
add_route "GET" /comic/[0-9]+$ "controller_comic_get"
add_route "GET" /comic "controller_comic_list"
add_route "POST" /comic "controller_comic_create"
add_route "PUT" /comic/[0-9]+$ "controller_comic_update"
add_route "DELETE" /comic/[0-9]+$ "controller_comic_delete"
add_404_route "default_404"
- Efficient routing
- Easily built controllers and models
- Powerful input validation system
- Only one dependency; jq
- Decent test coverage
- Out of the box MySQL support
The framework itself is just a few bash scripts. You can easily tie it into a webserver using fastcgi.
There is one dependency: jq. So we just install it and get Bash-end from the repo. Like so:
$ git clone
$ apt install jq
If you want to use mysql, you also need mysql-client:
$ apt install mysql-client
Then rename the config.example.yaml
in the conf
directory to config.yaml
and update your MySQL connection information.
You can run the whole thing with nginx and fcgiwrap, or whichever other flavors you prefer.
Read more about setting up Bash-end
lib/ is the database connection handler. As input it accepts a query, and it returns json as output. There's a config.yaml file in the conf folder that contains your db connection info. An example file:
db_host: localhost # host for the database
db_name: testdb # database name
db_username: supersecret # username for the database
db_password: alsosecretbutpredictable # password for the database
basedir: bash-end # if the API is under a basedir, list it here
You can query like this:
$curdir/lib/ selectAll "
limit 10
You can also run it with Docker:
$ git clone
$ docker build -t bash-end .
$ docker run --name=bash-end-container -d -p 6969:6969 bash-end
You can now view the API at: http://localhost:6969.
The Bash-end© Philosophy™ extends to all software. Why choose for big complex projects with hundreds of modules, where simple bash scripts more than suffice?
That's just silly.
Replace your ridiculously huge API framework with two or three bash scripts. Do it. Do it now.
Bash-end is simple to use and unopinionated, with a bunch of tools you can use to make your life easier. Or not. It's Bash, so extend it with whatever you want. Sky is the limit! But not even that. Let's get Bash to run on fucking Mars.
The best example is the API built for the webcomic Consolia. That example is currently in the repo itself. The controller and model, as well as the routing in, are doing CRUD for comics in MySQL.
Feel free to contribute! Ping me or send a pull request and let's go.
Bash-end is under the MIT license, but without me shipping the copyright text with the project. That's too much effort.